An Alternative Reponse to COVID-19
Posted by TheRealBill 4 years, 11 months ago to Government
This is an interesting piece on how Sweden is bucking (so far) the trend of sheer panic by governments. People are freaking out that Sweden isn't freaking out. I link this one because, despite the author's attempts to do otherwise, it actually shows reasons why Sweden is different - and how that actually applies to much of the U.S. as well.
Really? From an immunologist? Look at the statistics. It doesn't kill "anybody." The only deaths we've seen have been in people - primarily the elderly - with pre-existing conditions. Most other people aren't even affected by the virus. We're now seeing an antibody test identifying 30-50% of those tested as already having had the virus ( Who is getting tested? Only those showing the most severe symptoms in the first place.
IMHO, Sweden is one of the sane countries still focusing on keeping people working while trying to protect those most at risk.
That said, I do think this virus was in California causing havoc as early as 12/1/19 - based on what I saw here with my own eyes. And, we're not acting like Sweden at all. I wish we were more like them. Things are very shuttered here... First time I've seen such blue skies here (due to less smog) since I was in grade school.