What is going on in the Gulch?
Posted by mminnick 5 years, 8 months ago to Ask the Gulch
Over the last several weeks I have noticed a steady decline in the content of the posts in the Gulch. I don't visit every day but do visit several times a week. the level of discourse and acrimony has risen sharply and I do not understand why. All are free to post their thoughts and comments and usually are given a relatively large degree of latitude in content etc.
It has been years since I saw a post not shown due to low score or author issues. Don't really like seeing it now.
Has the insanity of the current political/social frame of our society penetrated into the Gulch to such a level that there are posts and replies that merit banning or decrementing to or below 0?
I'm sorry to see this happen there and fear the demise of the site if the trend gets worse.
There are many good people here. Somme I know via post and reply, some just by reading their posts and comments. There are some I'm just starting to see via their posts. I have not seen any that I would ban from posting or mark down their posts/comments.
It has been years since I saw a post not shown due to low score or author issues. Don't really like seeing it now.
Has the insanity of the current political/social frame of our society penetrated into the Gulch to such a level that there are posts and replies that merit banning or decrementing to or below 0?
I'm sorry to see this happen there and fear the demise of the site if the trend gets worse.
There are many good people here. Somme I know via post and reply, some just by reading their posts and comments. There are some I'm just starting to see via their posts. I have not seen any that I would ban from posting or mark down their posts/comments.
Maybe I'm just nervous or shy but there's something about this place that makes me hesitant to post anything.
So far this site (and by extension Objectivism) has taught me that things are far more grey than the current political dichotomy would have us believe. I really hope this place doesn't amount to an us-versus-them standpoint because that certainly isn't healthy or rational.
Well said
Posted by BiggestShoelaces 1 day, 6 hours ago
You are the saltiest most butthurt idiot I have ever met.
Point out the philosophy to me Mr Son ofAyn.
It's just something about yesterday's switcheroo ExistenceUniversity troll attack timing.
Hmm, the term "carpet bombing" comes to mind.
Perhaps, the end game is supposed to be this board's death from a thousand cuts.
Newbies usually don't come into The Gulch with such a great big KABOOM!
Prisons are filled with con artists and I worked maximum security for 21 years and have a full retirement.
Most corrections officer don't get that far. Most quit, fewer get fired and even fewer leave in handcuffs for being corrupted on the average of one every two years.
First, I don't think the inflammatory comments were intended as serious, rather a deliberate reaction mimicking the ongoing stream of attacks, which served to reveal the nature of the posters by bringing them out more in increasing intensity. In other words they were played and it worked, exposing further what is going on here.
Second, whoever he is he wasn't hiding the duplicate user logins. He openly said he was doing that to defend himself and was surprised that someone didn't realize it.
It isn't something I would do and don't recommend it. It appears to be an unfortunate consequence of the increasing hostility here in which someone has lost all respect, toying with the perpetrators to further expose them, not a serious con.
The moderator removed both, as he had to given the guidelines. Missing from that action was the rest of them who were not removed.
As for SonofAyn, I don't know who he is, but hope it leads one way or another to more serious discussion here about Ayn Rand rather than the nonsense we have been seeing on what is supposed to be an Ayn Rand forum. It has become not just nonsense for an Ayn Rand forum, but uncivilized outbursts of seething resentment not appropriate anywhere.
Going to just ignore bloviations made by all the pompous bloviators here pretty much from now on.
A lot of us pretty much know who you all are.
I'll show myself out. Thanks for saving me from becoming a producer. Good observation...
That whole comment you just posted is filled with gratuitous personal attacks and insults. That is all it is. It does not belong here.
It is not difficult for anyone to judge that your leading post in a discussion on science dismissing educated knowledge as "personal dogma" was a presumptuous, inappropriate personal attack. It was even less difficult to judge your increasing personal attacks as worse, including this one. It isn't discussion you want. You don't want to be judged for what you say and cannot tolerate rational explanation contradicting you. Being a "good person" does not mean pandering to your insults.
Most of those I met here, who I would call friends are no longer frequenting the Gulch. This is a very bad thing. Those folks were more purely Objectivist than I ever was and probably ever will be. I've had the good fortune to meet several of them over the years and still speak to a handful of them practically daily via FB.
The discussion of current events is only relevant here IF it underscores or highlights some principal that allows Objectivism to be discussed, not mantra but practical application and why that way is better than another. That's not to say a Conservative or (I cringe to say) a liberal viewpoint shouldn't be added,defended and/or discussed heatedly, they certainly should. In is in the level of discourse the opportunity to spread understanding is offered to all.
Unfortunately, there have those here who would refused to see the objectivist value in open discourse. They chose to close their minds to anything other than their mantra, they get nasty and belligerent, they belittle and in doing so they chase people away. c'est la vie.
What missing? The Objectivist core.
Closed minded. Those who refuse to hear anything but what they elect to believe. You would say I am closed minded. Yet, I am here, and came here, around Objectivists to discuss the similarities of my Conservatism and the philosophy of Rand. Those conversations, years ago when this site was populated primarily by heavy hitter Objectivists, we're heated and, most often than not respectful. I'm still here. I'm still respectful. I still speak my mind and argue my points without berating people.
The closed mind spouts chapter and verse (Biblical or Rand makes no difference in this context) expecting that to justify a position and anticipating it as a trump card to shut down the discussion. The closed minded cannot, or perhaps stubbornly refuses to, see the reasoning of the other side of the argument because it doesn't align with that narrow view of how things 'should' be.
It for this very reason you've been the only person I've ignored in the 7 or so years I've been here.
(I didn't take the point)
No one here "spouts chapter and verse" of Ayn Rand and the explanations and arguments here are not "trump cards" and not "narow minded". Your continued snide smears and insults are not "respectful", as you just demonstrated.
An insult? Drawing a parallel between two things I've witnessed is insulting? lol
I don’t necessarily agree with their posts put they do not seen totally out of line or particularly offensive. Am I missing an undercurrent in other posts and comment chains that are needed for full understanding of the connotative meanings of some of the comments and replies? If this is the case perhaps reference should be made to the post if it is still available(i.e. not hidden or deleted). I am just trying to understand what has happendd to this community. I have been a member for over 5 years and have not seen this level of animosity displayed ever.
I have to ask: What the hell is wrong with you people? The discussions used to be about news events, Objectivism and the philosophy of Ayn Rand and its applications especially via Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead. How I almost never see either mentioned. I do see ad hominim attacks flowing and cascading through multiple posts and comments.
Enough is enough. Grow up people.
There aren't many of them engaging in that behavior -- a couple of 'votes' displayed have little meaning, but even worse is that there isn't much left on this forum countering it.
The personal animosity is not new, it has erupted here in the past and has been a constant undercurrent, but has become more intense recently as the emotional outbursts grow and feed on themselves.
Despite being attracted to some aspects of Ayn Rand they did not pursue the philosophy that made her work possible the way supporters in the past have. In spite of supporting some aspects of political freedom, they don't like Ayn Rand's views contradicting anti-individualist conservative bandwagons and internet fads they are attracted to, don't tolerate being intellectually challenged, do not tolerate straightforward principled explanation, defense and application of Ayn Rand's philosophy of reason, and reveal a seething, festering personal resentment. They don't know what objectivity means and do not want to be judged.
They have become increasingly militant and defiantly anti-intellectual -- even resenting that their targets know too much, smeared as "thinking we know everything". The militancy now copies the tactics of Saul Alinsky in the form of the internet feuding and targeting that can be found almost everywhere now from political and ideological factions across the board.
I think you said a few times that you come from a communist country and know what real oppression is. It must be especially disconcerting to you to see here such intense ugly emotional eruption over such existentially harmless intellectual challenge.
There is a rule that institutions, even those with objectives ranging from libertarian to conservative, eventually get taken over by statist collectivists.
After a good run this site is following that rule.
We see it when a post recommending the non-fiction works of Ayn Rand gets down-voted. The crusaders are stomping in with bad language, fallacious argument, rudeness, excess apostrophes, and even bad spelling.
The auto-down-voters target the most original and the best Objectivist thinkers. Yes one or two can be rather blunt, I am reminded of Ellis Wyatt, one of my heroes, but an Ayn Rand character would be unknown to the crusaders.
One good one that did last with consistent quality was Betsy Speicher's Forum 4 Ayn Rand Fans, which was well moderated. Personal attacks were not allowed and those whose psychology and means of thinking and writing were not appropriate to the purpose of the forum were politely led to go elsewhere to a place more appropriate for them. Yet there was plenty of civilized intellectual controversy and creativity over a wide range of subjects. It no longer exists only because Betsy no longer wanted to run it, which took a lot of time and effort, and her husband Stephen was no longer with us. But it is possible. There is no 'rule' preventing it, only the toleration of irrational behavior.
All the more important to stay civil, polite, and consistent.
Have you been around long enough to know why Galts speech was hidden?
can be read by opening this link-
(Thanks to MikeMarotta)
Still there, 5 secs ago.
Specialized studies require an immense amount of compartmentalized information and rarely if ever integrated with other areas of study.
The free thinker/curious person can appreciate what the specialist have done but is unbound by that compartment and can freely see the connections, consequences and similarities of many fields of study. This is where real innovation comes from.
You can see that both views and abilities are needed for true progress, innovation and a successful civilization.
That is what gives mankind or any conscious entity, the ability to attain the impossible.
And yes, I am afraid that there Are those that do not want us to attain what they consider the impossible.
This is certainly a time of revelation, the exposing of lies, deceptions, events labeled as conspiracies, and the discarding of long held theories.
So, a new world is upon us as the old world painfully withers away...I would expect a tassel here and there to ensue in the process.
So for me it's worth filtering out the conspiracy theories and general mean-spiritedness to find the discussion about how precious and powerful are free people using reason to live their dreams.
We see a world wide progression in this type of moral superior belief. And many of these morally superior individuals actively suppress their “inferiors” from speaking or being heard.
Unfortunately, the Gulch has been infiltrated by several posters who behave exactly as you described, no doubt bringing the "accepted norm" of liberals to attack anyone and anything that falls outside of their dogma.
Rejection of the arbitrary is not "but MY post is truth, and then proceed to have an entire series of rants about how they know all, see all and you know nothing". Your characterization is misrepresentation. So is your "Some people have appointed themselves the 'I know Ayn Rand' priests and will tell you why you are not being Ayn Randy enough, or are violating some secret Ayn Rand laws, etc", which is a dishonest smear.
I respectfully but categorically disagree. Not all claims are equal. There is nothing wrong with dismissing extraordinary claims in the absence of extraordinary evidence. Claims like the idea that the ancient Greek story of Atlantis is related to aliens under the Bermuda Triangle should be dismissed out of hand. It's a straw man to equate dismissing bizarre conspiracy theories with being an overlord acting as an arbiter of all truth.
But his statement characterizing posts on this forum as "Peopel who have promted themselves to the level of our liberal lords and masters, to be able to determine YOUR post is a conspiracy theory, but MY post is truth, and then proceed to have an entire series of rants about how they know all, see all and you know nothing" is a gross smear with no basis and deserves no respect. Categorical disagreement with it is not enough.