What will be the next excuse?
Posted by GaryL 5 years, 6 months ago to Legislation
After the anti gun lobby succeeds in banning most of the AR type guns and any that appear to be assault capeable, what will be their excuse when the mass killings continue and the new weapon of choice becomes something like the Ford F-150.
I am very sure that any person with the will to kill will find the means to do it.
I am very sure that any person with the will to kill will find the means to do it.
I do suspect that the lefts rhetoric of fire and troubled times from every angle is exactly what's influencing these happenings and it's only going to get worse as america's brown shirts become more rabid.
Of course the push for gun control by the left has nothing to do with safety and security.
If the goal is to prevent violence, does the left push for banning vans/automobiles, knives, or explosives? I must have missed if there was such a demand.
The fact is that banning guns will not make a dent in violent deaths committed by criminals.
Does it refer to the number of casualties or the level or aggression (e.g. being mild, medium or devastating)?
The terrorists aim to to kill as many as possible as violently as possible. They want to change the mindset of the population they are attacking not just kill.
The kneejerk reaction of banning weapons plays into their hands by lessening the capability of the population to defend themselves and others if the need arises. I recall the incident in California about 15 to 20 years ago wh4n bank robbers were so armored in body armor and with heavy weapons that the police cound not stop them. Citizens gave them their weapons to use that had more punch. One gun shold even gave out heavy caliber weapons and ammo to the police.
At the rate gun control fanatics are going, slingshots will be outlawed.
What is needed is people control. cross linking of mental health records and background check databases could be used but that is loaded with potential for abuse.psycological testing prior to have a license to buy could be used. Again fraught with potential abuses and unintended consequences.
There has to be a way to limit the people not the weapons.
Also like you, I don't have a solution to the problem. I can think of spot fixes but no comprehensive fix. The only think I'm sure of is that leaving it upto congress will not produce a solution that will work. Not even the total ban on weapons will work. Law abiding sictizens won't have them and criminals will since by definition they live outside the law and will break it when it suits them.
The only think I truly agree with in the BS being bandied abiut is a lime on magazine capacity. No one needs a 100 round clip.I'm not even sure that an 11 or 12 round clip is needed. for police and miltary OK not civilians. Yes I know that is the slippery slop but people didn't need Black talon rounds either and they were banned except for police. but the ban was instituted by local and state jurisdictions not the all see and knowing U.S. Government.
There really is no benefit in taking away MY 100-round clip (if I had one) when Joe around the corner is never going to declare or give up his, and he's the one with anger issues. Because if the desire to wreak harm and damage isn't there, no number of 100-round clips is going to put it there. And for the people who do have that desire, they'll figure a way with or without the 100-round clips.
But when one person starts deciding what another person "needs," problems ensue.
I was talking to an older gentleman at the range today, he was originally from NYC relayed that all he had to do is ask someone who asked another person of dubious character to obtain a gun and it was in his hands the next day. Even though that was a number of years ago he believed it was still possible today.
to which I immediately said aloud to myself, "Crooks won't do that."
Hmmm, I made that statement without being absolutely sure. Have there been any female mass killer/shooters? Interesting question.