Provisional Death Counts for Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)
Posted by Casebier 4 years, 9 months ago to Government
Shows total death counts from all causes in US Feb, March & April compared to average for same periods in 2017-2019, and breaks down deaths from Covid19, pneumonia, pneumonia with Covid19, and of flu.
And we shut down the best economy we’ve ever known for this? Note that total deaths including Covid-19 as a percentage of “expected deaths”, with the “expected deaths” being the average total deaths from all causes (natural, accidental, malicious, etc.) for the same weeks in 2017 - 2018 is less than 100% except for a handful of locations. In particular note Texas and California where actual deaths are way less than expected. Why? Take millions of vehicles off the roads and that’s the result. What it appears to say to me is that we shut down the entire country, cost millions of flatlanders their jobs and their businesses, and for some of them sacrificed the economic futures of their families, and added $trillions in debt to save New York City’s unprepared and overwhelmed health care system.
In this new and different kind of war, it predominately took the elderly and infirm rather than the young and fit, but it is the young and fit who will end up having to pay for it. And it is the elderly who are in charge of politics, economic decisions and of print and electronic media, all headquartered in New York City and Washington, D.C. If this war spares me and others like me, but destroys the economic future of our children and grandchildren – something we fought in the other kind of wars to protect and worked all our lives to assure – then both we and them have been cheated.
And we shut down the best economy we’ve ever known for this? Note that total deaths including Covid-19 as a percentage of “expected deaths”, with the “expected deaths” being the average total deaths from all causes (natural, accidental, malicious, etc.) for the same weeks in 2017 - 2018 is less than 100% except for a handful of locations. In particular note Texas and California where actual deaths are way less than expected. Why? Take millions of vehicles off the roads and that’s the result. What it appears to say to me is that we shut down the entire country, cost millions of flatlanders their jobs and their businesses, and for some of them sacrificed the economic futures of their families, and added $trillions in debt to save New York City’s unprepared and overwhelmed health care system.
In this new and different kind of war, it predominately took the elderly and infirm rather than the young and fit, but it is the young and fit who will end up having to pay for it. And it is the elderly who are in charge of politics, economic decisions and of print and electronic media, all headquartered in New York City and Washington, D.C. If this war spares me and others like me, but destroys the economic future of our children and grandchildren – something we fought in the other kind of wars to protect and worked all our lives to assure – then both we and them have been cheated.
That is what the banking cartel and federal government have done repeatedly for 100 years.
Honest people have been looted by these slimy parasites over and over and now that women have political power, freedom is lost for the false promise of safety.