Moore's Law is a Scientific Wild Assed Guess!
Posted by mshupe 4 years, 9 months ago to Technology
None of this was possible without capital. Capital is not possible without production. Production is not possible without human ingenuity. Human ingenuity is not possible without political freedom. Political freedom is not possible without economic freedom. Economic freedom is not possible without profit.
Profit is the poetic justice solution that is rooted in moral principles. Yet our political overlords have contempt for the profits essential for vaccines, ventilators, and v-shaped recoveries, let alone the producers who are essential to human existence. To them, it just happens, so it makes sense they would suspend the supply-side economic activity they consider unworthy.
Profit is the poetic justice solution that is rooted in moral principles. Yet our political overlords have contempt for the profits essential for vaccines, ventilators, and v-shaped recoveries, let alone the producers who are essential to human existence. To them, it just happens, so it makes sense they would suspend the supply-side economic activity they consider unworthy.
Oh, wait. That wouldn't give a recovery of government. Never mind.