Mind Over Matter?

Posted by Herb7734 5 years, 2 months ago to Science
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You might note that I am less interested in current events than I am more universal subjects that are meaningful to the story of mankind. This is a subject that I was turned on to by some members of this austere gathering. It is definitely brain nourishment. Or not, if you fear plunging into the abyss of what happens when new and ancient thought come together.

"We are the masters of our own universe."
At the subatomic level, science has shown that particles themselves come in and out of existence based solely on their intention to be observed.In a sense, the desire to see a particle .....manifested that particle. Heisenberghad hinted at this reality decades ago,and now it has become a fundamental principle of quantum science.In other words, Living consciousness is somehow the influence that turns the possibility of something into something real.The most essential ingredient in creating our universe is the consciousness that observes it.

The most astonishing aspect, however is the realization of the mind's ability to affect the physical world by augmenting through practice,.intention is a learned skill.(Ask any swami) Such as meditation,harnessing the true power of "thought"requires practice. More important...some people are born more skilled at this than others. Throughout history there have been those few who have become true masters.

This is the missing link between modern science and ancient mysticism. The new physics may well be a sort of neural science and along with the studies of Newton, Einstein and the like, we might find parallel studies in the Kybalion, the Zohar, or the Sumerian tablets in the British Museum.

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  • Posted by AMeador1 5 years, 2 months ago
    This sounds like a reach. From what I read on the subject - it is not a matter that observation per se has any bearing on what the subatomic particles do or don't do or whether or not they "show themselves". It is a matter of instrumentation. It's is not as though the human eye can observe these particles period - it is only via tools and measuring devices that they can me measured/observed. The idea that this is "observation" is false. They are not saying because you are looking at them that they are doing something else, they are saying when they put instruments in place to try to detect them, then they are not getting the expected results.

    Is it more likely that the tools chosen are affecting the particles in some way? Or, are having issues picking up what these particles are doing or simply measuring that they are there? Or that the entire concept of reality should be scrubbed?

    I think the latter is absurd. There were similar issues when scientists were trying to observe the subatomic particles of electrons, protons, and neutrons. When using electron scanning microscope to try to observe them - the microscopes electron particles where affecting the subatomic particles they were trying to "observe". How long did it take before they were able to take any measure or even prove the existence of quantum particles?

    To use the cutting edge of science in the quantum particle realm where proper measuring technique are still being discovered and even understanding the simplest of how these particles behave to attempt to validate mysticism is ridiculous.

    I posit that those in the sciences that make any such claims - are already mystics and are reaching for validation of mysticism simply because they simply do not have the answers and methods needed to obtain concretes in their cutting edge studies. Sounds like the world of Galileo in reverse - where the scientists are pushing mysticism over rationality and logic.
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    • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 5 years, 2 months ago
      Perhaps, it is the vibrational identity (frequency) of man made instrumentation of observations that skews the existence or behavior of the quantum.
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      • Posted by AMeador1 5 years, 2 months ago
        Oh, at this stage - I think there are many unknown possibilities that could be at play - and I'm sure in time they will make progress. Think of Edison trying his thousands of filaments to get it right for a light-bulb! These particles are weird, and almost impossible for us at this stage to detect - much less to figure out what and how they move. Light/Photons have had scientists at bay for A LONG TIME in trying in regard to particle or wave. Maybe these are doing something similar - as you say related to vibrations and harmonics, or maybe something to do with magnetic fields so when putting object near their path to "observe" them, the veer way -who knows! It is new cutting edge science and thus there will surely be more questions than answers for a long time. Plus, they take much more in resources to study - making it less available to research than was atoms and subatomic particles.
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      • Posted by 5 years, 2 months ago
        Perhaps, perhaps,perhaps. Personally, I like the string theory the most. Talk about utter absurdity! Oh well, I guess I'll need another 50 years, which will not be forthcoming.
        .Ameador1 is a rather angry guy, isn't he/she?
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        • Posted by AMeador1 5 years, 2 months ago
          Frustrated to see efforts to take science out of context, or "edge of technology" knowledge where the unknowns are still being worked out, to make such absolutist statements about how inanimate particles have an intention as to whether or not we are allowed to see them, for the purposes for advancing the idea that reality as we know it - should be or could be thrown on its head to advance the evils of mysticism. Angry - I suppose that as well. I understand that there are multiple hypothesis, and there is argument among physicists as to this interpretation as well. To boldly state that as a fact when it is clearly in scientific debate about the issue - as justification to assume reality not actually reality is reckless.
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    • Posted by 5 years, 2 months ago
      You bring up several excellent points.Currently, we are just at the very start of quantum physics.We have merely put our toes into the ocean of knowledge that stretches before us.To proclaim at this early time that what is proposed about the meeting of mysticism and science is absurd, is in itself absurd. Quantum physics and the few years prior to Einstein's revelations seemed absurd to most scientists until it was proven by nature itself. You well may be 100% right, but at present it is too early to tell. When Newton presented his take on the nature of the universe, a flood of new ideas took place, but strangely this is nor the case with the quantum world.Dozens of new ideas have come forth, none of which have proven to be a breakthrough to our understanding. Was Einstein, Bohr and the others trying to unlock a door that doesn't exist, or is it simply much more difficult in the way of problems that didn't exist for Newtonian physics? It remains, as Agatha Christie might point out "Time and the little gray cells" may eventually lead us down the correct but highly obscured path to reality.
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      • Posted by AMeador1 5 years, 2 months ago
        You agree that "we are just at the very start of quantum physics" and "we have merely put our toes into the ocean of knowledge that stretches before us" - which I agree with, and then consider absurd that I think it is absurd that we are then ready to proclaim that all of reality as false due to a statement made by you that is not scientifically accurate nor agreed upon by the physicists doing the research. Yes, we are at the beginning of this field of study and it absolutely makes no sense to take pieces of what is being found - when there is no substantial data behind it and many other justifiable considerations at hand to make world changing assumptions.The rest of your comment I agree with - it is too early to tell - it will take time and more research to get more substantial understanding of these particles, the develop methods to study them, etc... and thus we should wait for scientifically proven, rational, consistently provable results - before throwing reality out the window.
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        • Posted by 5 years, 2 months ago
          Just throwing that into the thought-mix because some authors (Dan Brown) have put forth the idea and is a topic of discussion among certain religious scientists. As some folks in the Gulch know, I tend to throw out ideas in the hope that others either disagree or agree with them which often leads to wide ranging discussion. Not so much in this case, however.
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  • Posted by exceller 5 years, 2 months ago
    "You might note that I am less interested in current events than I am more universal subjects that are meaningful to the story of mankind."

    That characterization described me well a few decades back.

    I was of the conviction that current events were less important than the larger aspect of humanity.

    I was wrong.

    Locking ourselves into the "Ivory Tower" so to speak is the reason that evil is running unimpeded, fully aware that higher minds do not want to engage defeating him.

    While I am still l of the mind of putting it into perspective, I am paying more attention to current events.

    It is the molecular level of the universe, if you will. Just like the family is the foundation of society and what happens within families defines the outcome of how society functions, so are current events formulate the future of mankind.
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    • Posted by $ 25n56il4 5 years, 2 months ago
      I am not certain the family is the foundation of society any longer. People don't seem to talk to each other. I've got a serious issue of that right here in my family...adult grandchildren acting like teenagers.
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      • Posted by exceller 5 years, 2 months ago
        The extent families are becoming more dysfunctional is a direct result of the left's agenda.

        It starts in kindergarten and goes on to college, systematically conditioning young minds.

        Question remains if these nitwits will mature enough by middle age to realize they are working against their own best interest.

        The family is still the basic and smallest unit of society and will remain so. Although I read stats that single households are outnumbering families in some areas of the country.
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      • Posted by 5 years, 2 months ago
        Today, a study by the University of Michigan has indicated that Millenials (I think it is ) do not attend to religious institutions as much as other generations. Perhaps that is why there is such an attempt to merge mysticism and science which will give a greater legitimacy to the simplistic events and wonders put forth in the old and new bible books.
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    • Posted by 5 years, 2 months ago
      By being more interested in ancient "science" does not mean that I exclude current events. It only means that ancient mysticism piques my interest to a greater extent than wars, politics and other such inanities.However, current events does poke itself into any other studies that I often partake.
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      • Posted by exceller 5 years, 2 months ago
        I agree to that. For mental sanity one needs to engage in a field that provides enjoyment and create positive results for the individual.

        Current events definitely are excluded from that category.
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        • Posted by 5 years, 2 months ago
          Exceller: Never mind the gossips. You are exceedingly sane.
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          • Posted by exceller 5 years, 2 months ago
            Yeah.. it did not help me with people I encounter daily.

            I have to think it over twice what I am going to say when I open my mouth.

            Even in stores: the other day I overheard a woman looking for ant repellent that it was Trump's fault she did not find the brand she wanted.

            You are correct. We need to ignore it. Just wondering what the world has become.
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            • Posted by 5 years, 2 months ago
              "In the valley of the blind, the one-eyed man is king." However in the valley of the mind deficient, the intelligent man is not king. Rather he becomes
              the looked-down-upon nerd.
              Note that in most fiction, especially SciFi the evil genius is always highly intelligent.
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              • Posted by exceller 5 years, 2 months ago
                "Note that in most fiction, especially SciFi the evil genius is always highly intelligent. "

                Yes, you are correct.

                Not only genius, but larger than life, elevated to superhuman status.

                Although he is always defeated by the "good guys", his status is not denied.
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