Out, Out, Damned Oak Tree

Posted by Herb7734 5 years, 4 months ago to Culture
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My BW's name is Marilynn. You better not forget that second "n." Actually, her alternate name could well be "relentless." Around three years ago an enormous oak tree was growing next to our driveway destroying said driveway in increments. The BW tried to get the city's permission to cut it down and was refused. Personally, I hated the idea of needing to get permission to cut down a tree which was growing on my property. But defying the eco-freaks would mean fines that could bankrupt Scrooge McDuck. She was told that we needed to get a certified arborist to fill out voluminous forms before the arborist in question could take down the tree. In addition a new tree would need to be planted on the property to take it's place. .However, even if we complied with all of that, we were told that permission would not be granted. After contacting several more tree people, all of whom had the needed arbor specialists on their staff, we were continuously turned down. This went on over a period of three years.Mind you, this was no small project. This tree was the biggest damn oak anyone had ever seen and the entire project would cost nearly $3,000.

We were contacted by a tree guy who apparently went after folks who had been turned down in the past. By this time, we had little hope of overcoming the drunk-with-power village fathers (actually it was a village daughter). Little did we realize that our new tree guy was as relentless as you-know-who. He was one of Reagan's boat people, who had struggled mightily to come to these shores. Even though he spoke no English, he learned, and became a citizen. This was not a man who took no easily. After making three appointments per week in which either him or one of his men showed up at eco-freak's office he wore them down and got permission and today the entire job was done by 1:00 pm. (Other tree guys said it would take two days).
Lots of lessons to be learned from our friendly, efficient ex-Cuban tree removal and planter, the first of which is never give up.

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  • Posted by freedomforall 5 years, 4 months ago
    Naturally, it had to be a village (idiot) daughter.
    I think I might have considered movig the driveway, but that would probably have taken a different impossible-to-get permit. [grin
    I'm glad to hear that you found the solution that didn't involve poison. (up to the reader what/who might have been the recipient thereof.)
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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 5 years, 4 months ago
    You wanna live in my town. If a hardwood tree is over 18 inches in diameter, you can't cut it down!! Have to detour the sidewalk around it.
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    • Posted by $ 25n56il4 5 years, 4 months ago
      Now the 'genuises' have come up with 'if you cut down a tree' you have to plant another one. Sorry. I took out 17 (trash trees) on my property. i lost two 80 year old Pecans (I cried) to a hurricane. They don't dare try to force that ordinance on me. I might run again for council and they don't want that! Once was enough!
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      • Posted by $ 25n56il4 5 years, 4 months ago
        I kept my Oaks, Magnolia, Red Buds (6) and Camphor trees. Also kept my Mimosa trees, Banana trees, Azaleas (all twelve bushes) and Pampas Grass along one fence line. Forgot my Oleanders. I like flowery things.Didn't cut down the Loquats or Orange tree.
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  • Posted by AMeador1 5 years, 4 months ago
    The permit Nazi's!!! Me and my wife have both ended up in those kind of positions before - and we both got out of them. The worst was in Tampa, Florida (that we experienced that is). It was the same there. Want to take out a tree on your own property - got to go through crazy crap to get it done (unless the tree is dead - hint hint). But the city there even had a TV channel where you could watch them going over permit requests and where the people had to go to this meeting to present their case and answer questions about what they wanted the permit for. Insane! People wanted to put up a taller fence around their yard - NOPE! Only the same size fence painted the same color as the neighboring fences! This is not a subdivision (which is bad enough) - but just for being in the city limits. A person wanted to add-on to their garage to make 3 bays - NOPE the other properties in the immediate vicinity only had 2! They had the room - it just didn't match the neighbors! It's absolutely ridiculous! No concept of property rights. And these people that condone this stuff because they want to protect their property values should be #@&!%&#!!!!! Is the government going to go out and protect every business venture from failure!?! That is essentially what this means. Ohhh - this kind of stuff just infuriates me!
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 5 years, 4 months ago
    Glad you finally won the battle.
    No problem with that here in Westbrook CT but we do have some pretty strange inland wetland creatures roaming around here.

    My Neighbor wasn't allowed to cut the trees in his back yard (not a drop of water in sight)...he owns 4 ac. So, we've taken to helping them fall down,.. a-hem, "naturally".
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