Really Walmart...Really?

Posted by nicktheitguy 5 years, 6 months ago to Politics
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Based on this and other recent decisions Walmart has made on firearms related items, I believe they are Anti-2nd Amendment. It was not put in the Bill of Rights for hunters. As soon as they bring hunters into the discussion, you know your talking to a liberal. I guess this will be another company I choose not to spend money with...they are joining the likes of Target, Starbucks, Chilis, etc.

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  • Posted by $ Abaco 5 years, 6 months ago
    I heard a great idea the other day. In the thought of the "red flag" background checks that is being floated - and with all these people promising "sensible" Federal background checks for firearms...I heard somebody say that if these really will be effective, sensible background checks that if a guy like me (with zero blemishes on his record) gets checked the government should (instead of not allowing him to purchase a gun) allow him to carry a weapon whenever he chooses. He wouldn't have to carry, but it would be an option. Now THAT makes sense to me. Sure, eliminate the guys who have a history of abusing people, mental illness, or road rage. But a guy with zero negatives?...Let him carry if he pleases. What a safe place this would be. Everybody would be much more polite.
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  • Posted by $ gharkness 5 years, 6 months ago
    In a similar vein, I just found out yesterday that Walmart has decided to literally take the place of our physicians and tell US what they have decided is best for our medication, overruling our physicians' orders!!

    I am absolutely astonished that they have done this....note that this policy was created more than a year ago, but the reason that my husband and I didn't know this is because we are NOT the problem. We simply were trying to fill a pain med prescription which was entirely justified due to a surgery he underwent yesterday. It's been years since we filled a pain Rx at Walmart or anywhere else.

    And yet, we, the innocent, suffer, while addicts just keep on somehow getting their drugs.

    Thank goodness for CVS. I wish they had a grocery store attached and I'd be completely rid of WalMart in all its forms. (And a note: I have been a staunch supporter of Walmart in my circles, where people complain about all sorts of things like having self-checkout, etc. I believe I have even defended them on the Gulch! That's gonna stop now.)

    I come from an area (DFW) where the competition for your grocery dollar is fierce. Not so in Oklahoma. Most grocery stores note Oklahoma's low population and high taxes and say "no, thanks." So, we only have one other grocery store to go to. I'm sure glad they are close, because that's where we will be shopping.
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    • Posted by 5 years, 6 months ago
      gharkness, very interesting. I don't agree with this policy either. As freedomforall mentioned earlier, I think Sam has been rolling over in his grave.
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      • Posted by $ gharkness 5 years, 6 months ago
        All these policies are directly designed to pander to the liberal left, and punish those who have done no wrong. And then they leave those who HAVE done wrong alone, because they know they are only putting band-aids on a fatal wound..., pretending to be deaf, mute and blind, yelling, I hear nothing, I see nothing, I say nothing!
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  • Posted by mshupe 5 years, 6 months ago
    They are acting pragmatically, not on principle. It is short-term thinking based on a PR calculation.
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    • Posted by term2 5 years, 6 months ago
      They are protecting themselves against legal problems, since their stores seem to be affected a lot by crazy shooters. Also, they are just removing themselves from the whole political correctness issues surrounding guns. Eventually all guns will be banned as the leftists gain control, but currently we can still buy them elsewhere.
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    • Posted by $ blarman 5 years, 6 months ago
      Actually, I don't even think it is pragmatic. They're sacrificing a part of their business AND getting a bunch of negative PR. It's stupid. Who are the people criticizing Wal-Mart in the first place? People who don't even shop there!!! They're the political elite who have Martha Stewart living rooms decorated with Chanel and Tiffany - not the ones who buy three gallons of milk every week for breakfast cereal.

      To me, this is pure stupidity - not pragmatism. Pragmatism would be keeping your head down and just going about your business - ignoring these blowhards.
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      • Posted by $ gharkness 5 years, 6 months ago
        You're forgetting the "Mom" contingent. "Keep my baby safe, to heck with the Constitution." Of course, it won't keep the baby safe, but hey, details....
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        • Posted by $ blarman 5 years, 6 months ago
          You may have a point. Would be interested to see if there actually is any sentiment in that direction. I'm betting that such sentiments are very regional, however, rather than general.
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          • Posted by $ gharkness 5 years, 6 months ago
            I actually based that answer on replies/comments I saw on the Walmart Facebook page.

            To an individual, the "keep my baby safe" comments were the ONLY positive reactions, but there were a lot of them. Regional? I really don't know. I do, however, hope that Walmart gets their butts handed to them for this stupid move.

            I am of the thought that women don't regain their mental faculties after childbirth for some years. (Hey, been there twice, and until I held my first, I didn't fully understand how a person would be willing - or able - to kill another human being.) My youngest is 45 and I am not 100% sure I have completely recovered.... Yes, fathers feel the same way, but their thoughts tend to be (I think) "Let me have that gun so I can protect my family," rather than "Walmart, you need to protect us."
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            • Posted by $ blarman 5 years, 6 months ago
              Something amazing about holding an infant - especially your own, I agree! My oldest are just barely college-age now. No marriage proposals yet, but my wife and I agreed to set our tax refund aside this year just in case...
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  • Posted by GaryL 5 years, 6 months ago
    I love these companies making such decisions. They are following the leads from all the Fake News outlets and believing this is what the American People want just because Fake News tells them so. Oh, the surprise they will get when our President gets re-elected in an absolute landslide victory and these fools learn they have been fed a line of Fake Lies by their Fake Media outlets.
    Too bad we can't do what the UK just did and toss every one of our RINO critters right out of our republican party. The sports sections of my local Walmart stores are lucky if they have a clerk who knows how to even open the locked AMMO case. It's usually the person from the kids toy section doing double duty covering both areas. What Walmart deserves is empty shelves in the ammo cabinets and even emptier shelves throughout the entire store when they can't get all the Chinese crap they dump to us because of the tariffs. I will gladly pay a little more and support my local smaller shops before I enter the Zoo called Wally World.
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  • Posted by Musiclogic 5 years, 6 months ago
    These mega corporations are staffed by people who know nothing about this country or our God given rights. Much like today's politicians, these folks are products of the Liberal dumbing down of our society for the past 4 decades and pandering to the leftist media propaganda. We have nobody to blame but ourselves for these outcomes the left has created while the right has remained complacent.
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  • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 5 years, 6 months ago
    All this hub-bub only makes for profit at local gun shops. Anticipate the big stores to suffer the way malls have recently as they continue to push an agenda on an unwilling public.
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  • Posted by Stormi 5 years, 6 months ago
    I am extremely disgusted with WalMart, very glad I own no stock or I would sell it. They are about to hit hard times, as almost everything comes to China that they sell. They will raise prices, people will not care, and the anti-gun stance will seal it. Personally, i know some of our car group carry, and I am actually glad when I see them in WalMart, as I feel safer. I am NRA, but do not carry, except for pepper spry (from WalMart) and a just legal knife. At home, I guess ammo will come from online sources, since WalMart likes liberals so much. They likely are also uninformed about the folly of Green Stolen Deal as well.
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  • Posted by bsmith51 5 years, 6 months ago
    The latest tack of the left is to scrap the people's day to day Constitutional protections in every way except on paper. If you are shamed or intimidated into self-censorship, you have lost your 1st amendment rights. If you cannot obtain ammunition or a weapon, you have lost your 2nd amendment.
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  • Posted by term2 5 years, 6 months ago
    They are just acting accordance with leftist political correctness, and defending themselves against lawsuits. They could care less about the 2nd amendment, as they know that guns are readily available other place as is ammunition
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  • Posted by Owlsrayne 5 years, 6 months ago
    Walmarts decision on not to sell handgun ammunition or AR platform firearms will help the small privately-owned gun shops here in Az. It's cheaper to purchase ammo on-line in particular for individuals owning small-caliber handguns (I have a collection of them).
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  • Posted by bobsprinkle 5 years, 6 months ago
    My favorite online supplier
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    • Posted by 5 years, 6 months ago
      Bob, I tend to stay away from CTD, as they got a pretty bad rep for raising the ammo prices during the Obama era Ammo Shortage. Many other vendors kept the same prices or raised them a bit...CTD was way out of line. I was able to pick up ammo at Walmart at that time, as long as I got up early. The guys that didn't get up early ordered from CTD and payed the price. It is perfectly within their right to make as much of a profit as possible, based on what the market could bare, but it just knocked them off my list is all.
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      • Posted by bobsprinkle 5 years, 6 months ago
        OK....I admit I did not do a lot of comparison shopping. I haven't purchased a lot of ammo over the past couple of years. I accumulated an appropriate cache and have just sat on it. Will "shop" for my next purchase.
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