Welcome to police state America

Posted by Fountainhead24 10 years, 6 months ago to Government
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Has the US descended Into an undeclared state of martial law? - What do you think?
SOURCE URL: http://www.thedailysheeple.com/welcome-to-police-state-america-the-us-has-descended-into-an-undeclared-state-of-martial-law_082014

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  • Posted by $ Stormi 10 years, 6 months ago
    Our community has a basically honest police force, with a Sheriff's dept. reportedly part of the drug industry. I think across the US, the good cop, bad cop mix is about the same. What we should beware of are Obama's Brown Shirt forces, whose goal are anti-citizen. I too am a little tired of the Black Panthers or Jesse Jackson rushing in to stir up communities before the facts are all in. I am tired of Obama, who can't make a military decision, rushing to judgement to defend Blacks about whom he knows nothing, being a half white, raised white himself. I am concerned about the Homeland Security and the FEMA involvement in communities, and the weapons and training they provide, for use against citizen in some cases. I am very concerned about law enforcement in the south being trained and asked if they are willing to use force against US citizens to "enforce UN Agenda 21", according to one who was in such training. Now that is very scarey, and about as close to martial law as we have seen.
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  • Posted by CarolSeer2014 10 years, 6 months ago
    I'm tired, too, of the "innocent black man targeted by the police" scenario. Just because a person is black doesn't mean he is good, and that can be said for white people too.
    Which circle of hell did Dante reserve for the dividers? That would be you, Sharpton and Jackson.
    That you would rather this country be torn apart than give up allegiance to BHO, who might very well be inciting riots to prove opposition to his policies is racially motivated, and not based on principle. For shame!
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  • Posted by airfredd22 10 years, 6 months ago
    I posted the comment below at the site of "The Daily Sheeple" that the poster refers to above under the headline "Welcome to police state America. While there are true concerns about America turning into a police state, the roots of this incident are not entirely the fault of the Ferguson police department but should be placed upon the people who used this incident as a reason to riot and loot.

    No legitimate "journalist" would describe what happened in Ferguson as a murder. Murder requires premeditation and no matter how you spin this story, premeditation was not a part of the incident. I'm sick and tired of people as individuals or as part of the media spinning every story to make some usually absurd point.

    When a police officer stops you, the intelligent thing to do is to cooperate and if you feel that you have been discriminated against, file charges against the police department later.

    We now know that Mr. Brown was indeed the person seen on the store video stealing items and attacking the owner of the store. The police officer stopped Mr. Brown based on a complaint and description matching him. What exactly happened after that has still not been definitely been determined through a legal process. there is no question that actions by both parties created a tragic result, but the true facts are yet to be determined. The one thing that has indeed been determined is that you have taken cheap shots and increased the chances of further tragedies to occur.

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  • Posted by Herb7734 10 years, 6 months ago
    All the facts of the situation in Ferguson have not yet come out. To call the shooting murder is premature and pre-judgmental. This kid was no saint, and the store tape shows him to be a thief and a bully. It may well be that he thought the officer was trying to apprehend him and went for the cop's gun. We don't know. Further, did the peaceful demonstration get taken over by rioters taking advantage of the situation, which caused the police to bring in the riot squad? Looks like that was the way it happened, not the other way around. It's true that America is becoming a police state, but I don't think it's the case here. At least not until Sharpton has anything to say about it.
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  • Posted by RonC 10 years, 6 months ago
    not in Ohio. Probably not in Texas. Missouri, maybe so. I'm personally impressed with the looters. They will be the angry militant ones complaining of no job opportunities next year after all the small businesses leave the community.
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  • Posted by IIGeo2 10 years, 6 months ago
    I mourn the loss of any life, but I doubt seriously that the events played out the way that they did. First the officers radio recorded the entire encounter his car camera also caught everything. And if it was as the "witnesses said he'd be in jail already, but because it probably didn't happen that way... we have to see, but did this have to happen No and I wish that it didn't BUT after the store owner was first terrorized robbed and pushed around, what did the caring community do. They destroyed and looted the mans store? Is this okay because he was a foreigner? I don't think so.
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  • Posted by BJ_Cassese 10 years, 6 months ago
    I see the value of a well equipped police force. Sadly, it seems that law enforcements' capacity for war is escalating at the same time our rights to keep and bear arms are under assault. I don't hunt. I don't fear my neighbor. I do have concern that the government may become tyrannical and we may have no recourse to stop them.
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  • Posted by johnpe1 10 years, 6 months ago
    this article refers to the "murder" of Michael Brown,
    and the AR15 "assault rifle" and Afghanistan-like
    America ... might there be some conclusion-jumping
    and exaggeration going on??? -- j

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  • Posted by sfdi1947 10 years, 6 months ago
    Its a yes and no thing. Sometimes its cops playing with new toys, like Groves with the bomb in 1944. Other times, like in Fergusson, its a group of scared white guys (I are one whose not scared), who haven't changed with the times or the demographics. A government's demographics should closely resemble the community governed, Fergusson does not.
    In these circumstances trouble becomes a statistical certainty, a matter of when, not if.
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  • Posted by Temlakos 10 years, 6 months ago
    This comes of the 1033 program, by which the Pentagon gives away free military hardware, some of it built but never actually used in combat, to more than eight thousand police agencies. Ferguson came close to being a flash point for a general race war, after which martial law would have followed swiftly--with assets already in place. But Governor Nixon isn't going to let things get that far. And now several Senators and Representatives are considering laws to roll this back.
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  • Posted by Hiraghm 10 years, 6 months ago
    The problem is demarcation of jobs.

    Most police forces do not need the paramilitary capability they have.

    Because when you need that capability, the force already exists within the State. You call the governor when the "protestors" take to the streets, and he sends in the State militia (aka, Nat'l Guard). The rest of the time that you don't need paramilitary capability, the police can handle the situation.

    Bear in mind, the cop that did the shooting didn't do so with an AK-47 or M203 grenade launcher. The patrol car wasn't a Bradley Fighting Vehicle.

    I have long advocated taking the guns away from the FBI and all other federal law enforcement types... except for the U.S. Marshall Service. Whenever any of the plethora of "investigation" agencies needs muscle, they can turn to the Marshalls. If the Marshalls can't handle it, then they can do like that PoS Reno did and ask for assistance from the governor in the form of the State militia, again.

    And, y'know, it's way to late now to whine about "police state". Where were all of you when they called in light tanks against a masonite farmhouse populated by American citizens, with snipers in helicopters, using tactics that have been decried when used against terrorists? All to "clean up" a mess caused by killing someone's dog before serving an unnecessary and questionable warrant.

    I kept waiting for civil war to break out in '93 after that horror. But all that happened was the talking heads shooting off their mouths. Reno wasn't imprisoned, Richards wasn't impeached, and neither was Clinton.

    So all this hand-wringing over paramilitarized cops? Pfft... you have it coming.
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  • Posted by Hiraghm 10 years, 6 months ago
    I closed the link after reading the first line:
    "Grabbing the national headlines at the moment is the story of the murder of 18 year old and unarmed Michael Brown by an unidentified member of the Ferguson Police. "

    Bullsh*. I believed from the first, and still do, that the piece of garbage was shot in self-defense.

    Now we know that the piece of garbage had roughed up a convenience store clerk (a non-black one, it looks like) to steal some Swisher Sweets, which no grown man wants to smoke. (most of us give them up before leaving high school).

    This wasn't some poor innocent Urkel, on his way home from school, but an 18 ft tall, 9,000 lb Godzilla monster.

    I find it telling that the rioters and looters seem to come out the quickest when the "victim" is least deserving of support.
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