Best Dagny & Best Hank?
Posted by empedocles 10 years, 6 months ago to Movies
For the first two movies, who are your favorites?
For Dagny, I have to go with the Dagny in the first movie.
For Hank, I have to go with the Hank in the second movie.
For Dagny, I have to go with the Dagny in the first movie.
For Hank, I have to go with the Hank in the second movie.
However, that pressure to make AS2 to avoid losing the rights did not exist for AS2 (as far as I know.) A delay in AS2 to contract with the actors from AS1 should have been done.
At least then this discussion would not be needed.
AS2 was a great disappointment and I have little confidence that AS3 will be better. But it's too early to tell for sure. Basing anything on the AS3 trailer would be premature.
I would have chosen Diane Lane for Dagny.
Although Esai Morales is a great actor, I give the nod to Jsu Garcia in the role of Francisco.
A differenct cast for AS3? Yikes, although the most recent trailer is a killer.
I'm trying to rustle up a viewing party on 9/13 for my in-laws. Friday night is out, as HS football is king in our neck of the woods. I was planning on taking the day off to spend time at the theatres, but I start a new job that week.
To the producers and marketers of the movie, I apologize. I'll make up for it in the same fashion that I supported AS1 & AS2: buy several copies of the videos, t-shirts & hats (man, I love the Danneskjold Repossessions hat & T-shirt).
That long list is mostly filled with:
a) secondary characters
b) different actors in remade series /sequels /spinoffs /pilots /movies
c) actors having real medical problems preventing them from continuing
Not using the same actors (for major characters) in the AS trilogy is inexperienced production.
(In the defense of the producers, making AS the book into AS the movies is no easy task.)
However, the producers did a marvelous job of illustrating the vile nature of Lillian Rearden (not so in AS2). That simple scene where she punctuates Hank's passion with, "Finished, dear?"
Hopefully a mini-series is in the plans for the future. I'm just thrilled that the novel was made into a movie, despite the hiccups.
EACH movie has it's stand-outs... From Dagny in 1, Hank and Lilian in 2... I can't wait to see who pops out in 3, tho I expect it will be, with Kris Polaha cast, the answer to the question...
"Who is John Galt?" --grins--
Hank seemed too arrogant and self-righteous in the 2nd movie. The looters should be that way. I see the looters as the people who look good, can sell reasons to take your stuff and tell you what to do, and the producers are the nerds who just get things done and are hardly aware. Hand in the 2nd movie didn't give off enough hard-working nerd vibe for me.
It's also a close call between Beghe and Bowler for Hank, but I'm going to go with Beghe because, while Bowler better portrayed the successful businessman, Beghe gave more of the impression of a blue-collar self-made man.