Sin City II A Dame to Die For
Posted by Itheliving 10 years, 6 months ago to Movies
Sin City II: A Dame to Die For / Rated R for every single possible reason to rate a movie R. Not for children.
Box office results show SCIIADTDF is dead. The opening weekend box office results were a little below the last Little Lulu cartoon to hit the big screen. This despite a cast including Mickey Rourke, Bruce Willis, Jessica Alba, Josh Brolin, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Rosario Dawson, Eva Green, Powers Boothe, Dennis Haysbert, Ray Liotta, Shari Lewis and Lambchops. Actually the last two are not in the film but, yes, each and every one of the others are. And they don’t work cheap. With the BO results somebody is going to pay up big time. And it won’t be the audiences.
I admit this type of film is not everybody’s cup of tea. But if you enjoy Film Noir at its best as well as extreme violence, torture, nudity, sex, and bad language you might find this film is exactly the tea you’ve been looking for. Like Sin City (2005) this film is projected in a kind of black and white tabloid look. It has touches of color but why is hard to figure out. The story takes place in the fiction town of Easin and the road sign has the Ea obliterated so we end up with the leftover letters as the title location. It is based on a violent graphic novel and much of the film appears to be animated. The rest is just reprocessed footage using real actors (see above) to make the film even more horrific than it really is.
The characters are combination super men and women who may or may not be susceptible to violent death depending on their importance to the story line. Like film number one, there are numerous episodic themes running simultaneous with various new characters and a few “old hands” who appear here and there throughout the narrative. Living in Sin City is not easy since everybody is basically evil although a few want to be good people and cut down their victims to no more than 10 per day. Returning from part one are the girls of the inner city who are all experts in death and never worry about anything more than how and when to start killing again. Other characters return from part one to explain the characters actions in part two. It is not always clear in any case. What is clear is that there is a level of violence and depravity that stretches the limits.
Sin City I and II both look fantastic. If it wasn’t for the never ending brutality and violence they would actually be considered as art. Unfortunately, the art is usually overwhelmed by the blood flying around following decapitations and any other bodily extensions that stand in the way of certain on-screen characters. There is also lots of smoking and drinking. None of it seems to calm anyone down. And no matter what you think of what I had to say, I have to be honest. I liked this movie. Not as much as Abraham Lincoln Vampire Killer but a lot.
Rated 2.8 out of 4.0 reasons Box Office results say. No Sin City III. Sorry.
Box office results show SCIIADTDF is dead. The opening weekend box office results were a little below the last Little Lulu cartoon to hit the big screen. This despite a cast including Mickey Rourke, Bruce Willis, Jessica Alba, Josh Brolin, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Rosario Dawson, Eva Green, Powers Boothe, Dennis Haysbert, Ray Liotta, Shari Lewis and Lambchops. Actually the last two are not in the film but, yes, each and every one of the others are. And they don’t work cheap. With the BO results somebody is going to pay up big time. And it won’t be the audiences.
I admit this type of film is not everybody’s cup of tea. But if you enjoy Film Noir at its best as well as extreme violence, torture, nudity, sex, and bad language you might find this film is exactly the tea you’ve been looking for. Like Sin City (2005) this film is projected in a kind of black and white tabloid look. It has touches of color but why is hard to figure out. The story takes place in the fiction town of Easin and the road sign has the Ea obliterated so we end up with the leftover letters as the title location. It is based on a violent graphic novel and much of the film appears to be animated. The rest is just reprocessed footage using real actors (see above) to make the film even more horrific than it really is.
The characters are combination super men and women who may or may not be susceptible to violent death depending on their importance to the story line. Like film number one, there are numerous episodic themes running simultaneous with various new characters and a few “old hands” who appear here and there throughout the narrative. Living in Sin City is not easy since everybody is basically evil although a few want to be good people and cut down their victims to no more than 10 per day. Returning from part one are the girls of the inner city who are all experts in death and never worry about anything more than how and when to start killing again. Other characters return from part one to explain the characters actions in part two. It is not always clear in any case. What is clear is that there is a level of violence and depravity that stretches the limits.
Sin City I and II both look fantastic. If it wasn’t for the never ending brutality and violence they would actually be considered as art. Unfortunately, the art is usually overwhelmed by the blood flying around following decapitations and any other bodily extensions that stand in the way of certain on-screen characters. There is also lots of smoking and drinking. None of it seems to calm anyone down. And no matter what you think of what I had to say, I have to be honest. I liked this movie. Not as much as Abraham Lincoln Vampire Killer but a lot.
Rated 2.8 out of 4.0 reasons Box Office results say. No Sin City III. Sorry.