Russian Poet Anna Akhmatova and the Berlin Wall's Takedown
"One day somebody in the crowd identified me. Standing behind me was a woman, with lips blue from cold, who had, of course, never heard me called by name before. Now she started out of the torpor common to us all and asked me in a whisper (everyone whispered there): ‘Can you describe this?’ And I said: ‘I can.’ Then something like a smile passed fleetingly over what had once been her face."
Reminds me of a piece of literature I talked about here in the past and I, again, compel my fellow Objectivists to read. "The Stones Cry Out , A Cambodian Childhood". This book changed my life. Even though it was written through the eyes of a child with no real bias other than the desire to survive - the relevance to modern times and the horror of collectivism and totalitarianism hits like a sledge hammer. In reading it I acquired a sharpness, a focus on what really matters...
Thanks for sharing that, mshupe...