Wrong Again: 50 Years of Failed Eco-pocalyptic Predictions
Some facts to consider, then ask yourself, why? Every "solution" to a non existent crisis involves what? Money. Taxes, fees, price gouging. Yet no one every managed to actually keep track of the facts. The lamestream bought media doesn't seem to want to face facts, just parade young girls crying about their lost childhood, when her country just has the earliest snow in 20 years...hmmm. Who is benefiting?
Don't forget the statist attempts to take over and control private companies and entire industries, nick.
Benefits? Banksters, Shysters, Socialist Politicians, Corrupt CEOs (a la Jim Taggart).
Fear and anxiety can also become addictive, as the victim experiences chemical surges. When placed in a serene environment, some of these people will actually become more excitable, out of fear someone is hiding something terrible from them.
All of the aspects of fear play a part in socialist strategy. There is never a real end to the pending misery, only the promise of bright tomorrows, someday. Near term discomfort is shown to be the solution, fending off a more horrible disaster in the future. That makes people accept more personal restrictions, loss of wealth, and inferior services, because of the warning that it will be worse if they don't obey.
The market SEEMS to only crash when the Bankers are basically OUT of stocks. When they are net short, look out...
Joe Kennedy saw this pattern, and leveraged everything he had when he saw it. And since he was NOT one of them, his family was targeted.
We are heading into times where:
1) The bankers own NOTHING (middlemen) but own everything due to defaults! (Countries, Companies, etc)
2) The bankers are already controlling country after country
3) Structuring everything so that ONLY they profit. Join them, or get squashed. DOJ Investigations can spring up or go away, depending on if you paid your gravy.
These are scary times to watch.
Trump standing Tall against the globalists!
The media... Which should be shut down, and new laws drawn up, only helps one side get their dangerous message played 24x7!
1hr 20 mins.
And based on that, we should not act, particularly with Government force.
What's worse? Wrecking what the evil Trump has done for our economy by spending trillions and trillions of freshly printing dollars
or ruining childhoods as our greed reduces our world to a burned-out cinder?
What matters is to keep up with the false scenario and vilify those who have sanity and resist.
The sheeple will buy it hook, line and sinker.