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  • Posted by RonC 10 years, 6 months ago
    Western civilization cannot coexist with Isis or their generations to come. Additionally, I have observed peace loving Muslims suddenly become fundamentalist when the Mullah rings the bell just the right way. We cannot look at a Muslim today and tell what their future bias may be.

    Until the Western counties recognize this for what it is we will be on a downward spiral toward the end Allah is supposedly calling for in the Koran.

    This would be a paradigm change for the west on the magnitude of when Truman decided to nuke Japan. There were hundreds of thousands killed and maimed in seconds, but hundreds of thousand more Allied lives saved.

    You can't nuke the Muslims because they are on every continent, in every country in the world. In WWII the Japanese were pretty much pushed back to the Island on Honshu. If you can't nuke them, I would guess that means door to door. Door to door means boots on the ground, that's why airstrikes don't finish the problem in Iraq today.

    I would defer strategies to military experts. The problem for the civilized West is solving this problem would be considered a war crime by the civilized west. The flip side is you can't negotiate with a group that wants to remove you from the face of the Earth.
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    • Posted by DeadRight 10 years, 6 months ago
      The way to stop them is to kill what they love.
      Bomb all mosques, turn Iran into a nuclear parking lot, destroy meca. At some point they will see their kingdom tumbling or they will run out of places to hide.
      Isdamn has had to be destroyed twice before. We must finish the job.
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      • Posted by RonC 10 years, 6 months ago
        To finish the job you have to break the breeding cycle. One guy with a harem can create a lot of babies. All of which will hate the infidels.
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  • Posted by NoMoreObama 10 years, 6 months ago
    "religion of peace" was coined by GW in an attempt to show that we weren't fighting against muslims. It's not against muslim law (the koran) to kill non-believers, or rape them or…

    Islam was spread by invading armies - review the history.

    Religion of peace not.
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  • Posted by CarolSeer2014 10 years, 6 months ago
    I'm hoping ISIS is meditating on the fact that they may have awakened a sleeping giant! Wish Dear Leader felt the same.
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    • Posted by Obvious 10 years, 6 months ago
      He doesn't care. He's won his second term and he's done all he's going to do! He doesn't care what the American people think, believe, or understand. To him, and his followers, the United States has always been the problem! We were the problem in WW2. We were the problem in Korea. We were the problem in Vietnam. We were the problem in Kuwait. We were the problem in Iraq. We are the problem in Afghanistan. We are the problem that ISIS even exists. And, of course, our capitalistic system is the biggest contributor to the poverty in the entire world. That's what BO and his supporters truly believe!
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  • Posted by aogilmore 10 years, 6 months ago
    What a ridiculous post. It seems like this Marine is gloating about our first two invasions of Iraq. Methinks it is the Islamic extremists who are gloating. That's just the reaction they want. Let's waste more of our resources in state actions...yeah that's the ticket! It's working so well now let's have more of it!
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  • Posted by $ Thoritsu 10 years, 6 months ago
    We either need to go take care of this, or leave them alone. A police response is a fools errand. Of course there is no question of our ability to crush them. However, just like a street fight, one must be ready for a bloody nose, if one expects to succeed, and too many Americans are not prepared for any injury or inconvenience.

    Islam is just the present rallying cry, not the root cause.
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  • Posted by CTYankee 10 years, 6 months ago
    When there are rabid weasels roaming the neighborhoods, a rational population does not call or stronger leash laws; they determine the most efficient way to exterminate the disease and the vectors.

    We have to stop drinking the ASPCA (and other acronym groups) koolade -- rabid weasels cannot be reasoned with, cannot be contained, and cannot be cured. They must be destroyed; quickly, humanely, and inexpensively. After the task is completed, then we can allow the loss to be mourned, assuming anyone chooses to do so. However, once the infected vectors and carriers are gone it's unlikely anyone will fondly recall the days of rabid weasels roaming the neighborhood causing the people to live in terror.

    In Liberty,
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  • Posted by NealS 10 years, 6 months ago
    If you think about it there is something to the idea of ethnic cleansing. ISIS, ISIL, IS, whatever, would be a good starting place. The question is, what will it take for us to get started?
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  • Posted by $ splumb 10 years, 6 months ago
    I've been saying it over and over since 1979, during the hostage situation. Nuke 'em. Turn the muslim countries to glass.
    I wouldn't hesitate to push the button, if it weren't for Israel. I can't see how to avoid their being hit by radioactive fallout.
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  • Posted by Hiraghm 10 years, 6 months ago
    Answer me this...

    How many of you here could carve the head off a living human being?

    How many of you could sit eating popcorn while watching the video?

    I rest my case.

    The proper, natural response, which the marine does demonstrate in a limited way, to his credit (aside from the arrogant bravado), is not disgust, but anger. Fury. Bigoted hatred for all things Moslem and Arab.

    That's what nature instilled in us over 200,000 years of human evolution. It will serve us well if we stop fearing it and use it.
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    • Posted by $ WillH 10 years, 6 months ago
      Answer me this...

      How many of you here could carve the head off a living human being?

      > A terrorist? Sure, although I would most likely just turn his head inside out. A bullet is much easier and less messy.

      How many of you could sit eating popcorn while watching the video?

      > I don't like popcorn.

      I rest my case.

      >You have no case.

      The proper, natural response, which the marine does demonstrate in a limited way, to his credit (aside from the arrogant bravado), is not disgust, but anger. Fury. Bigoted hatred for all things Moslem and Arab.

      > Try being a Marine. Cocky? Yes. Arrogant bravado? Not if you can back it up with action.

      That's what nature instilled in us over 200,000 years of human evolution. It will serve us well if we stop fearing it and use it.

      > Understand that the US is not in the same situation we were back in the early 90's. We are now a country with a ton of combat veterans still in their prime of life.
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      • -1
        Posted by Hiraghm 10 years, 6 months ago
        "Not if you can back it up with action. "

        HE CAN'T.

        His arrogant bravado doesn't depend on HIM, but on modern Americans. Only a small percentage of us have even been in the military, let alone served in combat theaters.

        They're combat veterans with all the support our shiny toys could give them. They're combat veterans who've always faced less capable forces.

        I'm not trying to run down our forces, I'm trying to be realistic in the knowledge of *history*. This same argument was made by the Romans about their legions even as the barbarians carved their way to Rome. This argument was made by the British about Americans even as we were winning our independence.

        And we don't have the stomach for carnage the enemy does, any more than the Romans had a stomach for the carnage wrought by the barbarians.

        You know, in some Islamic countries, executions are a form of *entertainment*?

        We can't even feel indifferent to the people we're fighting, we have to sympathize with them, and you think we're going to go muzzle to muzzle with people who delight in inflicting suffering?
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  • -2
    Posted by Hiraghm 10 years, 6 months ago
    Who'da thought marines could be stand up comedians?

    "The terrorist army is fast making mortal enemies around the world, and it doesn’t take a genius to figure out this isn’t going to end well for them."

    Said the Roman centurion to the German barbarian about 1700 years ago.
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    • Posted by Hiraghm 10 years, 6 months ago

      "The values composing civilization and the values required to protect it are normally at war. Civilization values sophistication, but in an armed force sophistication is a millstone.

      The Athenian commanders before Salamis, it is reported, talked of art and of the Acropolis, in sight of the Persian fleet. Beside their own campfires, the Greek hoplites chewed garlic and joked about girls.

      Without its tough spearmen, Hellenic culture would have had nothing to give the world. It would not have lasted long enough. When Greek culture became so sophisticated that its common men would no longer fight to the death, as at Thermopylae, but became devious and clever, a horde of Roman farm boys overran them.

      The time came when the descendants of Macedonians who had slaughtered Asians till they could no longer lift their arms went pale and sick at the sight of the havoc wrought by the Roman gladius Hispanicus as it carved its way toward Hellas."
      - T. R. Fehrenbach, "Proud Legions"

      And the time came when the Roman legionnaires became sick at the sight of the havoc wrought by the Germanic barbarians as they carved their way down the Italic peninsula and sacked Rome.
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    • Posted by Hiraghm 10 years, 6 months ago
      That's it! Beat your chests based on the qualities of your FATHERS.

      I thought objectivists liked reality and reason?

      On the one hand, there's no hesitation here to point out and criticize the many and severe shortcomings of recent generations.

      But, once I point out that the U.S. has become, not a sleeping giant but an impotent giant, oh my gawd, I've committed blasphemy.

      Fine, disbelieve me, you always do. In 10 years as you prep to slap your head to the ground in Moslem prayer, be sure to pretend I *wasn't* right about history repeating.

      The Roman legions who guarded the frontier in the 5th century were not the legions who conquered Europe. The society behind them was not the society that conquered Europe.

      The legions and society of modern America are not the stuff of our forebears, even as recently as the WWII generation. We've already demonstrated it with the 10 year debacle in the middle east, because we would not beat the living shit out of our enemies, as any healthy society would have done.

      Take away our legions' shiny toys... which *will* happen because we are dependent upon foreigners to produce them, and see how well they do their job.
      And a society that would put its women on the front lines DESERVES what a 7th century death cult will do to it.

      Doesn't matter how courageous they are, they don't have the character of their predecessors, and more importantly, they don't have the "naturalness", the millennia old bigotries and instinctive reactions that have been beaten out of at least the past 3 generations... just as they were bred out of the 4th century Roman generations.

      The one universal constant of human civilization... history repeats. always.

      History repeats... because people refuse to learn from it. They'd rather masturbate over the cobwebbed monuments of their ancestors' greatness.
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