The Four Year Plan for Dismantling the Administrative State
Posted by Doug_Huffman 4 years, 7 months ago to Politics
A New Right Grounded in Insurgency Thinking
Conservatism, Inc. has been weighed in the balance and found wanting. To continue investing in it despite its dismal record is the very definition of insanity.
An op-ed with a plan of attack!
Conservatism, Inc. has been weighed in the balance and found wanting. To continue investing in it despite its dismal record is the very definition of insanity.
An op-ed with a plan of attack!
The Marxists in America and Islamists throughout the world have successfully used the splinter group model to both confuse and force their enemies into a state of desperation by giving the appearance of larger numbers and power than they actually have. Maybe it is time for us to get off of our high horses and adapt Alinsky’s tactics, the first of which is “Power is not only what you have but what the enemy thinks you have.”