Well, uh, yea, I wouldbn't think that is there yet, but I read a sci fi series about a place called "The Castle federation" and one thing they did have was a communications system that used the principle to be able to go across light years with no delay because one system had one part of a pair and another the other. All kinds of inventive uses eventually.
One of my areas of research is in molecular self-assembly. The thought of being converted into pure energy and then re-materialized is more than I think I would ever be ready for.
If you haven't watched the "transporter psychosis" episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation, you should.
Here is a thought for you: Let's imagine that particles in the quantum field can assemble into something solid, perhaps, living matter...so, why couldn't you reverse the process, capture those particles and re-assemble?...I get the reference to the episode of Star Trek...all sorts of possibilities arise but...perhaps...someone peeked into the process! LOL (reference quantum entanglements observed)
If you like Sci Fi, good, well written series. also on audio book.
Basically, spaceflight has spread and there are several polities out, and they end up in a war, where the Terran Hegemony wants to unite all men under their control, and the Castle federation stands against them. The quantum communications ends up being a key to winning the war.
So what do you do when you make a discovery that is in direct conflict with classical physics but is verified to many significant figures? Quantum entanglement reveals a deep question,. Do hidden variables exist or is faster than light communication between quantum states taking place? The problem is that both relativity and the standard model of quantum electrodynamics have been tested extensively and have passed with flying colors. This is a major challenge to theoretical physics. What fun.
First, do not discard objective reality for a probabilistic physics. The belief that an object does not exist until it is observed or measured is irrational for understanding objective reality. Einstein believed that objective reality existed, thus the EPR thought experiment. and believed that two particles which, when never interacting with other matter, would retain there original properties when measured and not need to communicate with each other for the spooky faster than light results of measurement. That does not mean that the particles do not have the means of changing the value of an attribute while in motion as neutrinos have been found to do. Second, quantum physics is probabalistic, in that, no single particles are involved in wave patterns. No single particle has ever been shown to have wave properties, just as no particle has the wave property shown in wavy things such as water waves, acoustic waves, etc. All waves are composite effects of many particles. When it is not possible to have measurements of single particles in an ensemble, it is necessary to use sampling and probability methods. Third, never try to reify concepts. They exist only in minds and cannot exists as objects. Reification usually ends in creating metaphors and thus no idea about objective reality. I.e., do not write about 'nature doing...', 'nature trying...', 'mother nature', 'molecules try to do...', 'evolution does... (evolution is not some kind of existing force and cannot be a cause), etc. Just clear out the metaphor and learn that a subset of mathematics is a mental tool for describing objective reality. Nearly all mathematics has nothing to do with objective reality and is not as Roger Penrose believes to be some kind of an existing reality of mathematica reality of existing ideals. Forth, The speed of light is a limiting speed for matter an cannot be increased except in metaphor. Since photons have energy, they have an effective mass which increases with greater energy and can be consider as not having the not traveling at speed of light, c, and as energies of photons increase, they increase velocities closer and closer to the limiting speed c. It would take infinite energy to reach c as with any other mass. (That was proposed by the late Lazar Myants in 'The Enigma of Probability and Physics' and may not have been tested yet.)
That sounds like you are saying there is 'reality" and then there is "reality" depending on the frame of reference. I understood all quantum physics is theory with very little proof, just the occasional particle proven to exist that then results in another chain of math to the next one, but everything else is not testable as such.
Quantum physics is how one understands chemistry, electronics, light, thermal dynamics, etc. It is a probabilistic study of the very small where it is not possible to have measurements of individual bodies. All understanding of objective reality depends upon a frame of reference for measurement all measurements are relative to chosen standard units and depend upon the context of the measurement. For example, measurements of the rate of passage of time with clocks depends upon the context, relative motion between clocks, local force of gravity, etc. Just climbing onto a chair will change the rate of a clock compared to a clock on the floor. That has been measured. The change in clock rates in airplanes has been measured also. Albeit, those rates are in the nanosecond range and only become more measurable with velocities a good fraction of that of light and with very strong gravitational fields.
Quantum physics, which deals with actual measurements of objective reality, should not be confused with quantum mechanics. The interpretations of quantum mechanics very from dealing with objective reality (existing objects) to the complete discarding of an objective reality for some kind of each observation creating an existing thing as long as one is observing it, removing observation causes it to no longer exist.
That reference to Lazar Myants is to his proposed electromagnetic particle which which he named Emon which has real mass depending upon the energy of the Emon.
WOW...how cool is that...next would be to record the actual wave exchange between those entangled particles and then...to test to see if the Human mind can intercept or cause a wave exchange.
If you haven't watched the "transporter psychosis" episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation, you should.
(reference quantum entanglements observed)
If you like Sci Fi, good, well written series. also on audio book.
Basically, spaceflight has spread and there are several polities out, and they end up in a war, where the Terran Hegemony wants to unite all men under their control, and the Castle federation stands against them. The quantum communications ends up being a key to winning the war.
Second, quantum physics is probabalistic, in that, no single particles are involved in wave patterns. No single particle has ever been shown to have wave properties, just as no particle has the wave property shown in wavy things such as water waves, acoustic waves, etc. All waves are composite effects of many particles. When it is not possible to have measurements of single particles in an ensemble, it is necessary to use sampling and probability methods.
Third, never try to reify concepts. They exist only in minds and cannot exists as objects. Reification usually ends in creating metaphors and thus no idea about objective reality. I.e., do not write about 'nature doing...', 'nature trying...', 'mother nature', 'molecules try to do...', 'evolution does... (evolution is not some kind of existing force and cannot be a cause), etc. Just clear out the metaphor and learn that a subset of mathematics is a mental tool for describing objective reality. Nearly all mathematics has nothing to do with objective reality and is not as Roger Penrose believes to be some kind of an existing reality of mathematica reality of existing ideals.
Forth, The speed of light is a limiting speed for matter an cannot be increased except in metaphor. Since photons have energy, they have an effective mass which increases with greater energy and can be consider as not having the not traveling at speed of light, c, and as energies of photons increase, they increase velocities closer and closer to the limiting speed c. It would take infinite energy to reach c as with any other mass. (That was proposed by the late Lazar Myants in 'The Enigma of Probability and Physics' and may not have been tested yet.)
All understanding of objective reality depends upon a frame of reference for measurement all measurements are relative to chosen standard units and depend upon the context of the measurement. For example, measurements of the rate of passage of time with clocks depends upon the context, relative motion between clocks, local force of gravity, etc. Just climbing onto a chair will change the rate of a clock compared to a clock on the floor. That has been measured. The change in clock rates in airplanes has been measured also. Albeit, those rates are in the nanosecond range and only become more measurable with velocities a good fraction of that of light and with very strong gravitational fields.
Quantum physics, which deals with actual measurements of objective reality, should not be confused with quantum mechanics. The interpretations of quantum mechanics very from dealing with objective reality (existing objects) to the complete discarding of an objective reality for some kind of each observation creating an existing thing as long as one is observing it, removing observation causes it to no longer exist.
That reference to Lazar Myants is to his proposed electromagnetic particle which which he named Emon which has real mass depending upon the energy of the Emon.