Can anyone tell me why this is happening?

Posted by Russpilot 5 years, 5 months ago to News
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We keep seeing more and more of this. This one being a female was a little different, but what the heck is going on in the kids who want to shoot up a school? It does say that she had been removed from this school and not allowed back in due to past transgressions of bringing weapons to school.

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    Posted by $ Abaco 5 years, 5 months ago
    As our society devolves in the way it has been it is getting tougher and tougher to raise children. The matrix doesn't give a damn about your kids. In fact, they hate them. Somewhere in our history we decided to let the government run an education system for children. Then, about the time I was born the government started replacing the man in the household, taking the role of father. Now, they're starting to usurp the role of the mother. Developmental disorders in America's children have exploded. I know more families dealing with them than not. Public schools take an almost socialist approach to achievement. Single-parent families are becoming the norm...

    ...No wonder this kind of stuff is happening more often.
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  • Posted by mia767ca 5 years, 5 months ago
    the (public) school of today is not a school in the traditional is an indoctrination center for producing ignorant, loyal citizens who support a fascist society run by the few at the top...virtual prisons...the teachers union is very powerful .. all about teachers and not about teaching...
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  • Posted by freedomforall 5 years, 5 months ago
    Because schools are just statist propaganda mills that don't care about their enslaved students? Some parents are so busy trying to afford the kids' clothes and iphones for everyone in the family (in the crazy consumerism culture ) that they don't see a problem happening before it's too late?
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  • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 5 years, 5 months ago
    This is a knee jerk response to fear. Looking at the details if something horrific can have many purposes aside from planning an attack - writing a book, interest in planning counter measures or just a morbid general interest in mass murders. As for the ammo purchase and guns, did she obtain them legally?
    To precharge someone for a crime they may or may not commit in the future is contrary to the presumption of innocence and bypasses due process. It opens Pandora's box where anyone or any entity can make an argument, or fabricate an argument, to have anyone detained or arrested.

    No, it better to wait until such time this woman is armed and stepping on school grounds, one toe.
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  • Posted by edweaver 5 years, 5 months ago
    From reading this article, I don't exactly see what this person did that is different from many others. I read no threats. Almost sounds like someone was trying to set this person up. What is wrong with buying an AK and 5 mags with 160 rounds. I could shoot that muçh on a target range in a half hour, or less. We are going down a bad path from what I can pull from this article.
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    • Posted by 5 years, 5 months ago
      She actually made threats to the effect that she wanted to shoot 300-400 people at the school on social media prompting the cops to pay her a visit.
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      • Posted by edweaver 5 years, 5 months ago
        I don't see that in the article. Where did you get that info?
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        • Posted by $ nickursis 5 years, 5 months ago
          From the article linked in the 1st article: "Deputies were told 18-year-old Alexis Wilson was showing a coworker at the Pizza Inn videos of herself shooting an AR-15 rifle that she'd just bought. She told the coworker that she was going to shoot 400 people for fun, adding there were so many people at her old school that she'd like to do it. " Mirrors what a lot of the "others" who did things like that said beforehand.
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          • Posted by edweaver 5 years, 5 months ago
            Thanks, but sorry I still don't see another link. And truthfully, I'm not sure it matters. Still think we are on a slippery slope if someone can say someone said something and they get arrested for it. As it is now, if someone wants to destroy another, all they have to do is accuse them of something. We can now be guilty before we actually commit an act. Sounds like 1984 to me. I'm not saying they shouldn't keep a close eye on this person. Just saying we should not be arresting someone based on an accusation.
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            • Posted by $ nickursis 5 years, 5 months ago
              Here is the link:


              I agree with your premise, however, the real issue is that the past events (which are suspiciously repetitive) indicated that there was always clear warnings and signs of impending actions, so preemptive actions are the only option left to law enforcement. The suspicion generated may be the whole point of the repetitive exercises. If you want to build an atmosphere of suspicion and doubt, isn't this how to do it?
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              • Posted by edweaver 5 years, 5 months ago
                Thanks for the link. I hear ya, but I don't agree that preemptive actions are the only option. I think there are many other ways, like having an officer follow the person around for a period of time. (This would be time better spent than doing traffic tickets.) See if the actions fit the accusation before destroying this persons life. If she is innocent and was not homicidal prior to this, once she goes in debt $50,000 or so to pay legal bills from this accusation, she very well may become homicidal.

                Reminds me of the Benjamin Franklin quote, "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

                We will end up on this path until people start taking personal responsibility for their own safety. This is going to destroy many people that did nothing wrong.
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                • Posted by CircuitGuy 5 years, 5 months ago
                  "I don't agree that preemptive actions are the only option."
                  I agree and will add that there's a difference between preemptive actions to stop common crimes like traffic violations, tax evasion, or recreational drug use and one-in-a-million crimes like shooting up a school. I'm against fishing / entrapment for any crimes, but at least with tax evasion or drugs, you could catch a lot of "guilty" people. The nature of one-in-a-million crimes is preemptive efforts will be mostly false positives, mostly gov't intruding on law-abiding citizens.
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              • Posted by DrZarkov99 5 years, 5 months ago
                After hearing the video, and reading carefully, the charge was based on the statement of a single person. Might that person be lying? She did say the person was afraid of guns, and she showed her a picture of herself shooting to let her know there was nothing to be afraid of. Given the fear of guns pounded into kids these days, maybe the other girl's fear of guns made her scared of her coworker, and she felt it was her duty to make sure the guns were taken away.

                Is this an example of what can happen once "red flag" laws are in place? There's no corroborating evidence, other than the accused's possession of guns, but it was sufficient to not only confiscate the legally owned firearms, but arrest her.

                The reason she was suspended from school was for carrying a knife. She said she had been bullied. Was she carrying the knife as self protection?

                Lots of material for a defense attorney, and I hope she gets a good one.
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                • Posted by $ nickursis 5 years, 5 months ago
                  Yes, a good perspective on data and facts, Doc. My concern is that there is more sinister cpabilities used to engender such people into doing these things, and they need to get caught before they get to the point of action. So, if the symptoms appear, and are validated, then action is warantted. The issue I hear you folks saying is "what constitutes validation?"Just like the presumption of innocence, when you have several witnesses who say they saw someone do something, yet the defense pleads not guilty. Then they get off on a technicality.
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            • Posted by $ blarman 5 years, 5 months ago
              If she had said nothing, then I agree with you, but words spoken like this are serious and constitute grounds for an assault charge. I think the authorities were entirely legitimate in their apprehension of her.
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              • Posted by edweaver 5 years, 5 months ago
                They are just words, and words of an accuser. I've seen no proof. Someone said she said it. If this is the case, every person who gets angry and says they want to kill themselves or someone else will need to be committed. Every man going through a divorce better video tape their entire life because this is going to be used to destroy them. And likely women too. Or the teenager that gets angry with their parents. Very slippery slope. The unintended consequences of these kinds of laws are going to destroy innocent people.

                I'll simply come back to the above Benjamin Franklin quote, "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
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                • Posted by $ blarman 5 years, 5 months ago
                  Assault means that someone not only said something, they said it seriously AND had the means to carry out the threat. If they had a witness testify to police that this woman made a threat and had the means to carry it out, LEO's were entirely justified in taking the person into custody on the charge of assault. The burden of proof remains with the prosecution to then justify the charge either through corroboration from another witness or by legal audio recording. If that process fails, the witness can be charged with lying to a police officer and the defendant is cleared of charges.

                  I understand you think that this is a (pre-emptive) assault upon the liberty of free speech, but it isn't. The police responded to an assault charge. One doesn't get to make threats against another person's life and simply call it "free speech" or "protected speech" - even puffery. It wasn't the possession of firearms and ammunition that got her into trouble, but the threat. The firearms only legitimized the threat.
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                  • Posted by edweaver 5 years, 5 months ago
                    Has nothing to do with free speech nor protected. Nothing in the 2 articles leads me to believe a violent attack occurred. That doesn't mean it didn't happen but it doesn't mean it did either. We'll have to agree to disagree.

                    Definition of assault
                    (Entry 1 of 2)
                    1a : a violent physical or verbal attack
                    b : a military attack usually involving direct combat with enemy forces an assault on the enemy's air base
                    c : a concerted effort (as to reach a goal or defeat an adversary) an assault on drug trafficking

                    2 law a : a threat or attempt to inflict offensive physical contact or bodily harm on a person (as by lifting a fist in a threatening manner) that puts the person in immediate danger of or in apprehension (see apprehension sense 1) of such harm or contact
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                    • Posted by $ blarman 5 years, 5 months ago
                      Check your #2 description. Legally, assault is constituted by a legitimate threat. Battery is an actual physical altercation. They need not both occur. Both may be tried in civil court and some may be escalated as criminal events.

                      As I said, she was arrested and she'll get her day in court. The prosecution carries the burden of proof. Let's see what happens with that. I didn't see it in the article, but usually when you arrest someone there has to be a warrant, which also must be based on probable cause and/or evidence. So let's see the warrant, as it must spell out the alleged criminal behavior.
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                      • Posted by DrZarkov99 5 years, 5 months ago
                        There's no magic to a warrant, as it's dependent on the opinion of a single person, a judge, and some judges are prone to readily hand out warrants. The added pressure from all the publicity regarding law enforcement and justices disregarding warning signs before the latest series of mass shootings has to influence everyone involved.

                        With the various forms of red flag laws creeping through the state and federal systems, expect to see lots of false arrests, based on malice, fear, or a political agenda. Sadly, for all the hype about people that could be prosecuted for false testimony, most are forgiven when they plead fear for themselves or others. This witch hunt is only starting, and when some falsely accused begin to resist, the ensuing violence will be used as further justification for persecution.
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                      • Posted by edweaver 5 years, 5 months ago
                        Yes, please check description #2 specifically the word "immediate". Had she been holding a weapon at the time there is a possibility of immediate harm. This doesn't appear to be the case. And it all could have been made up. Not that anyone ever does that, said Judge Kavanaugh and thousands of other people. Lives destroyed because of a false accusations. And accusers seem to run off Scott Free. You are not going to sell me without facts to back it up and they are not in the 2 articles.
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                        • Posted by $ blarman 5 years, 5 months ago
                          Please check the definition using "apprehension." One doesn't have to be holding a weapon at the time to be committing assault. (This is one of the reasons why "brandishing" a weapon can also get you thrown in jail, although if it isn't accompanied by a verbal threat its a tough sell.)
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                          • Posted by edweaver 5 years, 5 months ago
                            Still nothing in those 2 article to indicate apprehension. Someone stated she said it without any proof provided. She said she didn't say it. Must have more than one person's word to rake someone over the coals.
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                            • Posted by $ blarman 5 years, 5 months ago
                              As I stated prior, she was arrested and that action requires a warrant. Warrants must be issued based on evidence. That the reporters did a shoddy job of journalism and didn't look up the warrant leaves us at a loss as to its actual contents and its supplied justification. What is left now is for the prosecution to justify the actions of law enforcement and obtain a conviction. If she is exonerated based on lack of evidence, so be it. prima faciae, the elements of assault are satisfied in my opinion: a verbal threat with intent and materials to carry out that threat.
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  • Posted by bsmith51 5 years, 5 months ago
    There used to be something in most areas of America called community. Who knows who their neighbors are, anymore? What used to be community problems (and community solutions) have people now turning to ever larger government agencies to fix, such agencies having no clue.
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    • Posted by LibertyBelle 5 years, 5 months ago
      And I think that sometimes parents want to be relieved of their responsibility (the more shame to them). But we need to get rid of public education.
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      • Posted by bsmith51 5 years, 5 months ago
        I can deal with the concept of public education (I think even Jefferson advocated for it), but it should be controlled and financed locally according to local needs and resources.
        Why can't policies be like the gravity that takes everything I unintentionally drop to the floor (to the darkest, most difficult place to retrieve), i.e., to the most local level.
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        • Posted by LibertyBelle 5 years, 5 months ago
          I know Jefferson advocated for it. That was a tragic mistake.
          the proper function of government is to protect man from force (including fraud) and violence, and to punish same. Other things should be left to the individual citizens. Also, education teaches thought processes, and that is something which should definitely not be under the control of the government.
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  • Posted by Owlsrayne 5 years, 5 months ago
    Although I'm beginning to wonder if it would raise the age to 21 to purchase and own firearms. Maladjusted young people shouldn't own firearms.
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 5 years, 5 months ago
    You would not have to ask, if you had spent as much time as I have since pre-Columbine, inside schools. Clinton put in outcome based ed in his Gov. School in Ark., only to see suicide result. Columbine was one of the early ones to implement it, and a year before, we stuidied what wan included, and our parent group siad bad things would result. When dids are told there is no right or wrong, parent's values can be ignored and grade school kids can make their own, Kids are being drugged with Rx at school request. They being brainwashed, paychoanalszed by mere teachers, group hypnois and Maslow group theapay are done on grade school classes. as they are bing handed unrelaisticly high expectations of what the world will do for them. They are angry, and don't understand what is happening to the beautiful world they are told they deserve. Many are told they will be reincarnaed, so what happens does not matter. It is literally, child abuse by educators and politicians who implement the programs.
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  • Posted by term2 5 years, 5 months ago
    People today feel entitled to be protected from negative emotions. They feel cheated by our legal system’s inability to prevent “microaggressions”, so they take matters into their iwn habds
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    • Posted by $ nickursis 5 years, 5 months ago
      True, the idea of measured response and responsibility, let alone mature response and dealing with anger, is lost on the last three generations poisoned by the cabal programming to believe everyone has every right and no responsibility.
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  • Posted by $ blarman 5 years, 5 months ago
    Why do things like this happen? Simple: because people aren't being taught at home to value humanity - to see others as equals of themselves. They are being taught to think they are either better than others by virtue of their social status or political affiliation or - far more often - they are being taught that they are inferior to others: victims. As victims, they have the right - or even the obligation - to seek revenge for hypothetical wrongs in order to escape their victimhood. The problem is that all they are doing is buying into a lie and creating real victims.
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    • Posted by $ 25n56il4 5 years, 5 months ago
      Quit buying into this. Family values are still alive and well.
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      • Posted by $ blarman 5 years, 5 months ago
        While I'd like to believe you, I look at the TV programming and where there used to be real family-oriented shows like "Family Ties", "Major Dad", "The Cosby Show", and "Home Improvement" now you have crap like "Modern Family". Even "Last Man Standing" was too values-oriented and traditional for the standard networks despite having excellent viewership and ratings.

        Then I look at the laws. Did you know that California just passed a law revoking parental privilege? Now the State gets to determine what is good for children to learn and how it is acceptable to act.

        Family values are under assault every day and in every situation. While I'd love to believe that traditional values were standing strong, I see many even in my conservative community questioning. I appreciate your optimism, however.
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 5 years, 5 months ago
    '1. She may have been joking - The fact that she told someone who immediately went to the police supports this. If it were a serious and rational plan, she wouldn't have shared it.
    2. The person who gave the msg to the police could have fabricated it. I'm sure the authorities will verify it's authenticity.
    3. Assuming it was a real plot to shoot random people, it would be good to see cold data on much this type of crime has increased. My sense is it has, but I don't know. If you showed me one tragic story after another about healthy young people being killed or paralyzed by slipping on stairs, it might feel like a sudden epidemic.
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