Liberal Fallacies

Posted by CarolSeer2014 10 years, 6 months ago to Government
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Found this quote on my refrigerator. (My refrigerator art consists of quotes I like).

"If I understand the Honourable Member's somewhat confused argument the Government are asked to ensure equality of intelligence, talent, health, energy and wealth while, at the same time, abolishing original sin as from the beginning of the next financial year. What Divine Providence has singularly failed to do, Her Majesty's government are to achieve by Statutory Order." From P.D.James "A Taste for Death".
Socialism in a nutshell.

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  • Posted by ObjectiveAnalyst 10 years, 6 months ago
    A liberal...
    news anchor making $12 million a year (Diane Sawyer)... can call a business owner that makes $1 million a year, greedy and selfish--- with a straight face.

    CEO's making millions are greedy--- Hollywood stars/professional athletes earn every penny.

    Michelle Obama spent $500,000 of our tax dollars on one vacation.. not newsworthy. Ann Romney spent $1000 of her own money on a blouse and it is national headline news.

    B.O. served one term in the senate.... has the experience to be President. Dan Quayle served multiple terms in the House and Senate and was unqualified to be Vice President.

    Morris Dees (Southern Poverty Law Center) Hires only white lawyers... not racist. TEA party has higher percentage of Blacks than the U.S. Congress is Racist.

    Oil companies make 8.3 cents profit on a gallon of gas... Greedy. Government takes 13 cents in taxes on every gallon!?!?

    Democrat Candidates endorsed by the CPUSA... means nothing. Republicans endorsed by the NRA... Nazis.

    Liberal environmentalists/ global warmers (Al Gore, etc.) Criticize the use of private jets, SUVs Luxury houses... take private jet, then SUV back to luxury homes..

    Teachers not allowed to hug a child lest it be perceived as sexual... TSA must grope your child in the interest of "national security."

    B.O. should not be judged by the church he went to (Jeremiah Wright)... Mitt Romney should be...

    Suicide bomber terrorists are freedom fighters... Israeli defense forces that shoot back are terrorists.

    Bill Clinton: "I never had sex with that woman." Al Gore: "I invented the internet." Barack Obama: "I killed Osama bin Laden.... You can keep your doctor..." You can't trust Republicans, they lie"!?!?
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