Watch this to see what is really happening with climate, and why
Diamond is a bit rough, but is actually a highly educated person, who has tried to go Gault as much as can be done. He is adamant on using data and logic and hs this dialed in, with very clear related data to the dust bowl years of 1935/6 from the bottoming of the solar cycle. As we head into a Grand Solar minimum, you will find a lot of this is very predictable.
Oh, but wait! Right now here in Alabama, the current temp is an unseasonably 80 degrees with today's expected high of 85 and a low of--what?!?--66!!!!
Heck, during the day here this time of year, it's usually tickling 100 degree!
Well, two days ago a local TV weather lady said a cold front was coming through Alabama.
A cold front actually coming through Alabama during the summer? During the Nineties me dino said (repeated) as much to a coworker when I was a corrections officer.
That coworker's face became all kinds of contorted for looking at me like I was crazy as he all but exclaimed, "What? A cold front?"
Feeling defensive, me dino e xplained that was but meteorologic lingo for unusual Alabama cooler weather during midsummer.
Unusual weather always sparking man-made conspiracy theories these day, what would an Alabama cold front portend?
Maybe that next Ice Age little dino was told to expect during the Fifties.
You know, like all those previous ones that cavemen started for building huge cooking fires after successfully killing off farting mammoth run off of cliffs.
I found his presentation style annoying and the material to be unorganized. Maybe he has some nuggets in there but I am going prospecting elsewhere.
Hmmm...China Lake, Magma...wasn't the military engaged in a geothermal project there? I read that somewhere quite a few years ago.