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  • Posted by $ 5 years, 1 month ago
    I hate war! Ever since I was born. War, war, war. My father, my uncles, cousins, my brothers in law, my husband, my children. Can't people talk to each other?
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 5 years, 1 month ago
    I can only guess, based on my somewhat knowledgeable take that he probably said we shouldn't have killed that general from Iran. If so, he's coming from his premise that governments shouldn't kill people. I tend to agree. However, one can easily argue this is the lesser of two evils: we kill him or he kills more of us.

    For a government to kill somebody isn't good, ever. Governments have murdered more humans than any other type of group. Murderous mess of history. Rand would also say that we should bring the troops home and close many international bases. I'd agree with that.

    Keep in mind that Rand is probably the only politician on the right side of the isle who says these types of things or yearns for smaller government and a less-intrusive international presence. I agree with him on these things. It'll never happen, though...
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