CBS Passes Off Italian Hospital Footage as a NY Hospital

Posted by $ HarmonKaslow 4 years, 10 months ago to News
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The top part of the video is what CBS aired ... the bottom part is what the BBC aired 3 days earlier. The media cannot be trusted (duh!?!?).

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  • Posted by NealS 4 years, 10 months ago
    They lied about their intent, so what's new? I'm a Vietnam combat veteran and proud of it. According to the media (and history) today I should ashamed and hiding. It was not reported as to what went on there nor the outcome. The media had a big hand in creating the historical outcome. Fact is, the media does not report history they create it. Nothing has changed. The part I can't figure out yet is why? It can't all just be for praise, power and recognition. Politician is synonymous with media, as is movie star or others in power. They all exhibit the same traits when it comes to the truth, and most will never change their minds.
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    • Posted by TheRealBill 4 years, 10 months ago
      They exhibit the same traits as a result of the same thinking: that they know better, they are on side of the angels, they are on “the right side of history”.

      No matter how often and how badly wrong they are shown to be, they can’t conceive of them being wrong. Virtually every great tragedy at large scale in human history was done by people who believed they were right and were lead by someone convinced of it themselves.

      They won’t even discuss that fact. They get uncomfortable with having to admit that Hitler, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Pot, et al. We’re absolutely convinced they were doing the right thing for “their people”. Add onto that the sharing of collectivist ideologies and any hope of them realizing it all but vanishes.
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      • Posted by NealS 4 years, 10 months ago
        My wife just had an incident with her 3 liberal sisters that resulted in a once and for all total disconnection from them. Thank God they all live far away now. They'd been accusing her of taking her dad's insurance money after his death for herself. That was all resolved 6 years ago, we thought, she did not take it for herself, she was the beneficiary of record, and the money hadn't even arrived yet when they accused her. When it did arrive it was $5000 split 4 ways, each getting a share. The issue surfaced again two days ago (six years later now). I've been cautioning my wife on her liberal sisters for just over 40 years now, and finally she's broke the ties.

        Some 20 years ago my wife's 3 sisters went behind our back and turned us into CPS because our 14 year old son had a bruise on his butt, right where I had put it. The incident actually came around and bit them back, and cost our son 2 years in a youth facility. He got punished by the law from something we could have handled simply within the family had they come to us. They never even apologized for jumping to unfounded conclusions. Meanwhile then he stole from one of them, then they completely turned on him too. It's really hard to stand the pain of disassociating with family, but the pain goes away whereas if you keep them the pain remains or just keeps coming back. It's sort of like impeachment, they have taught me to hate the left. I find it so astounding how they all seem to be so much alike. I think I've found about 3 liberals so far in my lifetime that I can actually get along with, but we know each others political views and our love for each other is just greater, sort of like family love.
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        • Posted by Mamaemma 4 years, 10 months ago
          Neal, the pain of keeping toxic family in your life is the pain of the refusal to accept reality. When I finally came to the decision to ban family members from my life, I was astonished at how good it felt. I understand it was your wife who had to come to that conclusion, not you.
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    • Posted by $ Abaco 4 years, 10 months ago
      Thank you for your service.
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      • Posted by NealS 4 years, 10 months ago
        Thank you, it is appreciated. Looking at my service and Vietnam, I now realize the experience helped form many of my opinions and way of life today, the way I react to others, the way I brought up my kids, and it probably also made me a staunch Republican, not that I agree with everything they stand for, but most of it. I think the service might still be doing the same for most people serving today, fortunately. If it ever goes the other way, we can say goodbye to our way of life.
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  • Posted by term2 4 years, 10 months ago
    I dont watch or even listen to the major media networks any more. They might as well just have ONE headline- Trump needs to be eliminated.....
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  • Posted by CaptainKirk 4 years, 10 months ago
    If you think cautiously, and you consider the STROOP effect (it's hard to identify the color of words, if the words SPELL a different color)...

    You realize that the injection of "photographic content" does not need to be relevant or accurate, it just has to flow with the narrative.

    I have a Minor in Telecommunications. One of the BEST assignments was for 2 weeks, we had to identify in 3 newspapers, the LOCATION of the RETRACTIONS, how many retractions/corrections, and what page the original story was from (it was noted), and if the retraction dealt MOSTLY with the HEADLINE being wrong, the SUMMARY being wrong, or the STORY itself proving to be wrong.

    NOTHING will break your heart more to learn that the MAJORITY of all retractions are on the most prominent pages, titles. And the summary being wrong lagged behind the HEADLINE being wrong/misleading.
    Rarely was the story wrong.

    THAT is a sign the EDITORS are NOT doing their jobs, and they have been like this since the 1980s when AstroTurfing was widely proven to being used with AIDS stories. Every local newspaper literally had "The same story of someone just outside of THEIR town who contracted HIV/AIDS because of a blood transfusion. The resulting REGULATIONS to protect our donated blood made Robert Gallow VERY WEALTHY since he patented the test that was ultimately used. (And later proven to have stolen the research he was review from French guy: Luc Monteque (Some french name like that, LOL)...

    So, the media is CONSTANTLY used to manipulate us, and the images "weigh" on normal humans, and ANCHOR the story (like the kids on buses covered in blood who turned out to be just fine, etc. etc. etc.)

    So, 2 things I learned during this:
    1) Watch ANY given news while LOOKING away from the screen (I play cards on my other monitor). Often times you will realize the message in words was HEMMED or Cautioned more than the images implied
    2) Watch ANY Politician like Obama or Bill Clinton... WITHOUT The volume. Just watch the ENTIRE speech. And watch their mannerisms. When they are FAKE, you will see the repetition and SCORING of the speech, like music, WITHOUT any volume and WITHOUT hearing a single word.

    Note, if you do #2 for Clinton, YOU FEEL MANIPULATED after watching 5 minutes or more. You litterally start guess "Look Left... Look down a little bit, Pause for effect, RAISE up to the center drill point home..."

    If you do that for Trump, it's funny, you almost become compelled to turn the volume on! It has a much more REAL/HONEST feeling. And you KNOW when he is reading from the teleprompter... That's true for everyone.

    If you end up taking 5-10 minutes and doing this... I would be curious how you feel about the process... I do it all the time, in fact, I stop the process on the 3rd loop of the signalling. By the second loop, it's really predictable, and you know it's totally rehearsed. After the 3rd, it becomes a little painful! LOL
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    • Posted by TheRealBill 4 years, 10 months ago
      I can attest to that. I’ve done it with Ted and Tedx presenters. You are (or at least were) coached in how to present and behave and what do do and repeat. Not all of it is bad. For example, don’t start out telling people who you are and why they should listen to you. On the other hand you’ll notice they almost always start with a “personal story” and it is almost always humorous or at least an attempt at it. It goes on from there but I’ll leave the joy of discovery for anyone curious enough to do it themselves. ;)

      In the subject of Clinton vs. Trump I will offer this: you can tell Clinton was schooled in the “pointing is offensive” mode by how he never gestures to the crowd in a sweeping manner or points; he always “points” with his thumb on a fist. Trump doesn’t that I’ve ever seen. He has no problem gesturing or pointing.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 4 years, 10 months ago
    Ad hominen loving dino me gererally refers to CBS as the Communist Broadcasting System and sometimes will fall back on what many others like to call it, the Clinton Broadcasting System (or somethin close to that with "Clinton" still in it).
    But when CBS shows such ineptitude, I feel obliged to call it someing else with so many multiple choice "c-words" to chose from.
    For excample, here are some choices with the "Broadcasting System" part appropriately shortened: ~~ there's crummy bs, crappy bs, cuckoo bs, comatose bs, clumsy bs, crass bs, corrupted bs, corroded bs, and I feel I just have to also toss in conniving bs, conspiring bs and colluding bs.
    I could hang around to dig up more, but I have a coupon for 2 for $6 gyros at Arbys. Ah, as long as the line there for motorized vehicles ain't to long.
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    • Posted by TheRealBill 4 years, 10 months ago
      Mmmmm. Arby’s.
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      • Posted by $ allosaur 4 years, 10 months ago
        Someone who says "We have the meats" has a special appeal to an allosaur. Should have written the above after I got back. Line was too long. Went elsewhere.
        Hanging on to the coupon. Maybe Friday. Thursday is taco salad day at the Steve's Grocery deli. The take home is served with the perfect amount of jalapeno slices.
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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 4 years, 10 months ago
    Are they lazy, or willfully deceptive? I suspect it's mix of the two. If the BBC aired it, it must be true, and even if it isn't, it fits the desired narrative.
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  • Posted by $ Thoritsu 4 years, 10 months ago
    It is all about power.

    And the lemmings are too lazy to question the rhetoric, so we are all doomed to the Pied Pipers' lynch mob.

    Why is this not fraud? I bet an investigation into the development of the video footage would show intent.
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  • Posted by $ nickursis 4 years, 10 months ago
    Welcome to the deep state mockingbird media, they get told what to say, and then how they do it is up to them. Of course, I always believe in a good conspiracy theory, so I am sure there is an innocent explanation, like they mixed up labels, didn't know that Bergamo is in Italy, thought it was a suburb of know, all those innocent explanations.....
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