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More lies. Using current technology, and I have been in IT for 30 years, simple data searches are used all the time to narrow specific searches and scan through billions of emails. The Government mandates ALL corporations perform these searches in the event of SEC investigations. HP, IBM, and many other companies sell products and have ever since Sarbanes-Oxley came out and companies had to comply with.
SOX Section 404: Management Assessment of Internal Controls
All annual financial reports must include an Internal Control Report stating that management is responsible for an "adequate" internal control structure, and an assessment by management of the effectiveness of the control structure. Any shortcomings in these controls must also be reported. In addition, registered external auditors must attest to the accuracy of the company management's assertion that internal accounting controls are in place, operational and effective.
SOX Section 409 - Real Time Issuer Disclosures
Companies are required to disclose on a almost real-time basis information concerning material changes in its financial condition or operations.
Section 409 includes e-mails, since e-mails are not excluded. Controls also include e-mails.
More Government lies about this being too tough. The problem is they (government) knows that the smoking gun is there and implicates Obama and Jarret directly.
If her hard drive was destroyed, that's a criminal action right there. If the backups were destroyed, that's ALSO a criminal action. If they are stalling to not release the stuff from backup, THAT'S a criminal action.
This story must be part of a vast right-wing conspiracy to derail the agenda of Our Dear Leader, The One, Barack Hussein Obama (mmm, mmm, mmm).
And he did say there is not a smidgeon of corruption at the IRS. Guess he should have said "period" on the end like he did when repeatedly promising we could all keep our doctors and health care plans. Oh, and he said the unaffordable Affordable Health Care Act would be cheaper too.
About six years after he promised that he would never take a vacation, he complained of being surrounded by phoney scandals.
That's OK. Our top lawman DOJ chief, Eric Holder, said all those scandals amount to a bunch of racist stuff anyway.
Has there ever been in anyone's memory so much White House related scandalous Loony Toons going on? Speaking of memory, you can hardly keep up with it, especially if you are a complacent low information voter.
The media would not allow a Republican administration to survive a smidgeon of the horrendous tons of poo hitting the fan every day.
That would be impossible.
So everything must be hunky dunky! Move along, nothing to see here! Ha! Ha! Ha! Hi, me dino. Me just make dino funny! Me now retired to a Jurassic Park paddock can hardly remember to talk the talk of the Philosophy 101 (basic logic) course I took at Bama's Troy State, but bet me still smarter than most USA voters. Heck, I know it.
Maybe that was it - he was really a time traveler from the future, and knowing what was to come, what he was doing was "business as usual"...
After which, the People should be the Herbicide (Insecticide? Politicide?) , applied liberally and without reservation, to its little attempted offspring, to keep its evil head from re-sprouting...
(And strangely enough - we just watched a rerun of the Little Shop of Horrors night before last on TV...)
Unlike businesses, where they live or die based on profit from voluntary trade, big federal government agencies live or die based on theft from the use of force or the threats of.
The 'good enough' is the enemy of the 'excellent'.
We need to wipe out the IRS and start over with appropriate protections against this vindictive, illegal, unconstitutional behavior.
Obama promised transparency, and in a way he's given it to us -- we're beginning to see just how corrupt and insensitive to The Constitution our government truly is. And we're learning that just being left alone on a day to day basis isn't cutting it any more-we really weren't being left alone at all. We just weren't all aware.
Maybe now we're becoming aware enough. Maybe they acted a little too soon.
afraid that many have their heads up the flat-screen
image of some kardashian ass. -- j
But the general story always seem to be the same - yet they get re-elected in both the executive and legislative branches.
I think I mostly shrugged over 20 years ago regarding the 2 entrenched established political parties in the US.