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  • Posted by $ Stormi 10 years, 4 months ago
    I have Black friends who think the whole thing is a media circus. When are street level Blacks going to realize the Black Panthers are there for revolution, not to help them? When are they going to stop reacting to please politicians using them? When are they going to start telling their kids that robbing and looting is above them? I know some fine Black parents, who are tough on their kids, but they are fighting the influence of the media even in their own homes. What Blacks has Obama helped, this part-white prez has a cabinet full of Muslims.He has certainly used enough Blacks. So, now we have a city with opportunist Black groups coming in where they do not belong. Opportunist journalist, looking to for the big prize. Opportunists in law enforcement and politics, looking to make this their next step up the ladder. It will take the Black community to solve this issue, and they better take off the rose-colored glasses and look at the kids in their own neighborhood, and start guiding them, before drug cartels and politicians destroy them.
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