How deadly is the coronavirus? The true fatality rate is tricky to find, but researchers are getting closer
Posted by Doug_Huffman 4 years, 7 months ago to Science
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We are two researchers who take a mathematical approach to solving epidemiological and biomedical problems. Back in early March, we published a paper showing that millions more people had been infected with COVID-19 than official case counts reflected. But when we tried to use our results to calculate IFR in the U.S., we encountered firsthand just how difficult it is to do.
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We are two researchers who take a mathematical approach to solving epidemiological and biomedical problems. Back in early March, we published a paper showing that millions more people had been infected with COVID-19 than official case counts reflected. But when we tried to use our results to calculate IFR in the U.S., we encountered firsthand just how difficult it is to do.
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- 1Posted by BCRinFremont 4 years, 7 months agoI mentioned elsewhere that the only statistic that has much comparative meaning at present is “real” Covid deaths per total population. It will take years, if ever, to figure out mortality and morbidity rates per infected population. Figuring out these stats will generate more than one PhD thesis.Mark as read | Best of... | Permalink|
- 1Posted by $ 25n56il4 4 years, 7 months agoOkay. Texas has 33 million people and less than one percent have died. Probably at this same period of time less than one percent died of something else. I value human life but these numbers bore me.Mark as read | Best of... | Permalink|