covid 19 risk level by age

Posted by $ kddr22 4 years, 9 months ago to Science
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 4 years, 8 months ago
    I don't trust the statistics, they vary quite a bit. What happened to the baby in England who got it during birth, did it survive, or die> The health of poeple the age groups vary, even amnng those in their 29s.I know I am sick of overzealous governors, like Mke DeWine shutting down all industry, for a few cases in the state, and only 2 when he declared natl. emergency. Ohio will have not retail, no jobs when he is done. People are getting panic stricken and fearing for their pensions, should they survive, both the virus and they daily DeWiney?Amy show. Having been through H1N1, when there was no real nedua barragem U ride ut iyt at ihome, knowing I was allergic to the anti flu treatment. We have seen it all by 70, yearn for freedom, and accept death, Better than dying in your house becaus oef a state decree where we could die alone of otehr causes.
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  • Posted by $ brightwriter 4 years, 9 months ago
    The mention of people having coronavirus, or not, I don't trust. If you can withstand some algebra, see my analysis at and note that as a fiercely self-reliant person I will do something myself if I want it done right.
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    • Posted by lrshultis 4 years, 9 months ago
      There is a very simple testing problem that gives a result which seems unlikely.
      Suppose someone is given a drug test and it comes out positive. If the test is 95% accurate and 5% of the population is statistically found to use the drug, what is the chance that the person is guilty of using the drug?
      After a little math, it can be shown that the chance of guilt is 1 chance in two or 50/50.
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