Secret Empires: How the American Political Class Hides Corruption and Enriches Family and Friends

Posted by freedomforall 5 years, 2 months ago to Politics
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The title of the article was obviously selected by the New Yellow Times to clear the name of the traitorous Bidens. What it doesn't say is that Joe Biden's acts as VP were treasonous and illegal. Hunter just closed his eyes to the obvious treason of his father and took the money. If it hadn't been against the law, Joe wouldn't have needed his son to take the money and the board seats in Chinese and Ukrainian companies.
My title of this post is the title of the author's book about corruption enriching people like Clinton, Bush, Obama, and Biden. I bet the author didn't get a $65 million book deal.
It is no coincidence that Obama wasn't rich before he was elected POTUS and now is immensely wealthy. It's corruption of the worst kind.
See the book reviewed here:

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  • Posted by exceller 5 years, 2 months ago
    " because no equivalent American law prevents a foreign company or government from hiring the family members of American politicians. "

    Of course.

    Those who enter politics in the US start with $10 in their pockets and end as multimillionaires.

    Just ask any member of Congress. They routinely undertake insider trading that is punishable by prison by the SEC. Looks like the SEC is looking the other way when it comes to politicians.

    This issue surfaced in the press from time to time, only to fizzle out and nothing coming of it.

    Do we expect those in power to legislate against their own interest?

    Do pigs fly?
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