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  • Posted by GaryL 5 years, 3 months ago
    If you are not concerned about what others do in the privacy of their own homes that puts you in the Libertarian camp. I have never cared what any of these tests classified me in as long as they don't call me a Dumocrap!
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  • Posted by $ Thoritsu 5 years, 3 months ago
    Anarchist. No idea why, but similarly don't care.

    We should make our own. I bet with the right questions and pictures, we can make well-meaning lefties into Libertarians.
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  • Posted by $ nickursis 5 years, 3 months ago
    Traditional values and social norms guide your understanding of society. You value order and stability, and are less than comfortable with people who break the rules or wish to remake the world in their own image. Monstrous threats that invade the sanctity of home and family (Amityville Horror, The Omen, The Shining) give you the creeps. Look out! The call is coming from inside the house.

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  • -1
    Posted by CircuitGuy 5 years, 3 months ago
    I got Libertarian.

    The question about which is worse: politicians or IRS. It's more complicated than that. The IRS answers to politicians. If they changed the tax code, the IRS would enforce it. Similarly, if the people demanded lower taxes, politicians would give them what they demand in order to get elected. I picked IRS, though, because it being normal to turn over a third of your earnings is the problem.
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    • Posted by freedomforall 5 years, 3 months ago
      "if the people demanded lower taxes, politicians would give them what they demand "
      We have demanded term limits and the con-gress will never vote for term limits. They are lying traitorous scum.
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      • -1
        Posted by CircuitGuy 5 years, 3 months ago
        "They are lying traitorous scum."
        The problem would be much easier if most people had a philosophy of limited gov't and the problem were politicians didn't give voters what they wanted. The problem is people accept sending a third of earnings to the gov't every quarter as a fact of life. Even people generally for limited gov't may ask their congressman to protect programs that benefit them so they get more value for their tax dollar. It's worth their time lobby for their tiny slice of the pie, but there's no system for everyone to lobby to decrease the whole gov't pie. On top of this, any new program is usually paid for by debt, so when citizens are asked if they support a gov't initiative, they don't weigh it against a price tag.
        I think blaming it all on one tidy group is empty calories.
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        • Posted by freedomforall 5 years, 3 months ago
          "people accept sending a third of earnings to the gov't every quarter as a fact of life"
          Accept it? The only other choices are (1) federal prison, (2) violent revolt (and, yes, people are not starving so they do not choose to use firearms to stop the IRS from stealing from them yet), or your so-called solution, sacrificing all principles and sacrificing your liberty by begging for a little of what has been stolen be returned.
          The people have no voice in selection of the representatives, except for people who are politically connected, or wealthy enough to make large donations to political organizations. Voting is a false choice because the candidates are carefully selected by the elite and ANY candidate that acts against the deep state's interests is unlikely to succeed unless such a candidate has unlimited resources and no loved ones to be threatened (as was done to Perot.)
          Those others who remain in power are lying traitorous scum.
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          • -2
            Posted by CircuitGuy 5 years, 2 months ago
            "Voting is a false choice because the candidates are carefully selected by the elite and ANY candidate that acts against the deep state's interests is unlikely to succeed unless such a candidate has unlimited resources and no loved ones to be threatened (as was done to Perot.)"
            This conspiracy theory would mean that most people actually want a limited government. They'd happily forgo their research grant, parent's medical assistance (MA), the air force base in their area, social security, long prison sentences for non-violent drug offenders, etc, but some cabal of bad guys is masterminding things by suppressing leaders who would cut government. People have the false choice, this conspiracy theory goes, to vote for someone who actually has increased spending and nearly tripled the deficit or for someone promising medicare for all, "free" education, another assorted "free" stuff. They grudgingly pull the lever for one of them, wishing there someone who shrink government. This conspiracy theory is appealing but absurd. In reality, people want the gov't to balance the budget, but without raising taxes or touching the military, social security, programs for the poor, the police state, the welfare state, college financial age, grants for research/business/education... just cut the "waste". We're here because there's no widespread real philosophy of limited government, not because of a bizarre conspiracy.
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    • Posted by $ gharkness 5 years, 3 months ago
      While I think most people here understand the IRS concept, SO few out 'in the world" do. They demonize the agency which is tasked with following instructions.

      However, the IRS sure does seem to exhibit a lot of zeal doing it, doesn't it? And that's why I picked the same answer you did, on that question. :-)
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      • Posted by $ 5 years, 3 months ago
        The IRS recently lied to me on the phone (I called them~con artists imposters with call you) about avoiding a penalty if I paid for a boo-boo in time.
        Me dino wound up paying it anyway after my jumping through the dictated hoops.
        The penalty was only around $35 but there's a freaking principle involves.
        Yet resistance is futile when a penalty can be jacked up to serious heights with other Draconian measures in line to be inflicted.
        So that is the background of why the monster test lists me a resentful dino to be a libertarian instead of an anarchist. At least I suppose that's the reason.
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