Latest Deep State Attack on their arch enemy Donald Trump - Intel Community Secretly Gutted Requirement Of First-Hand Whistleblower Knowledge

Posted by freedomforall 4 years, 12 months ago to Politics
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The brand new version of the whistleblower complaint form, which was not made public until after the transcript of Trump’s July 25 phone call with the Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky and the complaint addressed to Congress were made public, eliminates the first-hand knowledge requirement and allows employees to file whistleblower complaints even if they have zero direct knowledge of underlying evidence and only “heard about [wrongdoing] from others.”

The internal properties of the newly revised “Disclosure of Urgent Concern” form, which the intelligence community inspector general (ICIG) requires to be submitted under the Intelligence Community Whistleblower Protection Act (ICWPA), show that the document was uploaded on September 24, 2019, at 4:25 p.m., just days before the anti-Trump complaint was declassified and released to the public.
SOURCE URL: https://thefederalist.com/2019/09/27/intel-community-secretly-gutted-requirement-of-first-hand-whistleblower-knowledge/

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  • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 4 years, 12 months ago
    I do wish whatever hammer Trump and Barr have been crafting would finally drop. I am well past the point of wanting to see leftists (O to Clinton to shumer to ?) do some prison time. Why are there no slander and defamation suits resulting in millions in damages? Why does Soros still walk freely?
    I'm so tired of this charade and the minions its cultivated. I suspect the intensity has more to do with what Trump/Bar is poised to reveal than the upcoming election.
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    • Posted by exceller 4 years, 12 months ago
      I put a great deal of the blame (why none of the things you listed happen) to the slimy GOP and Republicans, is there is such a thing as a true Republican.

      Since Bush, the term became meaningless. Just read that McConnell stated he "will have no choice but hold a trial" on impeachment:


      Of course he has a choice: he can simply refuse to do it. Harry Reid wouldn't have had a second hesitation to deny it. But scared rabbit McConnell (have you ever seen him NOT SCARED?) has no choice.

      The Senate needs 20 Rep votes to impeach. If it is up to McConnell, they will have it. In addition, it will be under the SCOTUS, namely Roberts.

      Guess, which way he is going to steer the process?
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  • Posted by 4 years, 12 months ago
    A previous version of the whistleblower complaint document, which the ICIG and DNI until recently provided to potential whistleblowers, declared that any complaint must contain only first-hand knowledge of alleged wrongdoing and that complaints that provide only hearsay, rumor, or gossip would be rejected.

    “The [Intelligence Community Inspector General] cannot transmit information via the ICPWA based on an employee’s second-hand knowledge of wrongdoing,” the previous form stated under the bolded heading “FIRST-HAND INFORMATION REQUIRED.” “This includes information received from another person, such as when an employee informs you that he/she witnessed some type of wrongdoing.”

    “If you think that wrongdoing took place, but can provide nothing more than second-hand or unsubstantiated assertions, [the Intelligence Community Inspector General] will not be able to process the complaint or information for submission as an ICWPA,” the form concluded.

    It's a statist looter set-up for a witch hunt without evidence against Trump. The rule of law in America is no more. "Pull" prevails as it has in all other dictatorships. Justice has become Just-Us.
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    • Posted by exceller 4 years, 12 months ago
      Of course.

      We talked about the role of the CIA the other day when someone inserted that if was the FBI which has behaved criminally against Trump, not the CIA.

      The entire Deep State has been infiltrated to the core with Obama acolytes and his enablers. He has been doing that cons consciously for 8 years, a long time.

      Firing a few here and there did not change the fact that the entire Cabal is stacked against the president.

      What I want to know though: suppose the left succeeds in removing the president. What do they think they will do with the other half of the country which still has a mind to think? Do they assume that power is going to fall on them and they will live happily ever after?
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      • Posted by gafisher 4 years, 12 months ago
        To your closing comment, What I want to know though: suppose the left succeeds in removing the president. What do they think they will do with the other half of the country which still has a mind to think? Do they assume that power is going to fall on them and they will live happily ever after?

        Yes, I believe they're convinced of that. The only real opposition they've faced over what may have been a decade or more of deep-state chicanery has amounted to less than a knuckle-rap. They have acted with impunity, yet even when their actions are made public, the worst they can expect from that "other half of the country" is complaints in social media, maybe an impassioned blog post, a letter to the editor or fifteen minutes of defaming on conservative radio or cable. If by chance some sort of legal redress is begun, the judiciary blocks it.

        Congress does nothing. Of course, much of the Congress is either part of or beholden to the Deep State, but many who might otherwise try to press for consequences are unsure of the support of their constituents, since so few of us actually communicate with them. In my darker days I even find it conceivable that those of our elected officials who rail against the Deep State have simply latched onto a conservative version of the left's poverty shtick, something they can point to and speak against but do nothing substantive about because it's such a great campaign and fundraising issue.

        RANT OFF ;-)

        Anyway, yeah, they can't imagine we'd actually try to stop them.
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        • Posted by exceller 4 years, 12 months ago
          "Anyway, yeah, they can't imagine we'd actually try to stop them. "

          I believe you are correct.

          Considering their mindless determination to bulldoze anyone who disagrees with them, stubbornly refusing to listen to any opinion that is contrary to theirs and stupidly pushing an agenda that has failed over and over during history (communism), the only concussion is they believe they'll be "victorious" as the controlling force of the human race.

          The only problem is they are not human themselves and they would need terroristic methods to impart control.

          They are digging themselves into the grave, and I would be too happy to help them do it.
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  • Posted by $ blarman 4 years, 12 months ago
    As President, if I were Trump I would immediately tell the CIA that their secretive adjustment of this policy without notifying the Executive was illegal and fire anyone involved. This just smacks of a hit job and I wouldn't be surprised to find Adam Schiff behind it all.
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 4 years, 12 months ago
    We have the perfect storm, ole Nancy is feeling old, plastic face or not, and she is trying to keep up with the brainless new women, while Schumer is up for any hoax. Meanwhile, we have a gutless McConnell and a bunch of RINOs who never stand up for our country. Trump has the voters,and a few who work closely with him. No one cares what wrong Bieden, Schumer, Pelosi, Hillary or any of them do. No one cares that the leakers was pals with Nellie Ohr of the Russian dossier fame. It is so simpple for them, no logic, thye just hate Trump form taking their power they expected Hillary's win would give them. They do not care about children, the country, nor their constituents. Meanwhile, Obama is waiting for Biden to crash and burn, so he can put his idiot "wife" in his spot.
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    • Posted by exceller 4 years, 12 months ago
      You are probably correct on that scenario.

      With one exception: if Michael (!!!) Obama will be put up for nomination that would present a great conundrum for the left: would she/he be the first black female or transvestite president?

      To my knowledge Hussein is not backing Biden b/c it would be just supporting another white male which of course is considered a non-PC thing by the left.
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      • Posted by $ 25n56il4 4 years, 12 months ago
        She's too busy selling millions of copies of her books. I don't think she would take the nomination! She sure doesn't need the money or the crap she'd be facing. Thank goodness. I hope I am right.
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  • Posted by term2 4 years, 12 months ago
    I have lose all faith and respect for our government. As far as I am concerned, we are paying the democrats to destroy our country, NOT help it. They do nothing useful at this point in time., being so consumed by hate for our president.
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  • Posted by $ gharkness 4 years, 12 months ago
    Well, then it would seem to me that the smart thing for Republicans to do would be get busy blowing the whistle on dozens, if not hundreds or thousands they "have heard."

    Legit or not, makes no difference. Keep 'em busy with checking all this crap out - on themselves! Surely there are plenty of actions to be concerned about - it's not like they are saints or something.
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    • Posted by 4 years, 12 months ago
      With a nearly completely anti-Trump biased media would there be any widespread coverage of it if they did? I guess Trump would tweet it. Then the media would either lie about it, make up their own bull$#it story blaming Trump for it, or just ignore it. What Republican has the guts to do it anyway?
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  • Posted by $ pixelate 4 years, 12 months ago
    I have heard the entire transcript of the Trump - Zelensky conversation, as read on an early AM radio show, twice thus far. The part about asking Zelensky for a favor relates to checking out the 2016 election in context of the CrowdStrike efforts to sway voters. There is really nothing incriminating in the conversation ... a nothing-burger as some have observed. I expect that Trump also knows this and the result will be more public attention to:
    1. Hearing the entire transcript of the conversation and reaching a conclusion that 'there is no there there.'
    2. Joe Biden's request for a favor to remove the Ukrainian prosecutor who had been checking into his son Hunter Biden's relationship to a Ukrainian firm wherein Hunter was receiving $50k / month for essentially doing nothing other than being a member of a board. There were also some US -> Ukrainian loan guarantees that Joe was going to cut if said prosecutor was not fired.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 4 years, 12 months ago
    All the near-deafening rambunctious hootin' and hollerin' leftist attacks made against Trump ever since he came down that escalator hasn't amounted to doodly squat. Just noise pollution.
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  • -5
    Posted by PeterSmith 4 years, 12 months ago
    You're still talking about the whistleblower, but Trump voluntarily released notes documenting his phone call, which is where the REAL incriminating stuff is.
    Whether or not it gets to the level of a crime as per the DoJ, or whether or not it is impeachable, or whether or not anyone will actually impeach him even if it was, the facts are in black and white and from the horses mouth.
    Trump, in his capacity as President of the USA, engaged the President of a foreign country to get dirt on an American citizen.
    This should be unacceptable behavior in and of itself.
    Even if it didn't involve withholding an arms deal.
    Even if it didn't involve the top candidate poling against him in the upcoming election.

    It's still unacceptable behavior.

    Pretend this was a democrat that did this and imagine what conservatives and most posters here would be saying.

    So, this is not a "deep state" attack. This is just an incompetent, brazenly corrupt fool, behaving as per his character. Stop blaming everyone and everything else and get some principles.
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    • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 4 years, 12 months ago
      So his suggesting to the Ukrainian President people who may have more information for Ukraine to investigate and prosecute people who screwed that nation is incriminating?
      Lets draw a parallel, someone robs your neighbors home when they are away. You friend mentions to you that he saw the people who robbed the house. You investigate more to pretty much ensure that the info is accurate and find a few more people who say they saws something.You tell your neighbor what you've learned and SUGGEST he talks to your friend and the others you've come across who say they saw the theft.

      Yeah, evil unacceptable shit.I guess if you don't see anything first hand yo just veg out and say nothing no matter what you hear or who you encounter.
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      • -1
        Posted by PeterSmith 4 years, 12 months ago
        "So his suggesting to the Ukrainian President people who may have more information for Ukraine to investigate and prosecute people who screwed that nation is incriminating?"
        Yes. That's NOT the process to follow if you're investigating people who screwed the nation. Let alone if you ever hope to prosecute them.

        "You investigate more to pretty much ensure that the info is accurate and find a few more people who say they saws something.You tell your neighbor what you've learned and SUGGEST he talks to your friend and the others you've come across who say they saw the theft."
        That's not analogous. You said "investigate and prosecute." That would require you to go to the police.

        So I guess it IS analogous, just not the way you intended. In both cases it's not the way to proceed if you want to "investigate and prosecute" someone.
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    • Posted by Arthgallo 4 years, 12 months ago
      "This is just an incompetent, brazenly corrupt fool, behaving as per his character."\

      Name calling isn't exactly the most mature or educated approach to an argument. Then again, what exactly do you think Biden didn't do as VP ? Why was that acceptable?
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      • -4
        Posted by PeterSmith 4 years, 12 months ago
        "Name calling isn't exactly the most mature or educated approach to an argument."
        Then I can only imagine what you think of Trump.
        Also, I didn't name call. I accurately described him.

        "Then again, what exactly do you think Biden didn't do as VP ? Why was that acceptable?"
        If you're going to take this angle then you also need to be condemning what Trump has done. Or you are a hypocrite.
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