When this evidence is freely available it is proof the deep state does exist

Posted by $ nickursis 5 years, 3 months ago to Government
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To have this damning evidence availabe, and the public still pursue and support an fake impeachment, is clear indication we are at the Ayn Randian level of government Shruggery. To ignore such clear evidence of corruption, when the same person who is not saying a word, is protected, says we are seeing a coup in slow motion progress. Anyone who sees this and still agrees with impeachment, will be a demonrat voter in 2020 for sure.The fat this is freely avaialable and has not been widely reported, shown and outraged, is clear proof for the deep state and the conclusion the media has been bought lock stock and barrel. This one clip destroys any of the "Trump did it" arguments, and invalidates everything in the DC circus. Time to just arrest them all....

SOURCE URL: https://twitter.com/MichaelCoudrey/status/1194782108180332544?s=20

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  • Posted by starznbarz 5 years, 3 months ago
    Media makes it possible. Corporations that include national "alphabet" media in their business holdings are the cause of this and many other such actions, this is, by far, the boldest attack they have initiated. They are the only ones that can stop it. They know they will never have to do that because they have the income from their massive holdings that we keep purchasing from to fund the propaganda machine. Power hungry, communist politicians would have zero chance of pulling off what they are now openly doing, were the media to actually fulfill their Constitutional responsibility, they also could`nt do it if we did our job.
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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 5 years, 3 months ago
    It is also evidence that the sheeple dutifully obey the direction of their masters. Liberals I have spoken to claim that the video doesn't exist, and that it's "been dismissed as fake news." When I point them to it, and they see for themselves, the response is crickets, and they refuse to discuss it further.

    I keep hoping more classic liberals will start waking up to what's happened to their party. It's no longer the party of "Scoop" Jackson, JFK, or Hubert Humphrey, but the party of Mao, Stalin, and Hugo Chavez.
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  • Posted by Stormi 5 years, 3 months ago
    Same old hoaxes over and over, same players behind it over and over. Until all of Obama's plants are pulled out by the roots,they will continue, assuming we are all stupid. So much good could have been done if they had worked on things like trade deal, immigration reform, infrtstructure. But no, it is all a childish game by Sosos backs idiots, with Obama dropping in to guide it now and then.
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  • Posted by exceller 5 years, 3 months ago
    Of course it exists.

    We have known that for a long time.

    At the same time we also know they won't be arrested.

    That is the nature of the DS.
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