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Do believe me dino was not the only one doing that. Must have been a lot of people!
AARP switched from prepaid postage to requiring respondents to paste on stamps.
Me dino still laughs as I trash their "join me" requests after checking to see that blank space for a stamp.
I heard one guy affixed the pre-paid postage to an ANVIL... I always thought it was an Urban Legend!
Sometimes I'll send a survey back (as long as they are paying the postage) with answers such as "This is a BS question" or "The Jackass Party has that Trump derangement syndrome I keep hearing about" or "You're only mad about the border wall because you need more voters" or "Trump never said he'd-- or Trump said he'd never--(whatever lie is being spun)" or I have cut an unflattering photo of Nancy Pelosi out of a GOP donation request and put it into a Demwit donation request return envelope with a cartoon balloon saying, "Let's pass more bills to see what is in them."
Hey, I do not scratch out my name and address and I keep receiving those things anyway.
As a little diversion, I have seen the figure of 4,200 illegal crossing interceptions per day (average) on the US borders.
The US has very long borders but I think borders with Canada, Alaska and the Bering Str. do not contribute much to that 4,200.
If it is prepaid postage then stuff it full of AARP (American Association of Retarded People) crap so it is overweight and send it back.