A New Declaration of Rights

Posted by j_IR1776wg 10 years, 3 months ago to Government
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Several weeks ago, I posted some indictments as part of an attempt to re-write the Declaration of Independence applicable to our times. Today I post the completed version. I copied Mr. Jefferson's format not to parody but, rather, to acknowledge and pay reverence to a superior mind. I hope it meets with your approval.

When in the course of a relationship that has long turned abusive and one side, the government, refuses to listen and desires only to dictate, and divorce has become the only solution, a respect for the opinions of our fellow citizens demands that the reasons for breaking the ties to our government be presented as clearly as possible.

Truth is that which does not change with season or fashion. We are all born equal in the Right to own property and Obligated to respect property owned by others. Whether taken by individual or government, property theft is evil. Governments, at best, are thieves and need to be controlled by the People. Whenever any Government slips through the boundaries of the limitations imposed on it by the People, dictatorship results. Such has been the sad experience of Americans having witnessed, over the past century, a transformation from the land of the free to a prison-like control of the regulated...

SOURCE URL: http://www.somethingsonmymind.com/AnewDOI.html

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