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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 4 years, 7 months ago
    One red flag: the editor of Rolling Stone is calling the new left a crazed mob. Liberals have always feared a theocracy, but they never expected it from within. Post-modernism has all the trappings of a secular religious dogma, as feverish and malicious as the Inquisition. The violence and even lethal actions of the Antifa instigators is shedding a new light on what feverish post-modernism hath rought. The question is whether or not enough will start to wake up and participate in a new age of enlightenment.

    The outcome of this next election will tell the tale. All of the same polls that predicted a Hillary landslide in 2016 are giving Biden a few point lead, often within the margin of error, and one new poll, done as statistically accurate as possible, with an accurate spread of 5,000 likely voters, indicates a Trump landslide of Reaganesque proportions. If the latter is true, then there is hope for a revolt against post-modernism as the last dying gasp of pseudo-Marxist dogma. What's most hopeful is the desire for rational discourse coming from younger voters, who don't want their world to be one of turmoil and terror on the streets.
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    • Posted by preimert1 4 years, 7 months ago
      I think you're right, Doc. It worked once--ought to work again. What feosts my cookie is that CA, which is actually more purple than blue, awards all its Electoral College votes to the the majoity so its dominated to large urban populations along the coast ignoring the conservative inner counties.
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  • Posted by $ blarman 4 years, 7 months ago
    Great article!

    "The dogma that society must be viewed, always, as a struggle between oppressors and the oppressed, with the oppressors white men and the oppressed other races, women, ethnic groups, and those on lower socio-economic levels."

    And what's hilarious is that the very thing they pretend to oppose is precisely the society they want to impose - with themselves as the elites of course.

    "The dogma that a society’s dominant, ruling philosophical-political ideologies (except for postmodernism?), ideals, and principles merely rationalize oppression in that society. Every work of philosophy and fiction must be “deconstructed” to expose its true agenda of rationalization."

    There is no better example of this than Common Core Mathematics, where students are taught that the answer isn't as important as the 47-step process used to calculate 2 + 2 = 4.

    "The dogma that it is misguided to demand that arguments relate to reality, be objective, apply a consistent (not relative) standard, and be color-blind. All those are values and standards derived from the European Enlightenment and Age of Reason. All, insist postmodernists, have been shown to be illusions."

    Which is hilarious given that post-modernists live in a fantasy world of rainbows and unicorns aka the socialist utopia. They are the blind trying to tell those who see that they, too, are actually blind.

    "The dogma that the artistic, literary, and other cultural traditions of America and Europe (“Western Civilization”) are mere affirmations of the existing power structure and preferences of generations of white men and that the “canon” is defended not for any inherent quality but as a bulwark of white male privilege."

    Which is only a thinly-veiled attempt at thought-control and indoctrination into a single opinion. In reality, art is highly subjective and should never be used as an indication of anything more than tastes and trends in society.

    "To fight oppression, it is necessary to valorize artists and thinkers of other races, women, and different “genders”—judging them entirely by their own standards. To judge them according to the canon of Western Civilization is oppression."

    This is nothing more than intersectionality, where "value" is a product of the number of preferred status boxes the "artist" can check off rather than being left to the individual to determine for themselves. It is nothing more than elitist tyranny.
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    • Posted by DrZarkov99 4 years, 7 months ago
      "To fight oppression, it is necessary to valorize artists and thinkers of other races, women, and different “genders”—judging them entirely by their own standards. To judge them according to the canon of Western Civilization is oppression."

      Thus we get such great works as piss Christ and elephant poop Madonna.
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  • Posted by j_IR1776wg 4 years, 7 months ago
    "But what do we mean by the American Revolution? Do we mean the American war? The Revolution was effected before the war commenced. The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people; a change in their religious sentiments, of their duties and obligations ... This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people was the real American Revolution." John Adams

    “... Can America Be Saved from Postmodernism?”

    I’m betting no. After 140 years of relentless Marxism, Socialism, and Communism coupled with John Dewey’s My Pedagogic Creed in education, there are not enough people who value Individual Rights, Limited Government, and Laissez Faire Capitalism to turn the tide against postmodernism. The spirit in which Aristotle, Locke, Jefferson, Rand, et alia operated, its reason and logic, is suffering death by ignorance.

    I’m guessing the 2024 presidential election will be the last under America’s current system.
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  • Posted by Owlsrayne 4 years, 7 months ago
    As I posted as a comment on a post by OldUglyCarl that the current turmoil if it plays out in the long term will be the Neo-Bolsheviks against the Citizens of the Republic. the Neo-Bolsheviks are Antifa and BLM. Carnage could result from such a clash. The Neo-Bolsheviks will arm themselves with mostly stolen firearms with the Citizens will have law abiding gun owners for the most part. The police will be rendered powerless and the military will be the only option. the situation will be made worse if there is a Dim for president who try to send the military against the Citizens which could lead to the military refusal to take action. My concern that we will be in an Atlas Shrugged breakdown of society maybe we are already there.
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  • Posted by Witt84z 4 years, 7 months ago
    America can't be saved long term. There are 3 generations that have been brainwashed by universities ranging in age from 40 to 18. Even if Trump wins again after another decade the post modern mob will win.
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    • Posted by UncleAlbert 4 years, 7 months ago
      Jeez-O-Pete, I hope you are wrong but I know in my gut that the three generations comment has a ton of validity. I raised my sons (now mid-30s) to be able to see through this present bullshit and vote appropriately in the next election in November. Neither one of them is buying it, thank the Good Lord for small favors.
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