Book recommendation: *Gemeinschaft und Gesellschaft* by Ferdinand Tönnies 1887
Posted by Doug_Huffman 4 years, 8 months ago to Books
Is Galt’s Gulch Gemeinschaft oder Gesellschaft? As translated by editor Jose Harris, a Community and [or a] Civil Society?
Shortly after I arrived here at my Galt’s Gulch I first read this insightful book in English. I promised Milady Wife that I would not enter local politics for some many years. Within two years I was asked to run for Supervisor and was elected with the largest majority seen. At the end of my term of two years I was defeated by a similar majority. The principal principle word of a conservative is NO! That didn’t sit well.
It is a good insightful book.
Shortly after I arrived here at my Galt’s Gulch I first read this insightful book in English. I promised Milady Wife that I would not enter local politics for some many years. Within two years I was asked to run for Supervisor and was elected with the largest majority seen. At the end of my term of two years I was defeated by a similar majority. The principal principle word of a conservative is NO! That didn’t sit well.
It is a good insightful book.