What will be the next excuse?

Posted by GaryL 5 years, 6 months ago to Legislation
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After the anti gun lobby succeeds in banning most of the AR type guns and any that appear to be assault capeable, what will be their excuse when the mass killings continue and the new weapon of choice becomes something like the Ford F-150.
I am very sure that any person with the will to kill will find the means to do it.

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  • Posted by 5 years, 6 months ago
    Let us go back a ways. In HS in 1968 we had no gun free zones and all the student that hunted had there gun in an EZ rider gun rack in their pickups so they could hunt after school. We also had no school shootings! Sure, we did have fist fights and we got suspended but none of us killed the others. We hear all about what they plan to do about all the guns and absolutely nothing about the shooters and the root causes. My deer rifle was and still is a .308 Semi Auto that is more powerful and much more accurate than any AR style weapon and capable of firing as many rounds as I could feed it in rapid fashion. Having been a gun owner all of my life and I have owned many I can honestly say not a single gun in my posession has ever harmed another human being yet I am the one who they want to do deep background checks on and restrict from various types of weapons and magazine capacities while the bad guys run free to have whatever illegal weaponry they can buy of steal.
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    • Posted by $ 25n56il4 5 years, 6 months ago
      I'll go you one further...when I was in school in Houston, Texas, the gang people didn't mix with us non-gang types. Not the guys, not the gals. And, the gang activity was not brought into the school.
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  • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 5 years, 6 months ago
    Bad guys don't register their weapons or buy them legally in most cases. You only find out about lunatics legally owning weapons when they act out, and I'm sure the majority do not. The flare-ups are a consequence of freedom and a degree of free will. They cannot be prevented without decimating liberty for everyone.
    I do suspect that the lefts rhetoric of fire and troubled times from every angle is exactly what's influencing these happenings and it's only going to get worse as america's brown shirts become more rabid.
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    • Posted by 5 years, 6 months ago
      Criminals don't follow the laws and this is proven time again. No new law or regulation will even come close to fixing evil but they sure could make protecting ones-self and family a great deal more difficult. Mental illness can present itself at any time and evil can lurk in ones heart forever until it shows up and breaks out. The lawmakers know this to be true so all they are doing is CONTROL!
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  • Posted by TheRogue1000 5 years, 6 months ago
    The simple response to this crap is that nothing about the anti gun movement has to do with "gun safety." It's all about disarming and controlling the population. It has never been about anything else, no matter what their words are. History is our teacher...but only if we pay attention. The lefties DENY the case, while struggling to repeat it. Quite weird.
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  • Posted by evlwhtguy 5 years, 6 months ago
    I have an Idea.....prohibit Democrats from owning firearms....all these shooters seem to be Democrats or some sort of socialist. They are also the ones that used to own all the slaves anyway......They can turn in their guns and we can sell them off to pay the slave reparations they owe to African Americans.
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  • Posted by evlwhtguy 5 years, 6 months ago
    Drugs are illegal.....people get all sorts of exotic drugs! There is no reason to think that once firearms become illegal they wont still be able to get them.
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  • Posted by mshupe 5 years, 6 months ago
    The murders don't matter, only the weapon, and only if its a gun.
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    • Posted by exceller 5 years, 6 months ago
      As reported, there were terrible terrorist acts committed in Europe by means of driving vans through a crowd. stabbing people and setting off explosives.

      If the goal is to prevent violence, does the left push for banning vans/automobiles, knives, or explosives? I must have missed if there was such a demand.

      The fact is that banning guns will not make a dent in violent deaths committed by criminals.
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  • Posted by 5 years, 6 months ago
    Finding the causes that compel these mentally ill individuals to act out is the only solution and a very hard one. Some seek fame from the media and want to go out in suicide by cop after taking as many lives as possible. Others live in some fantasy world believing they are John Wick or some Army commando doing the work of the military. Still others are just angry and hateful and instead of just ending their own life they want another to end it for them while they go on their death wish killing spree. No one has all the answers so instead they come up with feel good reactions that have no proven results. Banning ARs and limiting magazine capacities does nothing. Carry more 10 round clips so your illegal killing is done legally. Ignorance is bliss and our elected leaders sure do have enough ignorance and are completely unwilling to face reality but Vote for me!
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  • Posted by Dobrien 5 years, 6 months ago
    It is already against the law to shoot people as an aggressor. One more law will not deter those with Evil intent, it will just mean law abiding folks will lose rights because of a madman’s actions.
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  • Posted by mminnick 5 years, 6 months ago
    As I have said in other posts, if a terrorist is bent on killing people he/she will use anything as a weapon. Consider the Bastille Day attack in France. Consider the 9/11 attacks here. the suicide bombers all around the world.
    The terrorists aim to to kill as many as possible as violently as possible. They want to change the mindset of the population they are attacking not just kill.
    The kneejerk reaction of banning weapons plays into their hands by lessening the capability of the population to defend themselves and others if the need arises. I recall the incident in California about 15 to 20 years ago wh4n bank robbers were so armored in body armor and with heavy weapons that the police cound not stop them. Citizens gave them their weapons to use that had more punch. One gun shold even gave out heavy caliber weapons and ammo to the police.
    At the rate gun control fanatics are going, slingshots will be outlawed.
    What is needed is people control. cross linking of mental health records and background check databases could be used but that is loaded with potential for abuse.psycological testing prior to have a license to buy could be used. Again fraught with potential abuses and unintended consequences.
    There has to be a way to limit the people not the weapons.
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    • Posted by 5 years, 6 months ago
      I have owned guns since long before background checks and bought a couple after they began doing them. I don't disagree with doing the checks but even they have severe limitations and will not serve the intended end purpose of keeping guns out of evil hands. They are a bandaid over a serious wound. Banning certain types of guns are little more than more bandaids. I would ask any who come up with their proposals to prove what such restrictions will accomplish and that answer is always "Little to nothing". Evil exists and will always find a way. Our rights of self protection shall not be infringed and this has been our rule of law since the very beginning and not just the beginning of the USA.
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      • Posted by mminnick 5 years, 6 months ago
        I, like you, have owned weapons since way before background checks were required. I know the approaches being talked about today are bandaids and will only help in a few instances/ My view is that if even one death is preventd by an increased background check it is worth it.
        Also like you, I don't have a solution to the problem. I can think of spot fixes but no comprehensive fix. The only think I'm sure of is that leaving it upto congress will not produce a solution that will work. Not even the total ban on weapons will work. Law abiding sictizens won't have them and criminals will since by definition they live outside the law and will break it when it suits them.
        The only think I truly agree with in the BS being bandied abiut is a lime on magazine capacity. No one needs a 100 round clip.I'm not even sure that an 11 or 12 round clip is needed. for police and miltary OK not civilians. Yes I know that is the slippery slop but people didn't need Black talon rounds either and they were banned except for police. but the ban was instituted by local and state jurisdictions not the all see and knowing U.S. Government.
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        • Posted by $ gharkness 5 years, 6 months ago
          "No one needs ...." While I understand your good intent, this sentence signals a huge problem to me. It's the very first thing I jump on when liberals and demoncrats drag out their old, tired arguments....And I see you recognize the slippery slope.

          There really is no benefit in taking away MY 100-round clip (if I had one) when Joe around the corner is never going to declare or give up his, and he's the one with anger issues. Because if the desire to wreak harm and damage isn't there, no number of 100-round clips is going to put it there. And for the people who do have that desire, they'll figure a way with or without the 100-round clips.

          But when one person starts deciding what another person "needs," problems ensue.
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          • Posted by 5 years, 6 months ago
            I used to have a couple 20 round magazines for one of my guns before NY made them illegal. I sent them to a buddy down south where they are still perfectly legal to own and use. Lord help us if we ever have another North Vs South Civil war because the NE states will be severely out gunned.
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        • Posted by 5 years, 6 months ago
          Agree and disagree MM. I will leave your background comment alone because that system is only as good as the info it receives from the numerous other reporting agencies. Magazine capacities and who needs high capacities all depend upon what the threat to you, your family and safety are facing. If the bad guy can have 200 + rounds in an illegal magazine I just might need a few more rounds than the ten I am allowed here in NY. As far as Black Talon bullets are concerned, I was an LEO and still have a bunch of those. The only difference between them and the bullets that replaced them is they are no longer black and no longer called Black Talons. Ballistically speaking the new ones do the same damage and pack the same punch. There are actually many other rounds of ammunition that are substantially more deadly and still perfectly legal but they are not Black or in today's environment "Racist". I always find it much better for those who have limited knowledge regarding guns and ammo to refrain from commenting about them.
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          • Posted by Dobrien 5 years, 6 months ago
            I think the monitoring of people who make death lists and rape lists deserve to be reported. It should be obvious that they would not pass a background check. Mental health issues plague this country , unfortunately to diagnose these problems can be too subjective. Seems to me if more trained to conceal and carry were at these open large events the criminally insane might be taken down quicker resulting in fewer victims.
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          • Posted by $ blarman 5 years, 6 months ago
            Background checks have been found to be reliably unreliable - precisely because of the patchwork reporting which goes into the national database. Many states actually prohibit their state agencies from complying with the reporting requirements. And the real problem is that the system doesn't maintain the most telltale sign: mental problems. And all that started when the State began shutting down privately run mental institutions. If you want to blame violence on someone, look no further than the government!
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        • Posted by LibertyBelle 5 years, 6 months ago
          When they ban one type, they'll try to ban another; etc., etc. If one death is prevented, it may also cause 30 others of people who could not defend themselves. Also plenty of rapes. One day I heard on the radio, "It's not the Bill of Needs, it's the Bill of Rights."
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  • Posted by ycandrea 5 years, 6 months ago
    I just posted this on my FaceBook page: Controlling guns is not going to get rid of the violence. We still have knives, bombs, vehicles, etc. The problem is not the weapons, it is what has happened to our society!
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  • Posted by 5 years, 6 months ago
    No one and especially the liberals ever want to consider a SHTF scenario or what could possibly even cause it. Well, what if? We are in a trade war now with Communist China and NK is not our friend nor are Venezuela, Cuba, Russia, Iran and numerous other well armed countries. Say they get together and totally demolish our electric grid knocking out all power across North America. Sure, I have a big generator for emergencies and can survive for maybe a week or two with the fuel on hand. With no electricity at all there will be anarchy in the street PDQ and the cockroaches from the cities will be in full force trying to feed themselves any way they can. Hunger is a very strong motivator and all rules and laws will fly out the windows real fast. Cops and military also need to eat and feed and protect their families and we will be in a state of major emergency in short order. Those with no guns will be first to go and those with guns will be fighting for their lives. Think it can't happen then all you need do is take a real look at Venezuela right now. Those who cut and ran might have made it while the ones who stayed are witnessing complete anarchy as we speak. Gangs and thugs are running their blocks and no one is safe. Since the Revolutionary war no foreign forces have attempted to invade our shores because they are well aware we are well armed and not just the police and military. Every government that has ever banned guns in the hands of their citizens have killed more people in mass than the guns themselves. Without guns we are no longer citizens and become ruled subjects by those with the guns. First it is the high capacity magazines and then it will be the ammunition and after that it will be just another chip and another until we are defenseless. It is almost 2020 and the way I see things going this country will be in seriously bad shape by 2050 and I will be gone. Some young people today can't decide what gender they are while others just want to eat junk, grow obese, play video games and veg out on whatever drugs they can get their hands on while the liberals provide them a living wage for doing nothing at all.
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  • Posted by Eyecu2 5 years, 6 months ago
    Hmm, I seem to remember Cain killed Abel with a rock...Oh wait, you can't Reason with the Unreasonable, so all we can do is Resist their stupidity.
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  • Posted by LibertyBelle 5 years, 6 months ago
    If all guns were successfully banned (I believe the "successfully" part is impossible, because criminals would still get them), then what? The physically weaker people would be so disadvantaged against the physically stronger people, and there would still be so much brutality, including rapes. Before the invention of the handgun and the shotgun/rifle, there was plenty of killing; look at what they did in the Middle Ages. A gun, as my father said, is an "equalizer"; it puts the physically weaker person on a level with the physically stronger person. But I don't believe all the sniveling sentimentality on the part of the "gungrabbers". I don't believe they are sincere in the first place about wanting to stop the killing. What they want is control--power over other people; and they must not be allowed to get it.
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    • Posted by 5 years, 6 months ago
      If the USA ever even attempted to ban all guns what will they do about all the guns they know nothing about? Records on guns go back just so far yet guns have been here since the beginning of this country. Good luck on finding and banning granddad's guns and all the ones sold and imported long before and even since records have been kept. Can anyone here really see a cop or government official going door to door searching for all the guns in this country owned by good folks who never committed any sort of crime? The main objective of the gun grabbers is to make laws that make good folks in to criminals so they have the legal authority to search and confiscate the guns. If and when that might ever happen then just buy stocks in glass bottles, rags and gasoline. Abel killed Cain with a freaking rock for God's sake.
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  • Posted by Owlsrayne 5 years, 6 months ago
    What irritates me is that Democratic congressional reps refuse to recognize that there is a Black Market in firearms in the US. One in particular Tom O'Halleran: dist. 1 (the district I live in Az.) supposed ex-police officer refused to acknowledge a firearms black market exists. The licensing and other restrictions being recommended by the gun-grabbing politicians isn't going to make a difference. If a criminal or other crazies want to get a gun they will.
    I was talking to an older gentleman at the range today, he was originally from NYC relayed that all he had to do is ask someone who asked another person of dubious character to obtain a gun and it was in his hands the next day. Even though that was a number of years ago he believed it was still possible today.
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  • Posted by bobsprinkle 5 years, 6 months ago
    I did a quick search asking were mass shooter/killer male of female. One result showed 110 were male and 3 were female and one had both.I did not ask to define mass killing/shooting. There could be a list of what qualifies as mass killing. But generally it looks us guys are guilty
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