Anti-Trump 'Whistleblower' Worked With DNC Operatives, Joe Biden
My goodness, some truth is leaking out..I mean, something beyond " I heard it from someone else who heard it, and I am saying what I was told to say and cannot be disproved because you can't disprove something I never heard". Now get this: "Politico reported on a Ukrainian-American woman who consulted for the Democratic National Committee, and “met with top officials in the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington in an effort to expose ties between Trump, top campaign aide Paul Manafort and Russia.” The woman, Alexandra Chalupa, was paid $412,000 from 2004 to June 2016 by the DNC." Really? The "whistleblower" is now working at CIA, and who do we know ran CIA: Brennan. Who did this jerk work with: Brennan. Gee, it doesn't take Sherlock Holmes to see this charade. If you believe the demonrats, then I have a great farm for you, only $1 million, cheap. Cash only.
That stupid sorry little lying sack of Schiff thinks we're the ones who are stupid.
Hope I live to see the expression on his weird pop-eyed face should anyone ever get around to arresting that cowardly cur.
The biased mainstream media will officially declare that the whistleblower is unimportant now and should be forgotten.
No wonder Schiff is keeping a lid on what he is concocting.
Gordon is a pal of Nellie Ohr.