Texas Planned Parenthood wanted to sell aborted baby livers.
Posted by Dobrien 5 years, 2 months ago to Philosophy
How ethical is this? Would Ayn Rand approve of this practice. This is just one of many reports of human fetuses parts sold by planned parenthood groups.
[Daleiden]: Yes, I sent them a draft contract after that for $750 per fetal liver.
Q. Did you receive any information following that from Tram Nguyen as to whether they had any interest in pursuing that contract?
[Daleiden]: I've since learned that Tram Nguyen forwarded that contract to her supervisor and said she wanted to move forward with it.
Tram Nguyen, director of the Ambulatory Surgery Center, Planned
Parenthood Gulf Coast, in Houston, Texas. (Screenshot: CMP)
WARNING: The video, images, and descriptions in this story involve abortion and fetal body parts. The material is graphic and disturbing.
(CNSNews.com) -- In the fifth and latest investigative video of Planned Parenthood’s harvesting of aborted baby organs and tissue, officials with the organization discuss altering the abortion process to get “intact, fetal cadavers,” and help to identify body parts from aborted twins, including intestines, brain, lung, arm and “orbits,” eyeballs.
“The intestines are here, right here, see?” says Planned Parenthood’s Tram Nguyen, as she and a “buyer” (undercover actor) poke through the dismembered and torn body parts of aborted twins dumped into a rectangular glass tray.
“This comes out, like I said, the organs come out really well,” says Nguyen. “See, you can see all the intestines, pretty much all of it’s intact.”
When the buyer notes the “orbits” and remarks that Nguyen had collected such eyeballs before, she says, “Yes, orbits are so easy [to find], like 95% of the time. … Yes, they come out, like firmer.”
David Daleiden, project leader of the undercover videos recorded by the Center for Medical Progress, said, “Anyone who watches these videos knows that Planned Parenthood is engaged in barbaric practices and human rights abuses that must end.”