A Silver Lining, by Robert Gore at Straight Line Logic
Fighting for one’s freedom and all that flows from it is selfish, profoundly so. If you don’t fight for that which is yours—the individual rights that are the essential condition of your existence—who’s going to do it for you? Anthony Fauci? Bill Gates? Nancy Pelosi? President Trump? Joe Biden? George Soros? Jerome Powell? Adam Schiff? Mark Zuckerberg? Eric Schmidt? Santa Claus? The Tooth Fairy? When was the last time you even heard the term “individual rights” in polite, mainstream discourse? When individual rights are mentioned at all, they’re treated as a quaint anachronism.
This is an excerpt. For the complete article please click the above link.
This is an excerpt. For the complete article please click the above link.
Its about time you receive wider distribution.
If I'm ever questioned by law enforcement for not following a rule, there is one question I shall be asking. I will ask, " out of curiosity, I need to know if you are prepared to kill people to enforce these rules"? My hope with the question will be to get them thinking of where these rules and tactics are headed. I'm afraid we are on this path until they start shooting people in the street. Then and only then, will there be a chance that people start to push back.
Do you think we have a chance?
Democracies fail when they become too democratic where anything goes, but democracies also fail when they become UNdemocratic where nothing goes.
An Evil system it is, indeed.