Posted by Kimbell 5 years, 6 months ago to Government
Well I’m hitting the 65 number and am learning I am forced to get government insurance even when I am working at my own business and cover myself and employees. There seems to be now way out of having to pay for something I don’t want. Any input would be appreciated.
You dont have to sign up for medicare as I understand it. If you do sign up, there is like a $107 per month fee for part "b" physician services (Part "a" hospital care is free)
Medicare pays only for 80% of covered expenses. To get the other 20% covered, you need a MEDIGAP policy (another $250 or so per month), and if you want prescription drugs partially covered, its another $50-100 per month. So one might think medicare is free, but it will cost you about $400+ per month at a minimum for decent coverage (If you make a lot of income, that part "b" fee is higher too).
Medicaid is essentially free of all costs, and I think personally that Sanders will gravitate to that as is "medicare for everyone".
If you have private insurance through work (yadda yadda parameters) then you can opt not to go on Medicare Part B. This is the part about which 'brightwriter' was speaking. I agree with brightwriter: The government should not be making healthcare decisions, eg Medicaid used to not cover testing for syphilis if you were over 55 (I am not certain if this still is the case). Obviously, people over 55 never have sex...
I have had a problem, concerning eye and dental and medical bills after I turned 65: the first of each of these instances after I turned 65 assumed that I was now on Medicare and tried to bill MC instead of Blue Shield. In each case, I had to call the provider (and sometimes Blue Shield) and straighten it out. Now - a year later - the bills are being directed properly. I think.
brightwriter: I quite agree with you. Medicare is making poor healthcare decisions, and these decisions should not be theirs to make. On the topic of B12: A sub-lingual B12/Folate vitamin is easily available. I take one every morning. Always take the Folate with the B12 - low values of either may cause Pernicious Anemia.
Medicare won't cover a blood test for B12 deficiency unless megaloblastic anemia is known. Declining brain function due to B12 deficiency will never be diagnosed in a patient who happens to have a condition that prevents megaloblastic anemia (iron deficiency, for example) unless the physician warns the patient that the blood test will not be covered by Medicare (about $15). Many patient refuse to pay on the grounds that insurance should pay. That's a dangerous attitude.
The politicians spouting "Medicare for all" don't tell the gullible that Medicare isn't free, and that a fair number of physicians and hospitals don't accept Medicare payment. Forcing out private insurance would result in less care for all, except the very wealthy, who will pay cash for better coverage.
Interesting feature of Sanders M4A plan, private contracts between providers and patients allowed. So two tiers of providers in US. Perhaps and expense that you can use an HSA for...