'I would much rather uphold my vows to my wife'
Just one word: Kavanaugh.
The media and the left stop at nothing, especially when they think the candidate may actually win. Good for him.
The media and the left stop at nothing, especially when they think the candidate may actually win. Good for him.
two reasons:
1. Harassment claims and
2. making false reports as to what was said
I would not trust any reporter fraom any of the media (Pront, radio or TV) I would not even trust bloggers or pod caster.
Way too much misinformation going around out there..
You can download the 15 second video and see exactly what happened, and he did nothing, and she is a lying fool. Either a gold digger thinking she could get a payoff, or working for the deep state. But proof they do this on a regular basis even when they risk charges of perjury:
But I'm optimistic that we'll soon reach peak #MeToo if we haven't already. Mainly because we already have two sitting Supreme Court justices who are direct victims of it.
As far as the media, they have so completely discredited themselves that we may never want to trust a reporter to be objective again. I recommend that everyone throw away their TV and stop doing business with Big Media in every way possible, and in particular, seek Internet providers that aren't owned by the Big 8 media multinationals.
Maybe the candidate identifies as a antisocial bubble boy. Good Lord, they seem to love anything anti.
Use their own weapons against them.
Never stop the enemy from destroying it# self
Maybe he should bring along another woman, then he could claim HE was gang raped...
Currently reading Mark Levin's latest book "Unfreedom of the Press".
PS - to the reporter, this is actually the opposite of sexism. He is showing the utmost respect for the female sex by committing himself completely to one woman and refusing to compromise on that commitment. The sexist one is actually the reporter for trying to get him to put her above his wife.
Because it may NOT be YOU the next time. It takes ONE FALSE Accusation to ruin someones life in todays world. KUDOS for him for having the integrity and the rules.
Shame on his staffer who called it a weird request.