
Posted by $ number6 4 years, 9 months ago to Government
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Just was thinking, how many "Gulchers" are wearing masks?It si well known that masks do little to keep the wearer from being infected and are primarily beneficial to protect others in case the "wearer" is infecctious?

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  • Posted by $ rockymountainpirate 4 years, 9 months ago
    I do not wear a mask. I had to yesterday to get an xray of my toe that I jammed badly (I was in a boot for 3 months, got it off Thursday, mashed it on Monday). I didn't wear it correctly and they didn't push me on it. I won't shop at a store that forces me to wear one either. I have a choice where I spend my dollars.

    The other day I went to my local small grocery store and a couple came in wearing their fancy N95 masks. When I was in the produce department (which is fully stocked, but the junk processed stuff is in low supply), the lady was parked with her cart on one side of the aisle while her husband was fondling bananas on the other side. I stepped in front of her parked cart to get what I wanted and she yelled "6 feet". I growled at her, but didn't say "are your going to bleach those bananas when you get home" like I wanted to. Keep in mind, this state has had few cases, my county on 5 and no deaths.

    I swear by my life and my love of it that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine.
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  • Posted by $ Snezzy 4 years, 9 months ago
    We were out shopping yesterday. Most people were not wearing masks except for some store employees, presumably company policy. We noticed masks over the mouth but not the nose, masks under the chin, and non-mask masks (looks like a mask but obviously leaks all around).

    I'm waiting to see this scenario:
    - "You have to wear a mask."
    --- Puts on bright red TRUMP 2020 mask.
    - "Take off that mask!"
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    • Posted by term2 4 years, 9 months ago
      I wont wear a mask one just to satisfy some bureaucrat. I am old enough to make my own health decisions and pay the price or enjoy the benefits

      I will still vote for Trump, but I think he got hoodwinked into shutting down a perfectly good economy by deep stater democrats. It will probably cost him the election.
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  • Posted by $ 4 years, 9 months ago
    The reason I asked was the quote : “I swear by my life and my love of it that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine.”

    It absolutely pisses me off that we are keep being told we need to wear a mask to keep from infecting someone else. I do NOT feel it is my duty to take care of someone else (unless I wish to)
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    • Posted by term2 4 years, 9 months ago
      I wouldnt deliberately sneeze in the face of someone else if I knew I was infected. That said- I agree with you that it should be up to the other people to protect themselves from infection, and not up to me to prevent them from getting infected.
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    • Posted by CaptainKirk 4 years, 9 months ago
      As always, take it to it's logical conclusion...

      Do you wash your hands? Do you wipe with toilet paper? And if you didn't do either, would you shake someones hand with an unclean hand?

      Would you consider washing your hands "living for the sake of another?"

      I wear a Mask for the same reason I wear clothing... To save the lives of those around me in case I didn't!! Now, I don't dress "pretty", nor should you ask me to. Just ask my wife. LOL.

      But if you were invited to my house, when my daughter was young, and constantly sick (thanks vaccines), and getting a cold could hospitalize her...
      Are you saying, if you WERE sick, you would ignore my wishes and come on over and let me assume the risks of your actions, BECAUSE some quote, which is supposed to be more about living in an indebted way, than in a polite and educated society???? (really curious). Because when I am not feeling 100% (because of our experiences), I will call a host and say "Hey, I woke up with a slight sore throat, I think I was just run down, but it's up to YOU if we come over, or you still want to come over!

      Respectfully think that "Wearing a mask" to protect the weakest in society, for a specific time/event... Is NOT living for the sake of another.
      BTW, if you KNEW you were contagious but without symptoms and wouldn't get caught, would you go visiting a Rest home? (of course not)
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 4 years, 9 months ago
    I don't. I'm seeing my dermatologist tomorrow and they want me to wear one, so I will. Some stores here require it and I don't use those stores.

    Unless you're in crowded spaces, the precautions you take during a bad flu season are effective prevention I saw a photo of a guy in line at the grocery store wearing scuba gear. I loved it.
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  • Posted by Rex_Little 4 years, 9 months ago
    I do NOT feel it is my duty to take care of someone else

    No, but it's common courtesy to do your best to avoid spreading your infection to others. I wear mine when I'm inside a store, whether the store requires it or not (some do, most don't). It's probably superfluous as long as I maintain separation, and certainly superfluous if I'm not sick (which I'm almost certainly not), but it doesn't hurt.
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    • Posted by CaptainKirk 4 years, 9 months ago
      This is the point.

      An old coworker used to sneeze the most disgusting liquid sneezes, and NOT TRY to catch them.
      You could see stuff hitting the wall in his office... He needed a catchers mitt!

      Sorry, we need etiquette!
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    • Posted by $ 4 years, 9 months ago
      So you wear one based on peer pressure? and based on the incorrect belief that the mask (when in public) does not help anything since the virus is not transmitted by casual contact.

      The common courtesy is to stay home when sick, sneezing, coughing etc. Always has been.

      I am not sick, am not a spreader and respect other people's distance. The mask is a symbol of control.
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  • Posted by $ Radio_Randy 4 years, 9 months ago
    Not yet...

    My wife and I have masks and will start wearing them, if we become concerned for our own health. Since neither of us is sick, we see no reason to wear them.

    Some may suggest that we "might be infected" and that we should wear them to protect others...nope. If that were the concern...we would simply stay home.
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    • Posted by term2 4 years, 9 months ago
      One point- If you need a mask to protect yourself from getting infected upon going somewhere- maybe you should just NOT go there in the first place !!
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    • Posted by CaptainKirk 4 years, 9 months ago
      Lookup the definition of "Carrier" and then "Super Spreader".
      The problem is that you could be a carrier, and unbeknownst to you, become a super spreader.
      THIS is the problem with this virus. When you track that one lady who went to church and ended up infecting 1,200 people... WOW.
      But she WAS at the hospital, waiting for test results, but was feeling "okay"...

      Obviously, you do you. But this is an interesting topic.
      For the 30-60 minutes a WEEK I might need to wear a mask... Not a problem. It's not that hard. And the protection for others is way higher than you realize. Even a homemade mask reduces like 90% of the particulate that stays in the air behind you.
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      • Posted by $ Radio_Randy 4 years, 9 months ago
        Oh, I understand the concept of a "carrier", alright.

        Problem is...when do you stop wearing a mask as a preventative measure? What if you decide to never get tested or get vaccinated?

        Nobody appears to have adequate answers to these questions (or many others, in that case), so we'll just have to rely upon our own actions for the time being.
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        • Posted by CaptainKirk 4 years, 9 months ago
          Different problem. Should you wear a mask when there is NO known contagion floating around? NOPE.

          So, you are right, our "managers" (because they are NOT leaders), are doing a poor job. We should have the 5 level color coded system telling us:
          Green: Normal
          Yellow: Old/Sickly People Stay Home
          Orange: Everyone Wear Masks
          Red: Masks, Gloves, Social Distance
          Black: Lock Down! (We should NEVER get here)

          Truth is social distancing and masks work. We should never need to lock down.

          The question is. Would you willingly wear the masks and/or gloves in such a system on a voluntary basis... If it meant we NEVER had to lock down again? I would.

          Society is a complex thing, but it is fragile! Especially in todays world with everyone being pushed to their corners!
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 4 years, 9 months ago
    Me dino bought two masks similar to the one in the link for $5 each. I alternate wearing one while the other gets washed with the laundry.
    I want to wear a mask in public places because I'm 73 and have Type 2 diabetes. Heard on my car radio yesterday that most who have died of the Corona virus in Alabama so far average oiut to be age 72.
    People who chose not to wear a mask do not bother me. That's their it's a free country business.
    The Demonrat-run City of Birmingham makes everyone wear a mask in public on pain of a $500 fine. I mostly stay within freer "satellite cities" just outside Birmingham's jurisdiction.
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  • Posted by mcsandberg 4 years, 9 months ago
    Not me! I haven't seen any mask studies that produced statistically significant results . Therefor the model makers must have assumed something that's not true. Indeed, they didn't reference any paper that found mask usage to be statistically significant.

    Watching the creation of The State Science Institute is one reason for my sig:

    Atlas Shrugged was supposed to be a warning, Not A Newspaper!
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    • Posted by term2 4 years, 9 months ago
      Whether AR wrote AS to be a warning, or a prediction of what was going to happen in the usa, it DOES read like a newspaper. The proclamations made by our governor (Nevada) read a bit to much like directive 10-289.
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  • Posted by Eyecu2 4 years, 9 months ago
    I haven't worn one so far and have no plans to wear one. With that said if a place that I need to do business with requires it to do business with them I will try to shop elsewhere and then adjust as necessary.
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  • Posted by $ pixelate 4 years, 9 months ago
    Not a chance in hell will I wear a mask. I will spend a night in jail if I get "pulled over" while out running, if it were declared that masks must be worn outside. Costco now requires them. I am no longer going to Costco until the requirement is lifted. On the flip-side -- when I am ill or feeling a cold coming on, I stick to myself, remain at home and keep my germs to myself. Innocent until proven guilty.

    Earlier today, I was visiting my tax accountant -- no masks being worn by him or the receptionist. Then I was at a sporting goods store -- none of the associates had masks. Then on to the gun shop. Still no masks. Out on the shooting range ... obviously, no masks. This is Washington State, the East Side... more adults on this side.
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  • Posted by term2 4 years, 9 months ago
    I quit going to costco, since they require wearing a mask. Too bad, but I lived for a long time without costco, and can do so again.
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  • Posted by term2 4 years, 9 months ago
    I refuse to wear one. I just stay away from places where others are sick, or I am squashed in close proximity to others (nightclubs, large crowds, subways, buses, planes).

    Its my life, and I will consider a mask only after analyzing the effectiveness. They are a pain in the a$$, IMHO
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    • Posted by TheRealBill 4 years, 9 months ago
      "I just stay away from places where others are sick, or I am squashed in close proximity to others (nightclubs, large crowds, subways, buses, planes)."

      I like to tell people I've been practicing for this most of my life. :P The media talks about practicing it, but I think I'm pretty close to having perfected it. ;)

      Or so my wife says about me.
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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 4 years, 9 months ago
    I have an iron constitution, and rarely get contagious diseases, and when I do, the effects pass quickly compared to others. However, because of that beneficial condition, I recognize I could be an asymptomatic carrier. I'm staying home as much as possible, using delivery services as much as possible. In that regard I'm very fortunate, as the wait time for delivery here is less than two hours. There's not as much pressure here in Oklahoma to wear masks, and generally people have been sensible about distance, and liberal use of plastic shields. I have a mask in my car, but haven't worn it, as no one has insisted on it. We're too busy here trying to get people back to work safely.
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  • Posted by CaptainKirk 4 years, 9 months ago
    I go outside a lot for walking. 15+ Miles/week is the minimum for me. No mask. I don't talk to people, and outside isn't the point.

    But I am a HUGE Proponent of wearing them (and made 10+ of them), in stores and if I go to someones house, etc.

    Key points:
    1) When EVERYONE is wearing a mask inside it BECOMES MUCH SAFER for everyone
    2) Yes, it is to protect everyone else from you, and to contain YOUR sneezes, coughs, etc
    3) It still does take the stuff that is missed, and GIVES YOU A FILTER for it. REDUCING Your innoculum (exposure dose).

    In summary. Wear the mask to make others more safe! Because YOU CANNOT KNOW if you are an ASYMPTOMATIC CARRIER!!! And those are the big spreaders!
    Then, wear a mask to give you added protection.

    Now, how does this work at a restaurant? Obviously you should NOT wear a mask while eating! Constantly opening it and closing it or removing it and putting it back is horrible. The same cloth that protects, actually CONTAINS the virus. This is tricky. I like the outside areas with "Tents" and pizza Paddles used to pass in the food.

    Anyways, time to open up! Wear masks at the office, but not in the car. And lets get some UV Lights in place.

    In fact, the A/C Systems should bubble the air through Ozonated Water, Exposed to heavy UV and pushed back out... Especially on a plane, preferably through a HEPA 5 filter!
    But that's just the Engineer in me!
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  • Posted by $ 4 years, 9 months ago
    This is fun and shows how arbitrary these rules are they are trying to get us to live under :

    Social distancing. In the USA its 6ft. In most of Europe it’s 1-1.5 meters. The WHO suggests 1+ meter. For the metric challenged Europe is a little more than 3-4.5 ft. How many more tables are in a restaurant with that change vs USA?

    I wonder if I wear this bracelet if the Gestapo in some of the USA states would leave me alone:


    “Maintain at least 1 metre (3 feet) distance between yourself and others. Why? When someone coughs, sneezes, or speaks they spray small liquid droplets from their nose or mouth which may contain virus. If you are too close, you can breathe in the droplets, including the COVID-19 virus if the person has the disease.

    Avoid going to crowded places. Why? Where people come together in crowds, you are more likely to come into close contact with someone that has COIVD-19 and it is more difficult to maintain physical distance of 1 metre (3 feet).”
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  • Posted by VicW 4 years, 9 months ago
    Is there any value in recycling your exhaled carbon monoxide? It has seemed from the start that masks are able to provide much more harm than good, especially home-made. Has anyone noticed that areas that are more likely to practice common sense personal hygiene have lower outbreaks than places that don't? As business struggle, dope houses are doing a booming business. But that is not reported in the news. You have to know someone to get the real news. Although one is no worse than the other.
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    • Posted by TheRealBill 4 years, 9 months ago
      "Is there any value in recycling your exhaled carbon monoxide?"

      It is dioxode, but otherwise, absolutely, yes! CO2 is a natural relaxant. If you're old enough you might remember the common "breathe into a paper bag" to stop hyperventilating thing. It worked (and still does) because the hyperventilation is an over-excitement of the lungs; and in the case of an asthma attack or similar it is the bronchi vibrating too fast that causes the shortness of breath and panting. Re-breathing your exhale increases the CO2 level in the lungs which acts directly as a relaxant.

      Incidentally, this basic mechanism is why I am alive to type about it today. Years ago I was having a terrible Easter due to allergies and a form of COPD. I was sitting alone by my fireplace late one night and my breathing was getting worse and worse. I couldn't get enough air to stand up and didn't have my phone. All I did have was the (generation 1) iPad with me. Despite having been deployed, at no point in my life had I ever thought "well, that is that I am about to die" until that moment.

      In sheer desperation I hit up Google for a Hail Mary of finding some technique I could try in my increasingly light headed state. I came across some old Soviet research - the kind you could NOT do in the West then or now - that was heavily about breathing and the many ways it ties in with illnesses. They were able to induce asthma attacks in otherwise healthy people at will by breathing patterns and to reverse them. With nothing to lose, I tried them with what I could makeshift within reach. It was functionally all about CO2 breathing.

      Within moments I could breath better, and a few more moments had me breathing better than I had in weeks. To this day if I get wheezy from anything I go there. I go there sometimes to try to calm my body down and even to aid sleep onset. CO2 is arguably the most potent bronchodilator we know of (it is also a vasodilator so that helps). Well, short of an axe or something. ;)

      It may sound like "woo-woo science" due to it being breath based, but it is rock solid science underneath it. It certainly sounds counter-intuitive to hold your breath during such an attack, but the biochemistry supports it (an asthma attack is technically hyperventilation - it just FEELS like the opposite).

      That said, the masks people are wearing or making are not going to cause you to be re-breathing an appreciable amount of your own CO2.
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  • Posted by $ blarman 4 years, 9 months ago
    I don't. In part because they're a complete waste of time (why continuously expose yourself to your own pathogens?) and because the only ones which are effective at anything are the N95 masks that no one but healthcare providers should be getting right now.

    Me? I'm not in the major risk category (>60 with pre-existing condition). I want to get this virus and get it over with. Heck, if the samples from NY, Chicago, and California are accurate, I'm probably one of the 1-in-five who got it and were completely asymptomatic.
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  • Posted by Owlsrayne 4 years, 9 months ago
    I'm more conscious about wearing a mask because my wife is an RN and I have some underlying minor health issues. Once I receive my new sewing machine I will do some Olson style masks with interior pocket to install a fine copper mesh (copper material will kill viruses). Most of the supermarkets and hardware store employees wear masks and are behind plexiglass shields with card machines external to that. I have seen employees wipe them down after every use. I don't wear a mask if I'm walking my dog since I live in somewhat rural area. Most of the residents are older retirees who very rarely leave their homes. I might see one other person out and about or no one at at all.
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  • Posted by IowaIndividual 4 years, 9 months ago
    There is a difference between government mandates and social responsibility in a Democracy. I don't know what is happening everywhere, but here in Iowa, there is midwestern sensibility being applied. It is NOT a government requirement that masks be worn, but a recommendation. I wear a mask in all stores that post on their front doors that they require customers to wear a mask. Those stores don't enforce that, but they are requesting it. It falls into the domain of a business has the right to set their own rules for their establishment... Like "No Shoes, No Shirt, No Service." I don't wear a mask when there is no request by the store owner to do so. I think that many people have been so outraged by the lockdown COMMANDS that they have lost the spirit of wearing masks as a social nicety, sort of like opening the door for others. As long as it is not commanded that all Americans wear masks and the powers that be let the citizens decide, then we should focus our attention on the real issues going on with government command and control and out of control spending around this pandemic.
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  • Posted by Russpilot 4 years, 9 months ago
    I am wearing one at work, but only because it is required. I have been of the belief that this whole thing is just silly from the get go, but watching it turn in to a whole comedic shit show as it has gone along only serves to reinforce my opinion.
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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 4 years, 9 months ago
    I have masks on hand from my Dental Clinic. Never have worn one out in public. We have the flu virus every year and we don't mask or hide in our homes.
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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 4 years, 9 months ago
    At Home Depot today there were only two checkout places. I am 83 and have a broken foot. I complained loudly. I heard a lady, wearing a mask, yell at a man that she was wearing it to protect him! LOL!
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