The article sounds somewhat like how one famous youth schooling program indoctrinated their duty bound children to instill fighting faith in the Führer, who, they were taught, despite resistance from those other classes, had preformed so many great and heroic deeds for the greater good of the Fatherland. That did not end up well in the longer term.
GOOD catch, Solver! I read that mess and thought the same thing - that the Gauleiter of Kalifornicate was paying homage to his Führer...
I am not impressed by the direction of either of the 2 larger politikalparties, but the Dems seem to really be grasping the principles and policies of that other Socialist Workers Party from 1920's-40's Germany, with (intense and vibrant) shades of the one in Russia that came in the 1900's-1920's (and beyond).
You can Marx my words on that! (and I'm not talkin' Groucho, Harpo, Zeppo, Chico, and Gummo, either!)
hah..I went on a sperm tirade and then realized I wasn't even on the donor post. And the donor poster disappeared never to return. I still wonder where he is and if he lurks. HI WWJGD! I miss you singing gulag songs. :(
That post was in fire! And hilarious! Oh the debates it stirred We need to go retro one of these days... "favorite line of the day" needs a come back too. The fun level in here has dwindled....
I can't help but think of teachers in North Korea indoctrinating their students about how wonderful their leader is. What USA libtards think is just ginger peachy. Um, um, um--
Yeah. There is a lot of lost ground that needs to be recovered after Obama to get us back to the baseline of freedom that we used to have. And then we have to start all over again trying to work 'upward' to greater liberty from there. Obama in the White House has been a case of 'take two giant steps backward' for the US.
Ask my students what word is synonymous with the word Politician and the quick reply will be "reprobate" and the Pres is a politician. Always happy to be an equal opportunity offender, so if that were to fly in my state I would ask it be up to the elementary teachers so the HS can unteach them and introduce a little reality.
As a High School teacher I guess I could take my class into the bathroom and flush some cash down the toilet and maybe a copy of the Constitution as well.
One more rather clever step toward the deification of the worst president America has ever had. Two other presidents almost achieve the horror that is the Obama presidency, and they are FDR and Carter. Carter is pretty self-evident, but FDR's deification as a god among presidents almost achieves the same heights of outrageous that this California bill proposes.
maybe mass. should have had a bill for jfk being the first catholic president. is it any wonder why California is call the land of the nuts. I wonder why so many other people live there. you can decide who the other people are that I am referencing.
We should have a program for Condi Rice for being the first Black Female Secretary of State... At least she was a woman worthy of honor.
Then again... she is a businesswoman, has common sense and a brain, and put 110% into her job (and not an easy one at that)... plus her ideology doesn't follow Herrs Marx, Engles, et al... add she's also pro-constitution (and pro 2nd amendment)... NOT the values Gauleiter Moonbeam wants to instill in his future socialist state occupants...
Yah, but you gotta admit that Obama at least woke up about half the population as to how bad things can get, how corrupt the government is, how a dictatorship operates, and how fragile our freedom really is, how an administration can totally trash our Constitution, etc. Those are the things that should be taught, and that will be his legacy, unless of course they flip it over as they seem to be expert in doing.
shit, Neal -- he was reelected! this nation is really in trouble. the "loyal opposition" is too intimidated to oppose, and the voters are too wowed by BHO's black half to buy a RINO. we'll see, in november, if they have awakened. I do hope so. -- j
If they want to reduce American political science to the term of one President, they should roll a few dice (or equivalent) and study THAT president. Chances are that a number of students today cannot name every U.S. President, And the more obscure figures just might provide an interesting lesson, namely, that becoming President does not automatically make one great. Actions and deeds, not titles, make for greatness.
There must be something that can be learned from Millard Fillmore, John Tyler, and (insert name of your choice).
...Rutherford Hayes. He got the damyankee army out of the (sadly, former) Confederate States of America... broke the strike of the railroad unions (not unlike Reagan did with the PATCO strike a century later)... Was so insistent the US stayed on the gold standard he vetoed putting silver into circulation to keep us strong... and KEPT HIS PROMISE not to run for a second term.
I was surprised at the people who couldn't name George Washington.
My favorite George Washington quote: Government is like a fire. Useful in the fireplace, But when it gets out of it's place It will consume everything you own.
Indeed. Thomas Jefferson had volumes to say about the Constitution as well (to which the politically correct will respond "yeah, but he owned slaves and slept with Sally Hemmings").
A THOROUGH reading and discussion of the Constitution would be far more educational than any study of a single President. This country was not created to be what it is today.
I will be wearing a t-shirt with a Jefferson quote as I give a 2 handed 1 finger salute walking through the tsa scanner: "I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery."
The TSA would be more than worthy of study in a Civics course. A fine example of government in action, here is a huge, well-supplied law enforcement agency which has been in existence for more than a decade....and to my knowledge has yet to catch any actual terrorists or provide any security.
Meanwhile, they have inconvenienced every American who travels far more than any terrorist organization could if it deliberately set out to do so. While every taxpayer foots the bill.
There was indeed. I don't know if it is still presented, but a "Millard Fillmore Medal Of Mediocrity" used to be symbolically awarded every year in several categories, most of the political I think.
I don't know, but this New world Socialist Dogma Assimilation Program (read NSDAP) is giving me something between the Turkey Trot and the Cookie Toss... so Goose-Shi... er... Stepping can't be far behind...
Actually, take a trip to your local elementary school - instead of the ususal kids being kids, they are all lined up like drones, no noises, no playing, no running - just marching from class to the cafeteria or the gym. Reminds of the school children sausage machine in Pink Floyd's "The Wall."
This isn't the first time. How about the music teacher who taught her students, in the Burlington Township (New Jersey) schools, to sing a paean to Obama?
So by law California will teach that the obama presidency = Fraud, Lies, pure darkness, and Tryanny, the most acts of treason commited by an elected official in USA history... ? oh yeah, they will teach that he like hitler, mao, stalin were Gods...
Not even one!
That did not end up well in the longer term.
I am not impressed by the direction of either of the 2 larger politikalparties, but the Dems seem to really be grasping the principles and policies of that other Socialist Workers Party from 1920's-40's Germany, with (intense and vibrant) shades of the one in Russia that came in the 1900's-1920's (and beyond).
You can Marx my words on that! (and I'm not talkin' Groucho, Harpo, Zeppo, Chico, and Gummo, either!)
Comrade citizens, wasn't them thar kommie kids oh so cute? Excuse me while I toss my cookies all over my Jurassic Park paddock.
Have fun!
Democratic Peoples Republic of CAlifornia
is it any wonder why California is call the land of the nuts. I wonder why so many other people live there. you can decide who the other people are that I am referencing.
Then again... she is a businesswoman, has common sense and a brain, and put 110% into her job (and not an easy one at that)... plus her ideology doesn't follow Herrs Marx, Engles, et al... add she's also pro-constitution (and pro 2nd amendment)... NOT the values Gauleiter Moonbeam wants to instill in his future socialist state occupants...
in trouble. the "loyal opposition" is too intimidated
to oppose, and the voters are too wowed by BHO's
black half to buy a RINO. we'll see, in november,
if they have awakened. I do hope so. -- j
There must be something that can be learned from Millard Fillmore, John Tyler, and (insert name of your choice).
HE was a president that "made a difference"...
My favorite George Washington quote:
Government is like a fire.
Useful in the fireplace,
But when it gets out of it's place
It will consume everything you own.
A THOROUGH reading and discussion of the Constitution would be far more educational than any study of a single President. This country was not created to be what it is today.
Meanwhile, they have inconvenienced every American who travels far more than any terrorist organization could if it deliberately set out to do so. While every taxpayer foots the bill.
will become the new bottom. -- j
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