Venezuela August 20

Posted by sender47 10 years, 6 months ago to Government
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Rationing: A system of biometrics to ration the quantities people buy at supermarkets, markets and the like. At first something only in government owned markets (where is implemented since the beginning of the year), now obligatory for every establishment. The system is expected to run nation-wide by december.Still the government says that there is no scarcity (even if there is a scarcity index, last time it was published was 3 months ago). And say that the long lines of even 7 hours to buy a fixed quantity of a product, is fault of the establishments (even their own seemly -.-), because they don't have enough cashiers

Flights: The debt of the government with airlines, that has made almost impossible to get a flight out of Venezuela is such, that even the capital soccer team "Caracas F.C." has to travel by bus to Colombia to get into a plane, so they can assist to the game versus "Inti Gas" of Peru for the Sudamerican Cup. Still the government says that this is fault of so much people traveling, so because of that there are not seats to buy. Last month the culprit was the World Cup, because airlines diverted flights toward Brazil. At the same time Maduro menaced airlines that retired from Venezuela. They can't even follow their own lies -.-

Deaths: Strange deaths have arose between the high dead toll. Dismembered corpses have started to appear in different part of Caracas. Kind of Vox Populi is that probably this has to do with acts of sorcery (Santeria, Paleros, Babalawos), wich has been active in the Venezuela as a sub culture but with special strength in the last 15 years, where the government had and still have its dark religious side (The exhumation of Simon Bolivar rests, was one of those things say to be part of rituals to "give Chavez the strength of Bolivar". The official version was that they did it because they wanted to investigate if Simon Bolivar was poisoned, as they though that he was assassinated by order of the White House in 1830). Yeap, we're governed by idiots and maniacs. BTW Chavez is worshiped by some sects of this "religions"

Health: The situation because of the scarcity of supplies and medicament is going so bad, that in most places there are not operations unless is a life and death situation. Almost every machine for hemodialysis is out of service, a lot of people is dying because of this. Patients with VIH, cancer and other diseases that need continual medication and procedures are in the same position. Still the government says that there is no emergency.

Now, a thought

From the ideological point I have learned a lot from this 15-16 years of socialism, how the destruction came, and how they kept the citizens under their control. But there is one thing that I can say that is the base of it, hate. I think the single most important thing that maintained their support was their continual hate propaganda of class fight: They repeated, repeated and repeated, that the fault of your poverty is the rich (or anyone that don't live in the slum). And they created an alternative, less or non-rigurous educational system, where they gave away diplomas and titles.

As an example a friend graduated around 3 years ago from a public school, he presented to the UCV, the main university and didn't got in, he was aware that he didn't got proper education from the school. But my biggest surprise was when he entered a private institute (no admission test needed) for a 3 year career and asked me for help in mathematics. He didn't even knew how to solve a simple first grade linear equation.

Is common to hear people say that there is corruption and that it is impossible to enter to a university without some sort of payment, or acquittance (I didn't had any problem of the sort with any university I applied). But the level of education in public schools is so low that the government use their self-created problem to boost the "class hate". And by creating this less rigorous institutions the give degrees to people that obviously don't know a thing (many places don't hire if the people comes from those institutions), make themselves be seen as the good, non-elitist, equality saviors.

Any vote is as good as another, so say the fault of the bad is of the quality and concentrate in the quantity, that is the ruler when the votes come. (And never give quality to the quantity, they may start to think). As Hector Rodriguez Minister of Youth said "It is not about taking people out of poverty into middle class so they can aspire to be "escualidos"" (Scraggly seems to be a good translation of escualido)

Keep the poor, keep them ignorant and keep them thanking you. Keep calm and Socialism -.-

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  • Posted by ObjectiveAnalyst 10 years, 6 months ago
    Hello sender47,
    The roots of socialism are so old and variants have been tried and failed so many times it defies logic why the failures are not learned from. The black market must be growing. For many it will be their only hope.
    I hope your fortunes improve. The people in mass must rise up.
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  • Posted by CarolSeer2014 10 years, 6 months ago
    I had read, several years ago (about 40) that with the coming of direct foreign investment (no government intervention) Venezuela had become one of the more wealthy of the South American countries, quality of life had improved. Then Socialism happened.
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  • Posted by khalling 10 years, 6 months ago
    The irony of utilizing advanced technologies of biometrics to ration food. A further stranglehold on people's privacy as scarcity persists and worsens. Transportation issues further cutting the country off from outside eyes and escape. Sub standard schooling as part of a wider design to keep future voters ignorant, complacent and in poverty. Irrational religious cults and irrational thugs running the government of a once beautiful country. The access to healthcare in a state of emergency. A modern siciety reduced to 7 hour wait lines for staples. The average life expectancy of citizens must surely be declining. While the rest of the world stands aside and does nothing....
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    • Posted by Lucky 10 years, 6 months ago
      The rest of the world does nothing-
      we argued in a post yesterday about not intervening in such circumstances.
      We could at the least hope that the rest of the world would observe and learn.
      "The average person learns from experience,
      the wise learn from the experience of others,
      the fool never learns'.
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      • Posted by khalling 10 years, 6 months ago
        hello lucky.
        well I wasn't referring to military intervention...I was referring to the apathy of the media and those of us who care about freedom and the de-humanization of socialism. I frequently take to social media to add some awareness. I rarely get comments. nothing to see here...
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      • Posted by $ jbrenner 10 years, 6 months ago
        I think you were referring to the Prime Directive debate. Well said, Lucky. Intervention in such a sorry situation as Venezuela serves to prop up the dictators and their looter bureaucrats.
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  • Posted by Lucky 10 years, 6 months ago
    In which we learn that finger-printing shoppers will be used to stop them buying too much.

    " Critics said it was tantamount to rationing and constituted a breach of privacy. Others simply wondered if anything short of a systemic overhaul of the economy could help the socialist South American country's chronically bare shelves.
    Price controls don't help either, with producers complaining some goods are priced too low to make a profit and justify production."
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