How The Obama Administration Weaponized Surveillance Laws To Target Trump
What's the penalty for Treason?
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- 5Posted by freedomforall 4 years, 9 months agoImpalement on the national mall. 👍Mark as read | Best of... | Permalink|
- 3Posted by $ allosaur 4 years, 9 months agoFor their attack on liberty give them death.Mark as read | Best of... | Permalink|
- 3Posted by $ Your_Name_Goes_Here 4 years, 9 months agoAmen. An example needs to be made of these traitors so as to make others think before trying similar tactics in the future.Mark as read | Parent | Best of... | Permalink|
- 2Posted by Orwellian 4 years, 9 months agoLets change the laws to require MANDATORY JAIL TIME. Violation of public trust and lying to congress and the public. Intentional breaking of the laws while in public office. Lets bring integrity back to the public office holders under pain of JAIL.Mark as read | Best of... | Permalink|