The Objectivist's Environmental Standard of Value
Posted by mshupe 5 years, 2 months ago to Technology
The Climateers’ fixation on the greenhouse effect panders to fear of imminent death and steals the dreams of the young people they have indoctrinated. In stark contrast, Epstein understands that carbon “has enabled billions of people to live longer and more fulfilling lives.” He focuses on all aspects of hydrocarbon oxidation including fertilization and energy. For example, the fertilization effect is greening spaceship earth as you read this. Additionally, the energy effect is having magnificent consequences for human flourishing.
Epstein explains this by solving the Climateers false premise that “we are taking a stable, safe, climate and making it dangerous.” His logical premise is that with fossil fuels “we are making our volatile, dangerous climate safer.”
Epstein explains this by solving the Climateers false premise that “we are taking a stable, safe, climate and making it dangerous.” His logical premise is that with fossil fuels “we are making our volatile, dangerous climate safer.”
Millions of radiosondes have found no trace of 'the hot spot' - the layer of warmth that would exist if there was a greenhouse effect.
CO2 does not reflect radiation at the wavelengths necessary to create heat.
The proposition in refuted by both theory and evidence.
Even if those 40 seats had halogen lamps standing on them, they wouldn't have much impact on the ambient temperature in the stadium.