Young Inventor Convincingly Proclaims, "I Am John Galt"
Posted by WesleyMooch 12 years, 3 months ago to Technology
Take a look at Patria's Atlas Shrugged: Part II Earning Contest entry. This is going to be tough to beat...
May the best Galtian win.
May the best Galtian win.
right (rīt)
adj. right·er, right·est
1. Conforming with or conformable to justice, law, or morality: do the right thing and confess.
2. In accordance with fact, reason, or truth; correct: the right answer.
3. Fitting, proper, or appropriate: It is not right to leave the party without saying goodbye.
4. Most favorable, desirable, or convenient: the right time to act.
5. In or into a satisfactory state or condition: put things right.
6. In good mental or physical health or order.
wrong (rông)
Placed at #10 in the Hot list, when 'John Galt ... "douchebag"' is placed at #1.