If we have to downsize and tighten our belts during a crisis, why shouldn’t we start with the true luxury item, government itself?

Posted by freedomforall 4 years, 7 months ago to Economics
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"How many jobs could we save by downsizing, right now, the Federal government back to levels seen just ten years ago? Imagine how much cheaper things would be if most of the USDA and Department of Agriculture were laid off right now and those savings used to not pay farmers to plough under crops to maintain prices or slaughter animals which are now financial burdens.

Imagine how many lives wouldn’t be needlessly destroyed (the stock) and disrupted (the people) while we quickly reorient capital spending towards the things we truly need.

Now what if instead of freaking out and destroying our society and our food supply about a disease not much worse than the annual flu our state and local governments did the same things?

At the end of the day the costs are the costs and bailing out one side of the tax ledger is demonstrably more expensive than bailing out the other. Because every private worker laid off is another one not paying taxes to support the job of the government worker."
SOURCE URL: https://tomluongo.me/2020/05/05/wheres-the-beef-coronavirus-horizon/

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