The Left Faces Apocalypse

Posted by lwwahlert 5 years, 2 months ago to Politics
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The Left Faces Apocalypse

“We should continue to impeach him until we actually get our way.” — Rep. Ruben Gallego (D, AZ), Vice News, 12/18/19

“Democrats Agree on One Thing: They’re Very, Very Nervous — ‘Trump Anxiety Disorder’ Has Morphed into Anxiety About Everything, and Impeachment Isn’t Helping.” — The New York Times, 12/13/19

“I was raised in a way that is a heart full of love! … So don’t mess with me!” — Nancy Pelosi, press conference, angrily insisting she prays for the President “all the time,” 12/5/19

Look, you can’t really blame these people for being on edge. They are losing it — because they are losing. Everything is bombing out on them. Nothing is turning out as they had hoped, planned, or expected. In fact, the entire left is living in a nightmare of their own creation.

The worst thing possible for Democrats is happening: America is succeeding. The country is experiencing peace and prosperity. The economy is roaring. The latest jobs numbers far exceeded all forecasts. Experts had predicted 180,000 additional jobs, but 266,000 new jobs were created — including 54,000 new manufacturing jobs. And the previous two months’ numbers were revised upward by over 40,000 jobs. Unemployment is at 3.5 percent, a 50-year low. The stock market is up 10,000 points since Trump’s election.

These are the best economic numbers in many people’s lives.

And in the midst of all that, what are the Democrats doing? Nothing. The Democrats aren’t even talking about the economy. They’re basically ignoring back-pocket issues that drive domestic politics. There isn’t a single Democrat fingerprint on any of this good economic news. This Party is obsessing, instead, over a routine phone call with the president of Ukraine.

It’s a classic overreach, by the same Democrats who keep failing at every scheme they run against President Trump. They can sense impending doom, and they are right. As Andrea Mitchell said during nbc’s coverage of the House impeachment vote on 12/18/19: “Nancy Pelosi has been dignified and really straightforward. She understands the politics. They could lose control of the House.”

Wait, what? “They could lose control of the House?” Why would they? Folks, this means they know they don’t have anywhere near the public support they need, or that they thought they’d have. It means they know they have failed. Their dream was to do this and get accolades from millions. They wanted people to thank them for saving America from the ogre Donald Trump, and then to sweep them into a landslide victory in November. They now know that won’t happen. If you’re expecting to lose votes on impeachment, it means you’ve made a grave error in judgment. Folks, it’s imploding.

On impeachment-vote eve, 12/17/19, President Trump sent a scathing letter to Nancy Pelosi, in which he warned: “I have no doubt the American people will hold you and the Democrats fully responsible in the upcoming 2020 election. They will not soon forgive your perversion of justice and abuse of power.”

It is beginning to dawn on some Democrats that the President may be right. Which is why, as we go to press, Speaker Pelosi suddenly pocketed the House impeachment vote she just won, laughably complaining about the unfairness of the Senate rules. “So far we haven’t seen anything that looks fair to us,” she snipped, “so hopefully it will be fairer, and when we see what that is, we’ll send our [impeachment] managers.” She then (unwisely, as it turned out) accused Sen. Mitch McConnell of being a “jury foreman” who’s “in cahoots” with “the lawyers of the accused.” So, after wham-bamming impeachment through because of the “urgency,” Nancy Pelosi started dawdling.

Folks, they don’t know what to do. They are in a box. It was impeachment or bust — because they are scared out of their gourds. They face setbacks as far as the eye can see — and even, potentially, the loss of everything.

They hate Trump’s guts. But even more, they are terrified of him. They fear Donald Trump precisely because none of their schemes and plots and sabotages have even grazed him, and they’ve fired everything they’ve got. Even their most vicious attacks haven’t stuck. A number of Democrats have outright admitted they had to impeach Trump, otherwise he’ll be reelected. They saw impeachment as the only weapon left, and gambled everything on it.

Because, folks, here’s what they know they face — and it scares the ever-living daylights out of them. Imagine a 7-2 conservative Supreme Court by 2024. Imagine Roe v. Wade threatened. Imagine the global warming racket in absolute ruins. Imagine the southern border finally closed and secure. And imagine 30-plus percent of the African American constituency solidly in the anti-Democrat camp. If Democrats were to lose even 25 percent of the black vote, that Party will never win another national election.

That’s what they are looking at: apocalypse. Folks, the media will never portray the risk the left is facing, but Democrats are experiencing indescribable horror. They are looking at the solidifying of Trump economic policies. If Trump gets a second term, that will mean seven years of reconfiguring the global economy on trade and wealth creation. The old system has benefited the left mightily, as opposed to the new Trumpian economy, which is flooding capital back into Main Street.

Democrats see the shocking prospect of Trump changing the entire balance of power throughout the federal district court system and the appellate court system. Imagine the left losing their majority control of the judiciary nationwide, which is where they have election-loss insurance! Thanks to Sen. McConnell, Trump is getting more conservative judges confirmed (he’s now up to 170) than any American President in your or my lifetime. These are lifetime appointments that will go a long way toward saving our country.

And after President Trump wins reelection in 2020, it’s full speed ahead. Donald Trump will not be your typical lame-duck President. Second-term Presidents are typically weak. Congress ignores them, since they’re not going to run again, they lose leverage. Trump will turn that tradition upside-down. His second term will be more focused, more energetic, and more productive than the first, and they already sense it.

After this impeachment debacle is in the rear-view mirror, Donald John Trump is going to feel liberated. Because after that, what else can they do to him? They will have thrown everything at him — and yet he will still be standing. This will backfire on them in ways they haven’t even calculated yet.

Can you envision an even more energized Trump? He’s been unstoppable even with every obstacle the left could muster. Picture him even more focused on his agenda than ever, more controlled — and looking to settle the score. Democrats are right to be afraid.

Put yourself in their shoes. They have believed they run, not just Washington, but the world. They run everything about the Deep State. It’s theirs. Here comes Donald Trump, an unsophisticated buffoon in their view — and trounces them.They marshal every brilliant strategist and political asset and investigative tool and media weapon and lever of power and aim them against him every day. Yet everything they’ve tried has blown up in their faces.

Donald Trump is still President, and he is laughing and smiling every day while rolling over them and tweeting about what idiots they are. They are furious and miserable, because they can

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  • Posted by mshupe 5 years, 2 months ago
    The best comment I heard yesterday was Trump saying, and I'm paraphrasing here, "You don't buy a well managed company. You'll pay too much and lose your ass. You buy a badly run company, fix it, and sell it for a fortune. That's what I did, I bought a company run by Obama and Bush. This is an easy turnaround situation."
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    • Posted by Dobrien 5 years, 2 months ago
      Yes when Obama left office he had to take his foot off of the neck of the economy.
      60 + years of Bush ( Scherf Nazi ) influence was leading US on the path to socialism than communism to ultimately the 4 th Reich of Technocracy with a Gaia god and sustainability (Al Gore style) as the determinant for individual sacrifice.Keep your eyes on California that is the model of the future under the deepstate luciferian kakistocrats . Voter fraud underway. No Republican option on voter registration in California.https://www.google.com/search?q=california+vo...
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      • Posted by fosterj717 5 years, 2 months ago
        What could you expect? The Bush's (all of them) are just toadies for the NWO, the CFR, the Trilateralists, the Club of Rome, the Bohemian Club, the Skull & Bones and the Bilderbergers! It is quite obvious that they, Obama and Clinton have no interest in doing the right thing for the American people but rather on behalf of their over-lords! Truth be told!
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        • Posted by Dobrien 5 years, 2 months ago
          Toadies for the Satanic Luciferian Globalist Pee doh files. You are so correct in pointing out the multiple century old secret societies and corruption seminars. The thirteen bloodline families that have terrorized humanity for most of recorded history have only the USA in the way of their sinister plans. The plan was revealed first by Norman Dodd in his interview with G Edward Griffith. Link provided. http://www.usfra.org/video/norman-dod...
          Operation Paperclip after WW2 and the 2nd phase in 61 that brought the 550 disgruntled technocratic Professors . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B9LdA...
          Tri lateral commission and Technocracy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rHWrc...
          The biggest turd brought over was Henry Kissinger. Funny within 7 years he becomes the chief foreign policy director for the U S.
          The Georgia guide stones give a clue possibly to what the goal is. Now is the time to stand with Trump who is whipping the evil
          *@#%-=&£€§| ers.
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        • Posted by LibertyBelle 5 years, 2 months ago
          What do NWO and CFR stand for?
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          • Posted by fosterj717 5 years, 2 months ago
            NWO is the abbreviation for "New World Order" often alluded to by former president George HW Bush, Bill Clinton and a gaggle of other "one worlder" types. CFR stands for "The Council on Foreign Relations" that is basically hand in hand with the Tri-lateral Commission, The Bilderbergers, the Skull & Bones society (Both Bushes, John Kerry, etc.), The Bohemian Club, the Club of Rome to name but a few of these organizations and societies. All espouse to varying degrees the notion of the US giving up its sovereignty to a New World Order presided over by the United Nations.

            This movement goes back to Roosevelt and other early practitioners such as the United World Federalists, soon to be replaced by the World Federalists International (the likes of Norman Cousins and other "weighty" proponents of this movement. All are now lockstep in promoting this endeavor and are much closer than most understand.

            Hope that helps!
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            • Posted by Dobrien 5 years, 2 months ago
              New world order is a misnomer it is Nazi World Order. Bush only mouthed “ a New World Order”
              Because that sounded palatable in his infamous speech. Do your own research the Bushes have been connected to the worst of the worst for many generations.
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            • Posted by LibertyBelle 5 years, 2 months ago
              Thanks. I'm pretty much against all that stuff.
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              • Posted by $ 25n56il4 5 years, 2 months ago
                George Herbert Walker Bush lost me when I realized he wanted to be President of the World. His NWO stunned me and I am a long-time resident of Texas. My family came to Texas in the 1830's. They are in the 1840 census. They came to America in the 1600's. One was born in America in 1620. That said, I knew "Little Bush" and he wasn't even a great jet pilot! Let alone Prez. Obama wasn't IMO eligible to be President. His mother was a citizen but the man who signed his birth certificate was from Kenya! None of these people were in Donald Trump's league. He is a smart businessman and he has accomplished amazing things. The hate of Pelosi and company is laughable! They are terrified!
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  • Posted by $ blarman 5 years, 2 months ago
    It is my hope for the following in 2020:
    1) That Trump's impeachment Trial turns into prosecutions of dozens of Democrats for corruption.
    2) That Trump wins re-election
    3) That Republicans win more seats in the Senate
    4) That Democrats lose control of the House
    5) That 2021 sees some real movement in the following areas:
    - Immigration reform. The completion of a border wall on the South. Clarification to eliminate birthright citizenship. Active defunding of local and/or State jurisdictions which refuse to work with ICE.
    - Medical insurance reform. Cut back on red tape. Eliminate requirements that hospitals treat patients who can't pay. Eliminate monopolies in many States insurance sectors.
    - Continued elimination of bureaucracy and rules in Federal Government.
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    • Posted by bobsprinkle 5 years, 2 months ago
      I like 'em all. I would only add that I would love to be able to send the Virginia gov back in time to his infancy so that he could be left in a cold empty room and be "comforted" till he dies. Maybe he could take the entire Virginia legislature with him.
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    • Posted by lrshultis 5 years, 2 months ago
      Do you really mean wish to remove birthright citizenship for US citizens until they can prove that they will bow to your idea who should have citizenship?

      Just another way to take away some liberty from US citizens as is being done about crossing state boarders if one is to fly. In that case, the USA is trying to implement the old European necessity for a government permission for traveling with the eventual necessity for a passport to go from, say, Wisconsin to Illinois with boarder posts to check any traveler's permissions.
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      • Posted by Rex_Little 5 years, 2 months ago
        No, that's not what blarman means. "Birthright citizenship" means that a baby born in the US is automatically a US citizen, regardless of its parents' status. Ending birthright citizenship would just mean that, for instance, a baby born to a Chinese woman here on a two-week tourist visa wouldn't be a US citizen. Nobody who already has citizenship would have it taken away.
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        • Posted by LibertyBelle 5 years, 2 months ago
          Oh no? And suppose he'd thought he had it for the previous 40 years, because he's been born here (although) his parents had been immigrants, would he still have it?
          I don't condone "jumping the fence". But that is a separate offense.
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          • Posted by $ 25n56il4 5 years, 2 months ago
            If you want to hear 'unfair'...hear this. My grandmother was a full blood American Indian born in this country in 1898. She wasn't allowed citizenship until 1914. That was the year my father was born. She had three children older than him. But what the heck, the U S has never honored one treaty with the Indians. I can't sympathize with someone who slips across the Border and drops a child!
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            • Posted by LibertyBelle 5 years, 2 months ago
              Did she really have three children before she was 16?! (I don't say that's impossible, but I think it would be highly unusual).
              But, of course, the U.S. government was guilty of great injustice in denying American Indians citizenship as long as it did.
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          • Posted by Rex_Little 5 years, 2 months ago
            Yes, he'd still have US citizenship. Someone born here 40 years ago automatically became a citizen under the law then (and now) current. A change in the law would affect only those born after the change. Otherwise it would be ex post facto, which is specifically forbidden by the Constitution.
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          • Posted by $ blarman 5 years, 2 months ago
            If the parents were legal immigrants at the time of his birth, they would be legal citizens at the time and their citizenship would legally be passed down. If not, then no. He would have to apply for legal citizenship. You're arguing for the continuation/legalization of DACA. For me - it was unConstitutional when it was implemented and remains that way.

            Jumping the fence is a violation of sovereignty and an offense to the hospitality of the host nation. Assuming citizenship one has not legally attained is an act of insurrection and war because it threatens the government of the host nation and directly thumbs its nose at the people of that nation by declaring that an association doesn't have the power to determine who are its members. Think about it long and hard, because if you reject the notion that a nation has not only the right of association but the duty to maintain it, you argue for total and complete chaos.
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            • Posted by $ 25n56il4 5 years, 2 months ago
              If you carefully read the XIV Amendment to the Constitution, which was enacted just following the Civil War, it states, 'All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the U.S and of the state wherein they reside.' Key words being 'and subject to the jurisdiction thereof,' and 'state wherein they reside'. I don't believe dropping an 'anchor baby' when you cross our Borders qualifies you for citizenship under those circumstances. The parents are not residents or subject to the jurisdiction since they aren't residents! Let's re-read that! This Amendment was directed at children born of former slaves, I would think. But then, I am no expert.
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              • Posted by $ blarman 5 years, 2 months ago
                Precisely. Both clauses "born or naturalized in the United States" AND "subject to the jurisdiction thereof" are pertinent and it is the second one which frequently gets overlooked.
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      • Posted by $ blarman 5 years, 2 months ago
        Citizenship is not a human right. It is a privilege granted by those who are already citizens to those wishing to associate.

        The US is one of the only nations in the world to prioritize the geography of where you are born as the primary criteria tin ascertaining one's national allegiance (and that due to an erroneous Supreme Court decision and a failure of clarification by Congress). Almost every other nation does it based on the nationalities of the parents. We should absolutely adopt the same via specific legislation. When your birth certificate is filled out, it must state nationality of both parents. If mixed, you get to enjoy both until you choose to select one or the other. But we must get rid of the notion of anchor babies.

        If you want to get down to the real notion of moral citizenship and allegiance, maybe we should institute a standardized test to be taken by all seventeen-year-olds prior to them voting (at age eighteen). If they don't pass, they don't get to vote. The test should cover basics like the Declaration of Independence, Constitution, three branches of government and their respective responsibilities, and who your local Senator and Representative are. All tests are administered in English.
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        • Posted by LibertyBelle 5 years, 2 months ago
          And then some statists would get in charge to specify what opinions the applicants must express to be allowed to vote.
          I am in favor of birthright citizenship. Before the 14th Amendment, Southern states were refusing to protect blacks in the states from lynching on the grounds that they weren't "citizens'.
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          • Posted by $ blarman 5 years, 2 months ago
            "Before the 14th Amendment, Southern states were refusing to protect blacks in the states from lynching on the grounds that they weren't "citizens'."

            Because the argument was that their citizenship was foreign: African rather than European or American by birth (not that I agree with them in the matter). The Fourteenth Amendment clarified that and - if you read the text - specifically applied only to those who had no nationality at the time. It does NOT extend citizenship to those with an already-determined nationality - contrary to popular interpretation. If you read the notes of the author of the Fourteenth Amendment, all this becomes very clear.
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  • Posted by exceller 5 years, 2 months ago
    The Dems dug themselves into a hole and keep digging.

    It is a good place for them to be, for eternity.
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    • Posted by fosterj717 5 years, 2 months ago
      True! But don't count them out because they have no compunction about doing truly evil things in the name of maintaining their power. Nothing is beyond them and that is what all must be concerned about!
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      • Posted by Rex_Little 5 years, 2 months ago
        Specifically, what I expect is that the economy will crash sometime around the middle of next year, so that it's mired in a recession on Election Day. That will do to Trump what it did to Bush I in 1992 (recall that he appeared unbeatable when the year began).

        I expect this because we're in a bubble now, and it would only take a pinprick to bust it. I don't know what form the pinprick would take, but I believe there are people who do know, and people who are in a position to apply it at a time of their choosing, and that at least some of these people detest Trump.
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        • Posted by term2 5 years, 2 months ago
          The dems are hoping for the economy to crash, and doing anything they can to insure that. Economic woes will work to the disadvantage of trump for sure, but I am still voting for him as opposed to completely stupid socialists or forgetful biden who does seem to figure out how to profit from government handouts to his son
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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 5 years, 2 months ago
    The Democrats have already announced that even if Trump is not convicted and run out of office, they will continue to pile on more impeachment charges. To me, this is like the band playing as the Titanic sinks. Moderate Democrats and Democrat-leaning independents are telling the Democrats in the House that they do not support the impeachment, yet the Pelosi subjects appear ready to go down with the boat, blind to the impending catastrophe.

    Utopian believers refuse to recognize that humans are not ants, that willingly obey decrees from an authoritarian central government. We're not herd animals, either, sheep to be slaughtered (even though the corrupted educational system has done its best to convince our young that they are helpless sheep). We are pack animals, with the males instinctively driven to provide and protect, and females instinctively seeking to nurture and provide comfort. Anyone who disagrees with this should read the book "Heroes" by Micki Pistorius (a South African psychologist and serial killer profiler). Pistorius's experience with the worst and best of humans led her to the conclusion that nearly all of our social problems derive from a denial of our basic natures. Capitalist and Libertarian systems work best, while collectivist ideologies drive themselves into ruin.
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  • Posted by Dobrien 5 years, 2 months ago
    Thank you for your thoughtful post. If Ice was the Democratic Party Trump is a massive ice breaker.
    Improving And MAGA despite the resistance.
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 5 years, 2 months ago
    Just checked my portfolio and it made me think of how hard it will be for the Dems to convince America to get rid of Trump. But, I see real desperation in their eyes. I am afraid for The Donald, to be honest. We are talking about people here who probably read the non-published, more inhumane version of Rules for Radicals...if you know what I mean...
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    • Posted by $ gharkness 5 years, 2 months ago
      Have you read DJT Jr's book, Triggered?

      He doesn't say it in so many words, yet, but folks, we may not be done with Conservatives even after DJT leaves office in 2024. Liberals who are paying attention are peeing in their pants over this possibility, as well they should!
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      • Posted by $ Abaco 5 years, 2 months ago
        Watch the news media start encouraging war in Iraq and Iran now. This will be another attempt to sidetrack this conservative freight train. I really hope, for my children's sake that our next President is a conservative. Not a NeoCon. But, somebody who gets it.
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  • Posted by kamasdancer 5 years, 2 months ago
    The worst thing we all can do right now is feel too confident. The toxicrats are not on the run at all. They might loose one battle but the war is far deeper, vicious, and seething throughout the swamp that is still swarming with "Resistance" that continues to deeply damage federal institutions and Trump's policy initiatives. Pro-liberty efforts are STILL being massively "resisted" across the government. It IS NOT time to relax at all. As soon as we start feeling relaxed about the evil momentum that we (and Trump) still face we need to Double-Down on the offensive. To dispel any doubts of this reality we all need to read Kim Strassell's book "Resistance (At All Costs)". She opens the hood on the current engine that's driving the Toxicrats and it's downright scary. Our only way forward is to relentlessly get any and all candidates that have declared as Democrat universally condemned, out of office, out of power. Kim's book available Amazon here:
    We MUST form a united front coalition across Republicans, Independents, Libertarians, and classic-liberal Democrats. Now is the time to contact local Republican organizers and/or donate to kick the Trump campaign into a higher gear for optimal momentum for elections 2020. Find out who your Democrat representatives (at all government levels) and send them a letter giving them the link to Kimberly Strassell's book and demand that they publicly disavow the Democrat corruption she exposes and demand they apologize to the American voters for it. It's time to double-down even farther and not to relax.
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  • Posted by floreo 5 years, 2 months ago
    These comments should be heard by all. The media should know better than to feed this insanity with overboard reporting, but they are whores for headlines.
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  • Posted by term2 5 years, 2 months ago
    The leftists just want power; they dont care if their policies succeed, in fact they would prefer them to fail and be given more power to supposedly make them work.
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  • Posted by NealS 5 years, 2 months ago
    I just can't anymore, the Dems are really boring the hell out of me. The only fact is that most of my liberal acquaintances still don't get it. Some just continue to spread the rhetoric, but I see a little good the good news in the fact that some don't say much anymore. My concern today is when will it all be over with, or will it just continue into eternity? No reply necessary.
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    • Posted by term2 5 years, 2 months ago
      The purpose of socialism is to give power to the elites, and keep the masses DOWN so as to be dependent. Socialism isnt designed to succeed as a system to help the masses at all, and thats why it always "fails" to help the masses.
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        • Posted by term2 5 years, 2 months ago
          We grow up in family socialism in which physical needs were automatically provided for and emotional needs were the new priority. Basically the parents created monsters who expected their emotions were paramount , and these children never grew up to be independent beings

          Now they are stronger together in embracing leftism, and they are fixated with the idea of socialism, not the reality of socialism
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  • -1
    Posted by CircuitGuy 5 years, 2 months ago
    "They are furious and miserable, "
    I think people who are already furious and miserable are attracted to these games. They didn't start out happy until politicians and news outlets got them worked up.

    I suspect more people are furious and miserable than 20 years ago. I don't know the reason. Senator Ben Sasse suggests "loneliness" could be the cause, as long-distance communication replaces local events. It sounded silly at first, but I think it's part of it. Maybe our communications technology has improved faster than our ability to use it to improve our lives.
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