Texas doctor has silver bullet for coronavirus

Posted by Casebier 4 years, 8 months ago to Science
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Highly credentialed Midland, Texas doctor says he's cured his patients of Covid-19 and hasn't lost a single patient, says it's the same used with remarkable success in Asia. Says using nebulized Budesonide stops the inflamation that causes the cytokine storm that kills people.
SOURCE URL: https://youtu.be/eDSDdwN2Xcg

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  • Posted by $ Abaco 4 years, 8 months ago
    "Scientific fact by definition is observable and reproducible..."

    When I said something like that to the NIH years ago I wasn't sure I was gong to get home alive...haha....

    Get ready for the forced vaccine everybody...
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    • Posted by dnr 4 years, 8 months ago
      There is no such thing as a "scientific fact." Science has theorems and these theorems, e.g., gravity, atoms, evolution, are substantiated and reinforced over the years by experiments, observations. mathematics, etc. Never, however, is a theorem "proved." It is not the way science is defined. You can "prove" something in math, but that is a very specific procedure in mathematics. Best to say substantiated theorem, etc., but never "proved."
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  • Posted by anastunya 4 years, 8 months ago
    As a pediatrician who has treated many asthmatics who are sickened by the CV cousin, “the common cold,” I can assert that inhaled steroids do optimally work in the first three to five days. Using the nebulizer equipment would work better than the steroid inhaler, but if the patient is short on cash, the small inhaler with a spacer, (which readers here might call a bong) could also be life saving. I’m sure steroids are used in the ICU, but like in all cases of inflammatory reactive lung disease, keeping the patient from getting sick enough to go into the hospital is preferred. Whist in pediatrics, CV hospitalizations are often caused by noncompliance by adult caregiver with the preventative regimen, with this COVID19 we see the government and doctors blindly or fearfully following government killing most of the adults. If our Nation survives the 2020 election, volumes will be written about why government medicine kills people.
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    • Posted by $ Abaco 4 years, 8 months ago
      I hope so. But, I doubt we'll ever get the "why" part of the story.

      I can't really divulge much. But, I work in healthcare as an engineer. I've been in meetings w. government officials where...uh, let's say dangerous things were requested of those government officials and I was the only dissenting voice in the room.
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      • Posted by anastunya 4 years, 8 months ago
        Stay safe! There are extra protections for REAL government whistleblowers since 2017, BTW. However, some of the IGs are corrupt. 8 kun, formerly 8 chan, is a safe place to drop anonymously. Some still drop on 4 chan/pol, which has a larger audience.
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    • Posted by term2 4 years, 8 months ago
      Government should admit that in spite of claiming to be the savior of the people, it has destroyed the economy in the US, while still having over 130,000 people straight up die here. Thats not very good performance. Maybe its time for the government to get out of ht promising and not delivering business. This was an individual responsibility issue, and should have been left there.
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 4 years, 8 months ago
    I'm curious if this clip stays available on the internet. Very interesting!...
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    • Posted by $ Commander 4 years, 8 months ago
      Also, if the Doc's employment is tenuous. The administrative denial posted after the interview raises my hackles. Gharness's post just below shows a second physician in Tx with reference to a third...basically doing similar. I hope this backfires on the mis-information brokers.
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  • Posted by $ Commander 4 years, 8 months ago
    I had trouble with the clipped URL you posted in order that I may vet the source more closely. I'll add the full episode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gH-o_...

    What a great find. Dr Bartlett's insights, medically and politically, are of great value. I lived in and around Lubbock, Tx in the mid to late 80's. This video reminds me of the pragmatic approach to problems that I experienced within this area at the time.
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  • Posted by $ gharkness 4 years, 8 months ago
    So, I haven't read all the comments yet - but I will. I was surprised, though....the "Texas doctor" made me think it was the SAME Texas doctor I had heard about recently....but it's not.

    You might want to look at this guy. Facebook keeps banning his video so it HAS to be good, right? Seriously, he does have something to say. Posting this without knowing exactly what the other video says, but it's definitely not the same Texas doctor:

    adding: since I am not a doctor, I can't properly evaluate his statements, but I figure several of you here can!
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  • Posted by $ pixelate 4 years, 8 months ago
    Lots of talk regarding the C19 vaccine coming down the road. How are you going to take it -- or resist? I ask my friends with children -- what is your plan for that moment when you get a call from your child in school who is about to get the shot? Better be prepared. I will not respond very well to the vaccine. It might be my tipping point. Single, never married, no children, retired with resources, no liabilities and looking to leave a legacy. This is going to get interesting.
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    • Posted by term2 4 years, 8 months ago
      I think it should be an individual responsibility issue. If you want it, take it. If you want to protect yourself some other way, do that. But leave the economy alone.
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    • Posted by Lucky 4 years, 8 months ago
      How about a separate thread on vaccines?
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      • Posted by 4 years, 8 months ago
        I think big pharma is dying to find a vaccine that will protect you for one season, or year, like a flu shot. I keep seeing pronouncements from the vaccine promoters that they aren't seeing those who have become immune from having the virus retaining their immunity for more than a few months. Further, I keep hearing higher and higher numbers of mutations for the virus so don't know how effective a vaccine will be unless it can somehow be modified to keep up with the mutations. I'm far more interested in finding effective treatments that protect and relieve symptoms of an infected patient while he develops his own immunity to whatever strain of the virus he has.
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  • Posted by 4 years, 8 months ago
    Here’s the rest of the story: My medical experience beyond that of seeking knowledge to protect myself and my family was 13 months as an ER corpsman at a MUST field surgical hospital in Vietnam. Despite a lifetime of recurrent asthma, I was drafted out of my pre-med studies. My exposure to the carnage I witnessed in Vietnam essentially caused me to “burn-out” of wanting to be a doctor and having further responsibility for sustaining another person’s life. I now have COPD resulting from chronic bronchitis that is kept in check, i.e. non-progressive and only a problem when I have a cold or seasonal of hay fever, by taking daily inhaled medication – in my case Symbicort. My colds ALWAYS begin with a sore throat which then usually migrates to my sinuses and then down into my chest. One evening a couple weeks before the link to this video was forwarded to me, I began feeling achy and feverish with no sore throat, which today is terrifying for someone my age, especially who has compromising conditions. I took my temperature and sure enough it as 100°F. Although it was earlier than I normally hit the sack, I decided to go ahead and take my evening dose of Symbicort plus some aspirin and get to bed. But instead of the standard 2 puffs, I took 3, holding each in for 30 sec. and spacing them a minute apart. I did this thinking that being doctors are saying that Covid-19 kills with lung inflammation, maybe the Symbicort would help. I woke up 4 hours later still feeling crappy, retook my temperature which had declined to 99.6°, took 3 more aspirin, drank a lot of water and 2 more Symbicort puffs and went back to bed. I woke up again 2 hours later drenched in sweat, changed my nightclothes, retook my temperature and found it had returned to my normal of 98.4°, went back to bed and slept for another 4 hours for a total of 10 hours sleep. Completely back to normal, I resumed my prescribed dosages of Symbicort – 2 puffs morning and again in the evening, and haven’t had a symptom since. A week later a friend emailed the link to the amazing video that I’ve now shared with you. I now believe I’ve had Covid-19, but with inhaled treatment of Budesonide, the primary ingredient of Symbicort, I became asymptomatic. While I’d like to be able to verify this, I now find I can’t get tested because I don’t have any symptoms!
    I’ve shared this with you because I’m a Christian, believe in guardian angels and believe mine led me to do what I did, the same as it protected me from serious harm in Vietnam and led me to my wife of 50 years this September. God is the power of creation, is eternal, is in all that exists and can be called upon when threatened by God’s opposite, the power of destruction. Wishing you all good health and happiness, Casebier
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    • Posted by Lucky 4 years, 8 months ago
      Casebier- thanks for the story, it is good to get proper descriptions of events.
      When looking up Invermectin, I came across favorable references to Budesonide/steroids/inhalers. There are more, for most, results are favorable but sample sizes are small. It is one of those tragedies that there are so few reports and proper trials when the dangers are serious and the costs of trials not enormous (?) Is this the way capitalism works, by only putting money into trials of big pharma owned products? Or is it cronyism, or is it major impediments placed by over-regulations?

      A comment on your stated motivation, I am here because of Atlas Shrugged, the book and the movie, Ayn Rand, her philosophy of Objectivism and all that.
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      • Posted by 4 years, 8 months ago
        I'm here for much the same reason. My stated motivation was not regarding being on the site, but in sharing the personal experience which I ordinarily wouldn't do, and haven't in any of my other postings. But in this case I felt motivated to do so because I believe in a higher power in the universe that directed me to take the actions that I did, and motivates me and others to share information that protects them as well.
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    • Posted by anastunya 4 years, 8 months ago
      Great that you were saved, but probably also that medical corpsmen aren’t afraid to go out side of the “cookbook” to save a life. I think I also had the CV in March after attending the Trump rally in Vegas. I did my usual od of Flonase then my expired steroid inhaler and recovered. I have HCQ in the fridge just in case and take zinc and tonic water daily. The latter also helps my fibromyalgia.,
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  • Posted by SheelaVegas 4 years, 8 months ago
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    • Posted by $ pixelate 4 years, 8 months ago
      Thank you for that. This doctor has a treatment that has consistently had beneficial results. Thousands and thousands of tests are not necessary (as asserted by his critic). Until a failure is encountered in the application of the treatment, I say Full steam ahead. I also suspect that there is envy in the medical community with respect to those doctors that are effectively improving the lives of their patients.
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      • Posted by 4 years, 8 months ago
        The medical community is relentlessly embedded with the belief that while there may be many treatments for a malady, there is but ONE "gold standard" for each, and to deviate from that standard, except only when faced with a patient's imminent death, is to place the physician at risk of both financial ruin from litigation and profession ending censure. I agree that there is envy, but it is that those doctors have the courage to take those risks in order to help their patients.
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