Courts May Secure 2nd Amendment Rights in Kalifornia
Posted by Steven-Wells 4 years, 10 months ago to News
U.S. District Judge Roger Benitez in San Diego ruled in favor of the California Rifle & Pistol Association, which asked him to stop the checks and related restrictions on ammo sales.
“The experiment has been tried. The casualties have been counted. California’s new ammunition background check law misfires and the Second Amendment rights of California citizens have been gravely injured,” Benitez wrote in a 120-page opinion granting the group's motion for a preliminary injunction.
“The experiment has been tried. The casualties have been counted. California’s new ammunition background check law misfires and the Second Amendment rights of California citizens have been gravely injured,” Benitez wrote in a 120-page opinion granting the group's motion for a preliminary injunction.
District Court judge Roger Benitez issued a 120-page injunction, which takes effect immediately, against the laws. I read the entire injunction at It is an extremely detailed rebuke of every tiny, large, and peripheral argument that the California Attorney General had put forth.
AG Xavier Basura (he spells his name Becerra, but the Spanish word for trash better describes his treatment of our rights) has filed a four-page motion trying to stay the injunction. Read it at It repeats all the specious blather that he used originally to argue against the motion for injunction. He asserts, “the background check provisions … have resulted in over 750 prohibited people from purchasing ammunition…. He ignored that the provisions were documented as having trampled the constitutional rights of more than 101,047 citizens.
Oh, I forgot to mention, not only did the California laws trample the Constitution’s Second Amendment, it also violated its Commerce Clause.