Henry Rearden, Simone Biles, and True Justice
Posted by mshupe 5 years ago to Philosophy
"Since morality is man's motive power, there is no spiritual reward one can offer as consequential as one's moral sanction - and no spiritual deprivation as harsh as withholding it." Leonard Peikoff
As for
there is an objective scoring system in free market economies, and no one needs to fabricate it – earned profit,
not so, my memory is of Francisco speaking in Atlas Shrugged saying something like -it is not the amount of money but how you earned it. I concede you may be referring to the future with a proper free market economy, we have a long way to go.
Agreed, as long as 'earned' has its proper meaning, not the usual accounting meaning.
Success in sport and entertainment may indicate good values in trainers, coaches, managers and promoters, not so in the celebrities they work on.
'They play Einstein, then they think they are Einstein'.
Rumor- A big celebrity, B grade actress(?), after marrying into a good family, has asked her agent for a 'hero' role. She thinks she is a hero (sic) after confronting Granny.