
I am leaving Galt Gulch

Posted by $ FredTheViking 4 years, 3 months ago to Politics
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I have had enough! I feel so mad that Galt Gulch has turned into a sounding board for the Trump Campaign. I cannot in good conscience support an online forum that is used to spread misinformation about what is happening in America right now. The US is on the edge of collapse and should it come to past. It will be Trump who is blamed because of his incompetent COVID-19 response.

Even if the US come out of the current crisis as anything but a third world country will completely remarkable. Trump is no objectivist. He is in fact an "Orren Boyle". Trump is one of the worst offenders when comes to government corruption and always has been, but yet he is our president. Worse still, there posters who post shit that come from dubious source, promoting Trump and if you would believe it actually doing a good job in spite of the fact, the US faces the biggest economic crisis in its history and faced the worst outbreak since the Spanish flu. Trump can do no wrong on this website. I have had enough. No more of my money will go down this wannabe objectivist forum.

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